Xiao Yi was overjoyed in his heart, a savior is coming?

Whether it was a person or a ghost, Xiao Yi felt that the person who came was her reborn parents, who descended from the sky to save her from suffering.

Those who dare to come to trouble, I will say something good to you later, so that you can die quickly.

Xiao Yi thought so in his heart, and at the same time ran to the side of the boat to see who was so bold.

I don’t know that there are these two on this ship, no, there are three terrible beings?

As soon as Xiao Yi came to the side of the ship, he saw a stream of light streaked behind the left rear of the spacecraft, like a shooting star under the night sky, chasing the passing light, flying towards the spacecraft.

Under Lu Shaoqing’s control, the spacecraft slowed down a little, and at the same time secretly prepared.

If the person who comes is the enemy, bombard it as soon as possible.

As the streamer approaches, the naked eye can already see clearly.

It was a young man in gray spirit armor, about thirty years old, with vicissitudes on his face, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, and his expression full of confidence.

With his hands on his back, he walked in front of the spaceship and soon came to the spaceship.

He glanced at the spaceship and saw Lu Shaoqing Jiyan and Xiao Yi, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

Neither this man nor this ship has ever been seen.

Then a voice came, “Stop! The

tone was also the same as his look, full of deep confidence, commanding, like an order.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing looked at the comer, pouted, and said to Xiao Yi, “Tell him that the wind is too strong to hear what he says.”

Xiao Yi wanted to laugh, but he couldn’t hear that it was fake, and the second senior brother must be unhappy.

But think about it, come up and say more, just shout high and stop.

Everyone will be upset, let alone Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi knew that his second senior brother was soft and hard and would not eat, but if he gave a good face and a good voice, Lu Shaoqing would generally not give face.

Therefore, Xiao Yi shouted loudly to the man, “The wind is too strong to hear what you say.”

“How about you go back and have some food and come back?” When you are full, you have the strength to shout. The

person who came from the imperial light was stunned, but he didn’t expect such an answer.

But he quickly reacted, what wind is too strong, can’t hear, is fake.

The real reason is not to put him in the eyes and not to give him face.

The person who came suddenly gave birth to a wave of anger and shouted, “Don’t toast or drink, drink and punish wine!”

After speaking, he waved his hand at the spacecraft, and the surrounding spiritual power was emptied, and at the same time, the space in front

seemed to ripple, forming an invisible barrier that blocked the spacecraft from continuing to advance.

Seeing that the spacecraft stopped, the person who came smiled coldly and was very proud, “It’s true, someone is a slut, and they have to force me to do it.”

Then Shi Shiran came to the spaceship, looked at Lu Shaoqing and the three condescendingly, and sneered twice, “How, is the wind still strong now?”

“Can you hear what I said?”

Lu Shaoqing stepped forward, showed a smile, pretended to be very hesitant, and rubbed his hands crampedly, “This, this prince, I, we didn’t offend you, right?” When

the visitor saw Lu Shaoqing’s action, his smile became more confident, and the pride on his body grew, and he snorted, “I was already offended just now.”

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When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his appearance became even more uneasy, and he continued to rub his hands, “Gongzi, I, I didn’t mean to. ”

He looks like a small person, trying to explain his appearance clearly to the big man, so that the smile on the face of the visitor is wider.

“Then you say, why are you?”

The visitor smiled even more happily, and even landed generously on the mast of the spacecraft, continuing to maintain a condescending posture.

This fills his heart with a sense of superiority.

However, what made him feel strange was that the young man in white sitting at the bow of the boat had not opened his eyes since he appeared.

If he hadn’t noticed breathing, he would have thought it was a dead man or a statue.

But he didn’t care too much, the aura on this unseen spaceship was too ordinary, and he didn’t pay attention to it.

Lu Shaoqing continued to say in a cramped manner, “I, we are just ordinary people, and big people like Gongzi have no intersection with us, so I don’t think Gongzi is calling us, and we really can’t hear what Gongzi is saying.”

Unfinished, Lu Shaoqing arched his hand to the visitor and asked politely, “I don’t know what Gongzi’s name is?” The

person who came raised his head slightly, exuding confidence all over his body, “It’s okay to tell you, my name is Yin Que, and I came to find you on purpose.” ”

Scared, looking for, looking for us?” Lu Shaoqing’s heart was full of vigilance.

The three of his brothers and sisters are not familiar with life here, who would come to them specifically?

Could it be that those monsters sent it?

But the self-proclaimed Yinque doesn’t look at all like humans raised by monsters.

Yin Que didn’t hide anything, he said, “What are you?” Why did you kill the priests of two small tribes?

Lu Shaoqing frowned, this matter spread so quickly?

He specifically asked Kunjia, the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe were just two small tribes, and there were no other tribes within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, and their news should not spread so quickly.

“Gongzi, can I ask you how you know?”

Yin Que was dissatisfied and shouted sharply, “Who allowed you to ask questions?” Answer my question.

Lu Shaoqing cried out, “Wronged, we were wronged, we didn’t do anything.” ”

Yin Que was stunned, wronged?

What’s going on here?

Yin Que did not visit the two tribes in person, and he only knew seven seven eight eight, and he did not understand it in detail.

His main purpose in coming here was to intercept Lu Shaoqing and the three.

For a while, he couldn’t be sure.

Is there really something hidden in it?

He snorted and simply changed the subject, “What’s your name?” ”

My name is Mu Yong,” Lu Shaoqing shouted out the name, and then asked, “Gongzi, you are so powerful, you must have a great origin, right?”

For his identity, Yin Que was very proud and disdained to hide it, “Hmph, I am a god killer!” ”

Kill God?” Xiao Yi next to him subconsciously said, “Traitor?

Yin Que was not angry, “Yes, those who are ignorant call us apostates.

“The funny thing is that they have no idea what they are enshrined at.”

Lu Shaoqing laughed, he continued to rub his hands, and asked with a smile, “Gongzi, there must be more powerful existences than you in the God Killer, such as the God Transformation Master, is there one?” ”

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