The smoke of the explosion cleared, and Elder Ju appeared in front of everyone, he had changed.

The appearance of the old dragon bell just now has disappeared, like a reverse growth, he has become a middle-aged man.

The body is straight, like a green pine standing tall, and the whole body exudes a murderous aura, which is chilling.

The aura is more powerful than just now, and it is the strength of the early stage of Jiedan.

The restored young Elder Ju had a more confident face, his eyes shining and murderous.

Looking at Xiao Yi’s gaze was like the gaze that looked at Kunjia just now, he regarded Xiao Yi as an ant.

“Stinky woman, you made me exert all my strength, you are ready to regret it.”

Elder Ju’s tone was proud and full of confidence.

His legs widened, and he instantly rushed towards Xiao Yi.

Seeing this, Ji Yan shook his head and said in a disdainful tone, “I thought I had some skills.” ”

Although Elder Ju’s speed seems to be fast, it is as fast as lightning in the eyes of ordinary people.

But in the eyes of a master like Ji Yan, Elder Ju’s speed was no different from that of a snail.

And straight to the point, there is not the slightest change in moves at all.

Not to mention anything else.

Lu Shaoqing was also disdainful, “The Demon Race originally lacked exercises, and the Northern Desert was invaded by monsters and abandoned by the Demon Race, and there are very few exercises that can be handed down, maybe there are none.”

“These leeks are remote and small tribes, and there are no exercises.”

Elder Ju is now just using his skyrocketing strength to simply accelerate the kill.

Elder Ju felt that his speed was fast and his strength was sufficient, but there was no threat at all in Xiao Yi’s eyes.


Xiao Yi did not intend to dodge or make a move, but watched him rush over coldly.

Elder Ju was overjoyed when he saw Xiao Yi standing still.

You want to learn from me too?

Then let you see my strength.

However, just as he was overjoyed, a black shadow streaked in front of him and hit his face like a whip.

When you look at it, the white tiger’s tail, with white spikes in the white hair, is like a mace.

Elder Ju was shocked.

The menacing tiger tail made it too late for him to dodge.

I could only watch as the tiger’s tail pumped heavily in his face.



The nose was cut off on the spot, and blood spurted out.

The severe pain made Elder Ju couldn’t help but close his eyes.

The huge pain made Elder Ju feel that his face had been cut off a layer of flesh and blood, and then put his bloody face into the salt pile, and then rubbed it hard, salting every cell in his flesh and blood, making every cell in his flesh wail in pain.

At the same time, the huge force shook Elder Ju’s head, and he seemed to be able to hear the sound of water coming from his head, and his brain was pumped out of the brain pulp, and it was rattling.

Elder Ju covered his face and flew out backwards with a scream.

Da Bai ambushed in the middle of the road and won a blow, flicking his tail triumphantly, very proud.

He even deliberately glanced at the little white ape.

Although the two spirit pets no longer fight over names, the relationship has improved a lot.

However, it does not prevent you from showing yourself.

Da Bai relied on a sneak attack to give Elder Ju a look, knock it away, and grab the first opportunity, how can he do it without showing off?

Xiao Bai pointed at Da Bai and squeaked twice, despising.

What are you relying on sneak attacks.

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After shouting, it uprooted a large tree from the side and carried the tree with a diameter of several meters straight to Elder Ju, intending to take advantage of his illness to kill him.

Elder Ju lay on the ground and kept rolling, screaming in pain, extremely painful.

Dabai gave him a blow and almost killed him.

“Damn it, damn it!”

The painful Elder Ju burst into tears.

Growing so big, living for so long, the first time I was beaten to tears, it was a great shame.

Elder Ju just stood up with a monstrous rage, and he vowed to smash the corpses of the people who attacked him.

However, as soon as he stood up, he felt a darkness in front of him and looked up.

A large tree fell from the sky and hit him hard.


Elder Ju vomited blood, spitting out two mouthfuls of blood in a row.

The first bite is because of the injury, and the second bite is because of anger.

What is this?

He didn’t even make a move before he was beaten and almost called his mother.

Still thinking about Liwei?

If it goes on like this, it will be laughed to death.

Elder Koma couldn’t help it, and he roared angrily, “Lord Priest, help me!” Black

mist also began to emerge from his body, and it was stronger and darker than the black mist of either of Lu Shaoqing’s two tribes, and the aura it emitted was also more powerful.

The black mist soon enveloped Elder Ju, and then there was a low roar in the black mist, like the roar of a wild beast in the night, which was terrifying.

The black mist was absorbed, and Elder Ju appeared in front of everyone.

The head horns are hideous, the back is born wings, the sharp claws, the black scale armor…

It was no different from the kind of low-level black monster that Lu Shaoqing had seen.

And the strength has also been greatly improved, and it is already in the middle of the Jiedan.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “It’s really that kind of monster.” ”

It’s a hammer.

This place, which Mu Naga calls the Old Northern Desert, has become a breeding world for those black monsters, and it is a vegetable garden for monsters.

The humans here are raised by monsters and have become the source of monster soldiers.

No wonder the monster is measured in tens of thousands, it turns out that there are leeks here that can be cut.

And Lu Shaoqing can be sure that there is definitely more than one such place, only more, not less.

Elder Ju, who turned into a monster, also seemed to have lost his emotion, his scarlet eyes looked at everyone present cruelly, roared low, and his wings fluttered towards Xiao Yi.


Xiao Yi is also the strength of the six-layer realm in the middle of the Jiedan period.

Facing the monster Elder Ju, she raised her sword to greet her, “Sure enough, it’s a monster, watch me cut you.” After

watching Xiao Yi and Elder Ju fight for several rounds, and it seemed that they didn’t take advantage of anything, Lang Feng, who was following Kunjia, couldn’t help but say, “She’s too arrogant, right? ”

The strength of the Elder Ju of the Xibi Clan is so strong, does she think she can still win?”

Lang Feng was pulled by Liangbai to go around the mountain, and lost half of his life.

He hated Lu Shaoqing to death in his heart, so he didn’t have much good impression of Xiao Yi, even if Xiao Yi was a beauty.

Elder Ju turned into a black monster, and the terrifying aura he emitted made Lang Feng’s heart tremble.

Lang Feng didn’t think that Xiao Yi could deal with Elder Ju.

Ge Jiu said, “They are very strong, don’t worry. Ge

Jiu had seen with his own eyes how Xiao Yi had hacked the monster priest in his own house, so he was full of confidence in it.

Lang Feng was not convinced, “It’s hard to say, after all…” However,

a scream made Lang Feng shut his mouth…

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