Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing and asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, aren’t we going to the Xibi Clan?” ”

Go, why not?” Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Will the four words of cutting grass and removing roots be written?” If not, let the silly monkey teach you.

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, got an affirmative answer, and smiled even more happily.

“Then why don’t you explain it to Patriarch Kun?” Xiao Yi was a little puzzled, “Is it because he doesn’t have any benefits for you?” ”

Yes,” Lu Shaoqing nodded truthfully, “Whoever made his family so poor, I bluffed him, and actually thought of taking a chick to perfunctory, it’s too unsophisticated.” ”

Guys who don’t get good have to be scared.

Xiao Yi guessed, “Maybe they really can’t get anything good, and that sister is not bad.”

“Do you want that chick to warm your bed?” Or is your sexual orientation abnormal? Lu Shaoqing turned his head to look at Xiao Yi, and his gaze made the two hundred people sitting on Xiao Yi’s shoulder feel nervous.

Don’t let the city gate catch fire and kill the pond fish.

Xiao Yi smiled, “It’s not bad to warm your bed for the second senior brother.”

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “You don’t care? If I don’t care, I’m going to kill her.” Ji

Yan didn’t look back, and sped up a little, “Whatever.” The

gentle voices of the two senior brothers made Xiao Yi shiver in fright, and Dabai even pulled Xiao Yi’s hair, silently signaling Xiao Yi to pay attention.

Xiao Yi hurriedly explained, “Second Senior Brother, I mean, since you plan to kill the monster priest of the Xibi clan, you can tell Patriarch Kun, don’t let him worry about it, and he can’t sleep at night.”

“Without giving him some motivation, how can they progress?”

Lu Shaoqing’s fluttering words made Xiao Yi understand the good intentions of the second senior brother.

This is also for the good of the Dingyi tribe.

He is worthy of being the second senior brother, and what he does never disappoints.

Some things are done and disdained to say it, this is the heroic style.

“You laugh a fart,” Lu Shaoqing saw Xiao Yi laughing inexplicably, and scolded with a straight face, “Speed up, if you let that monster run, you can wait to cry.” ”

The distance between the two tribes of the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe is not far or close.

For people like Kunjia and Ge Jiu, it takes more than a day for them to hurry up.

For Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, it was much simpler, if it weren’t for taking care of Xiao Yi, they would have been drinking tea at the Xibi tribe.

After coming to the sky above the Xibi tribe, the Xibi tribe was peaceful here.

The women of the tribe worked, some children practiced under the guidance of the elderly, and the younger children watched or jumped around.

There are also young adults who dismember their prey, harvest food, and so on.

The whole tribe revealed a quiet and peaceful, not knowing that the clansmen they went out had already suffered heavy losses on the side of the Dingyi tribe.

Lu Shaoqing and they did not go to take care of these ordinary humans, and the three came to the back of the tribe.

After coming here, Lv Shaoqing discovered the difference between the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe.

Only the Great Elder of the Dingyi tribe knew the true face of the priest.

The people of the Xibi tribe are different, and the whole of the Xibi tribe knows what birds their priests look like.

Therefore, the cave of the priests of the Xibi tribe was not covered by black fog, and the door was directly opened, and the monsters called priests slept in the cave generously.

The sleeping monsters didn’t even notice Lu Shaoqing’s arrival.

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Lu Shaoqing looked at it and said, “This monster is much stronger than the monsters of the Dingyi clan. ”

Whether it is body size or breath, it is stronger than that monster of the Dingyi clan.

Xiao Yi saw that the monster still looked very great while sleeping on its stomach, and suddenly the killing intent overflowed again, pulled out his long sword, and said, “Second Senior Brother, let me cut it.”

Xiao Yi’s face looked murderous, and his killing intent was undisguised.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but look sideways, “You really have a feud with the monster, and you will cut it when you meet.”

Xiao Yi already had a statement in his heart and said, “As soon as I thought of the ancestors of the sect who had suffered heavy losses in order to deal with these monsters, I wanted to kill these monsters.

“Even if you have a bit of a conscience, good, go ahead.”

The monster was also awakened by Xiao Yi’s killing intent, opened his eyes, and saw Lu Shaoqing and the three standing at the entrance of the cave, and the monster stood up and roared.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and the invisible barrier was laid down, preventing the sound from leaking out the slightest bit.

Xiao Yi carried the long sword and killed with two whites, “Monster, die!” ”

Although this monster is stronger than the monster of the Dingyi clan, it is only in the late stage of Jiedan now, and it cannot withstand the siege of Xiao Yi and the two spirit pets.

After a few rounds, the monster was cut into a pile of minced meat by Xiao Yi, and the last fire burned clean, crushing the bones.

Xiao Yi clapped his hands and proudly said to Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, “Done!” ”

Follow the two senior brothers, if this kind of little thing is not done well, the senior brother will not take her out to play next time.”

Lu Shaoqing entered the cave and looked at the teleportation array on the ground, although he really wanted to study it again, but he didn’t dare.

In the end, Lu Shaoqing endured the pain and destroyed this formation.

Watching the formation disappear, Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief, “Okay.” ”

Coming here, killing monsters is secondary, the main thing is to deal with this formation and prevent the owner of that hand from crawling out from here to hunt him down.

There are only two tribes in this area, Dingyi and Xibi, which are the closest tribes to him.

After dealing with these two teleportation arrays, the owner of that hand did not find him so easily.

Now you can go with peace of mind.

Lu Shaoqing walked out of the cave and stretched, “Okay, let’s hurry to the so-called world center with peace of mind.”

“You’re not afraid of sacrificing to the gods?”

Ji Yan asked.

“I’m afraid of a hair!” Lu Shaoqing shouted arrogantly, “I don’t provoke it, it still dares to provoke me?”

“It’s coming, won’t I run?”

The name of the sacrifice god sounds very bluffing, and the strength is also terrifying to think about.

Not the existence he can afford to provoke now.

Lu Shaoqing never wanted to provoke the sacrifice gods.

He went to the so-called center of the world just to find a weak place in the spatial barrier.

The spatial barrier is so big, he only needs to activate the boundary plate in the corner of the edge to go home, and the rest is related to him?

As long as he doesn’t provoke a strong opponent, for Lu Shaoqing, those powerful existences are nothing for him, he is afraid of a chicken.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing warned Ji Yan, “Along the way, give me an equinox, if you want to fight, when I go back, I will pimp, no matter what kind of hand-to-hand combat opponent, I can get it for you…”

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