In Lang Feng’s shocked gaze, Elder Ju’s huge body was split in half by Xiao Yi’s sword, black blood splashed, and he died tragically on the spot.

Lang Feng’s mind went blank.

Is that girl so fierce?

For, why?

He looked at Xiao Yi blankly, unable to figure it out.

He is called a tribal genius, but compared to Xiao Yi, he doesn’t seem to be even a piece of.

Is the gap between people really so big?

Xiao Yi collected his sword and stood triumphantly, “Vulnerable.”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “Very proud?

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, hurriedly put away the pride on his face, and hurriedly ran back to Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan looked at Xiao Yi and slowly spoke, “The mind is unstable, and it has to be tempered.”

Lu Shaoqing thought deeply, and put forward his own suggestion, “Why don’t you leave her here and let her brush monsters here to upgrade?”

Xiao Yi snorted, his little face turned white, and his face became whiter than that of these people.

After winning the enemy, I just laughed twice, do I need this?

I’m not proud and underestimated.

Xiao Yi muttered in her heart, but she was smart and definitely did not dare to argue about what happened just now.

Dare to quibble and wait for death.

Xiao Yi smiled obediently and flattered, “Senior brother, second senior brother, don’t, I promise not to do this in the future.”

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “It’s okay, continue to be arrogant in the future, after all, you are suppressing the senior brother with one hand, kicking the future pillar of the second senior brother.” ”

Well, that’s the real reason you want to leave yourself here.

Xiao Yi changed the topic, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do now?”

“The rest of the people, are you going to kill?”

There were still a few people left in the Xibi tribe who were unharmed, including four people carrying Elder Ju.

They are now like caged birds, shivering with fright, and they dare not put one more.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Let them do the rest by themselves, let’s go!” As

soon as Kunjia approached, he heard Lu Shaoqing say that he was leaving, he was taken aback, and hurriedly said, “Gongzi, are you leaving?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, looked at him, and said a little questioningly, “If you don’t leave, do you have to wait for you to eat a table?”

“We are righteous people, passing by here, when we see injustice, we will help, just raise our hands, do not be grateful.”

Is it okay to be grateful to your sister?

When you leave, others will have to come and eat our table.

Kunjia couldn’t care about his injuries, hurriedly raised his voice, and said loudly, “Gongzi, there are still priests in the Xibi tribe, as long as there are priests there, their strength will not be weakened. ”

Gongzi killed their Great Elder, Patriarch and other clansmen, the priests of the Xibi tribe will definitely not give up, Gongzi, cut the grass to remove the roots.”

Kunjia did not say it explicitly, but said it as clearly as possible.

The Xibi tribe still has a priest, when it kills, the Dingyi tribe will not be able to resist it at all, and it will definitely become a revenant under the claws of the monster, and even be controlled by the monster again.

Kunjia naturally hoped that Lu Shaoqing would kill the priestly monster of the Xibi tribe and completely eliminate the henchmen of the Dingyi tribe.

As long as the priest of the Xibi tribe dies, the Dingyi tribe can develop with peace of mind, without worrying about being retaliated by monsters so quickly, and can slowly think of a way in the future.

However, Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to understand, he smiled and said to Kunjia, “It’s okay, it’s okay, although let it come, if you can find it, we can count it as powerful.” ”

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Kunjia is a little like vomiting blood again, does this kid not understand, or deliberately does not understand?

Kun Li wanted to pull Lu Shaoqing’s ears and roar, the monster can’t find you, but it can find us.”

Since you are a righteous person, do the best thing you need to do.

Kun Jia smiled reluctantly, “Gongzi, I think it’s better to kill the priests of the Xibi tribe as well, so that it will be good for you Gongzi.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I don’t need any benefits, and I’m not a good person to kill.” I’m kind.

“Don’t worry, we will leave right away and will not stay here to cause you trouble.”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing with a sincere face, Kun Jian was speechless, and secretly said in his heart, this kid should not be really stupid.

Helplessly, he could only say, “Gongzi, I hope that Gongzi will kill the priests of the Xibi tribe and solve the great trouble of my henchmen of the Dingyi tribe.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled even more happily, his eyes narrowed, “I helped you, do you have any indications?” ”

Kun Li was stunned, you just said that you are a righteous person, why, do righteous people still need benefits?

But Kunjia didn’t know what his tribe was worth seeing Lu Shaoqing, and finally he turned around, his gaze fell on Ge Jiu, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, do you think she can do it?” ”

Lu Shaoqing, they have an extraordinary background, Kunjia knows that his tribe is very poor, and the only thing that may be able to get his hands on is the young woman of the tribe.

Ge Jiu blushed.

But she did not say no, and as a tribal woman, she knew her mission at an early age.

Lu Shaoqing stopped laughing, and cursed Kunjia, “Bastard, what do you think of me? ”


“Are there any spirit stones? Give me spirit stones, and I’ll help you kill.”

Kun Li was stunned again, “Spirit stone? What is that? Ji

Yan sneered, “They don’t need spirit stones, you don’t understand this?” ”

If you don’t need spirit stones, you won’t have spirit stones naturally.

Lu Shaoqing was depressed, shook his head, very disappointed, and despised Kunjia, “Poor ghost! ”

Then take off!

Then Ji Yan followed closely and dashed away.

Kun Li was stunned, very panicked in his heart, and looked at the back of the two leaving with his mouth open, “Gongzi, this, help, help us…” Kun Li was so panicked in his heart

that he almost knelt down.

Before leaving, Xiao Yi smiled slightly at Kun Jian and said, “Don’t worry.”

After speaking, a spirit pet imperial sword on his shoulder followed the two senior brothers.

Watching Lu Shaoqing and them leave, Kunjia didn’t know what to say for a while.

He was hesitant in his heart, not knowing what would happen to him and his clan in the future.

“Patriarch, what should I do?” Lang Feng asked Kunjia.

Kun Kai looked at the sky for a long time before shaking his head and sighing, “I don’t know.”

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, “Everyone heal their injuries as soon as possible, and we will leave here in two days.” ”

I don’t know if the priests of the Xibi tribe will kill him, and leaving is the best way.

“But, Patriarch, where can we go?”

Kun Kai shook his head, he didn’t know, “You can only resign yourself to fate…”

Suddenly, someone fell from the sky, “Where are you leaving?”

When Kunjia and the others saw the people coming, they were immediately shocked, “Rebel, apostate…”

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