Lu Shaoqing and they left quietly, and the Xibi tribe did not find the slightest thing wrong here.

And after Lu Shaoqing and them left for most of the day, when night was about to fall, several figures fell from the sky and landed in front of the monster cave.

They also did not alarm the rest of the Xibi tribe.

The inside of the cave was empty, and the ground was sprinkled with some black ash.

Seeing this, someone whispered, “We are one step late.” ”

They’re gone.”

“Strange!” The people around me were very puzzled, “Who are they?” Why would it be done to the priests of the tribe?

“Could it be our people?”

“Impossible!” Someone immediately vetoed, “If it’s our people, we can’t be unaware.”

“Whoever they are, find them.” A woman’s voice sounded, and in the dimming light, a woman stood up and faced the crowd, “To find out what their purpose is.”

“If they are also normal humans, then unite them, we are running out of time.”

When the others heard this, their faces inevitably became gloomy, and the atmosphere became a little heavy for a while.

There was not much time, and the meaning of the four words weighed down on their hearts.

The woman seemed to feel that she had said the wrong thing, and soon spoke again, “Don’t worry about it, there will be a way to stop it, we will now find helpers as much as possible and unite all the forces that can be united.”

“Let’s go, catch up with those three people and see where they come from.”

“However, they have been gone for a long time now, and if we chase, we may not be able to catch up,” someone said, “and running behind their asses for nothing will only waste our time.”

The woman was noncommittal, looked at the man who spoke, and asked, “What can you do?” The

man raised his sword intent, “Send the message back and ask the headquarters to send someone to intercept them.”

“That’s right, it’s possible!”

“Miss, this is a good idea.”

The woman who was called the eldest lady thought about it and finally agreed, “Okay, I’ll send a message to grandpa now!” With

that, a small flying sword appeared in her hand, and with the injection of spiritual power, the flying sword soared into the air and disappeared into the air.

“Okay, let’s go too!” The woman waved her hand and left here with a few people.

A few days later, a streamer flew in and the woman received a reply.

“Grandpa said, he sent Yin Que to intercept those three.”

“Yin Que Gongzi?” Everyone was shocked.

“He, he’s not that talkative, I’m afraid something unpleasant will happen.”

“Don’t worry, Yin Que Gongzi’s strength is there, and those people have to hold back if they are unpleasant.”

“It must be fought, I am afraid that the strength of those people cannot be underestimated, and Yin Que Gongzi will not suffer losses.”

“Yin Que Gongzi is the three-layer realm of the Yuan Baby, those three people can’t be Yin Que Gongzi’s opponents, rest assured…”

Everyone was talking, but their eyes secretly looked at the woman called the eldest miss.

They all know that Yin Que is pursuing the eldest miss, and the eldest miss’s family is also very supportive.

The woman didn’t have any expression on her face, just said lightly, “Continue to set off and catch up with them as soon as possible…” Lu

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Shaoqing lay on the deck of the spaceship, swimming gracefully, and Ji Yan sat on the bow of the ship to cultivate.

Da Bai and Xiao Bai were forced to sit obediently, holding a book, reading words and learning formations.

However, looking at their sad faces, the learning efficiency should not be high.

They have been setting out for more than three months, and along the way, they have seen the same scenery.

The gray sky, during which I only saw the sun for two days, and the rest of the time was all without the slightest bit of sunlight, and the oppressive sky gave people a feeling of heavy despair.

The ground is like a desert, with sand and dust, the ground is also gray, and there is very little green vegetation.

Occasionally, there are a few trees, flowers and plants, most of them are yellow, standing alone on the ground, like an old man at dusk, a lonely shadow, very desolate.

The world here feels like a dull, like a life that is constantly aging.

Facing some environments, Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to see more, lying on the boat and closing his eyes.

After Xiao Yi was bored for more than a month, he finally couldn’t bear it and ran to chat with Lu Shaoqing.

The two senior brothers are really boring, the two people can not speak all the time, is it possible that this is a spirit in the heart and not speaking?

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi shouted crisply in Lu Shaoqing’s ear, “Don’t sleep, can you chat with me?” Lu

Shaoqing was indifferent, he was not a nanny.

He even snored on purpose.

Xiao Yi was angry, deliberately, the second senior brother was really angry.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t pretend, I know you didn’t sleep.” Xiao Yi simply started his hand and shook Lu Shaoqing’s shoulder, “Talk with me, I’m so bored.”

Lu Shaoqing sat up and slapped Xiao Yi’s hand, “It’s noisy, can you go and quarrel with your senior brother, don’t bother me?”

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, giving her a hundred dares and not daring to find Ji Yan like this.

A single look in Ji Yan can make her fart and urine.

The majesty of Senior Brother is not a joke.

Xiao Yi smiled, “Second Senior Brother, how long do you say it will take us to arrive?”

“You ask me, I ask who to go?” Lu Shaoqing was not angry, speaking of this, he came to the fire, and gave Xiao Yi a word without saying a word, “It’s all because of you stupid, so that I am here to accompany you to eat dust.”

“One million spirit stones, it’s simply too little.”

How big the North Desert is, foreigner Lu Shaoqing does not know, and he does not know how long he will go.

And they don’t dare to fly at full speed, they can only press their hearts, patiently sit on the boat, and wait for the time to pass.

In the end, it was because he wanted to go to the Holy Land to find Xiao Yi, so he came here in a hurry.

The feeling of going further and further away from the thirteen states is very sad.

“Now is the beginning, you feel bored, I see that you have itchy skin and are not cleaned up.”

Ji Yan’s voice came, “There is that time to quarrel with your second senior brother, it is better to cultivate well, you are still too weak.”

Lu Shaoqing agreed very much, and said to Ji Yan, “Come, give her ten and eight sword intent, let her have a good experience, it’s all in the middle of the Dan Dynasty, the sword intent can’t take shape, I haven’t seen such a stupid person.” ”

Xiao Yi’s eyes are full of tears, am I just thinking about chatting and relaxing?

How is that so?

I have practiced well these days, but I have only practiced for a while, can’t I relax?

Just when Xiao Yi was about to cry, Ji Yan suddenly said, “Someone is coming…”

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