“That’s it?”

Lu Shaoqing’s fluttering words almost made Yin Que break his defense, and he cursed Lu Shaoqing.

Isn’t that enough?

“Two adult armillary stone armored beasts, each of which has the strength of the mid-Yuan Infant period, can you resist when they join forces?”

“It’s just two little monsters,” Lu Shaoqing showed a very familiar look, arrogant and arrogant, “You can suppress them with just one hand.” ”

Still suppressing with one hand?

Yin Que felt that Lu Shaoqing was very underbeaten like this, and everyone who pretended to be compared should be beaten.

Yin Que suddenly felt tired, “Forget it, I can’t understand it with dirt buns like you.”

“Dirt buns? I see you are a dirt bun. Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, “I have traveled more places than you think, and the four words of how much knowledge are specially invented for me.” ”

Bragging, keep bragging.

Marde, could it be that I used to hate it too?

At this moment, Yin Que deeply examined himself in his heart.

He was also arrogant before, but now he seems to be very annoying, and it seems that he will have to change it in the future.



Two huge armillary armored beasts finally appeared in everyone’s sight.

Their body size is even larger, twice as large as the armillary stone armored beast below, the length of the body is more than fifty meters, and they stand upright and more than ten meters high, a real giant beast.

Seeing two huge armillary stone armored beasts, they exuded a trembling aura.

Both are adult armillary stone armored beasts, and their strength is comparable to the middle stage of the Yuan Infant.

Yin Que’s eyes showed a desperate look.

It’s really over this time.

I came out and didn’t expect to encounter such a thing.

It’s over, it’s over, Miss, I’ll chase you again in my next life.”

“Oh, it’s a bit big.” Lu Shaoqing was surprised.

Yin Que looked at Lu Shaoqing, very satisfied with Lu Shaoqing’s expression, and sneered, “Now you know that you are afraid?” Unfortunately, it’s already late.

“Even if your ship can fly, but now that it has fallen into their attack range, if you dare to move more, they will definitely launch a thunderous attack.”

“Cut,” Yin Que just finished speaking, and was despised by Lu Shaoqing again, “I don’t see it.”

Xiao Yi also followed with contempt, “That’s it, dirt buns.” Two

armillary stone armored beasts appeared, a hundred meters away from the spacecraft, roaring at the spacecraft, bringing great pressure to the spacecraft.

Even if the spacecraft is hundreds of meters in the air, you can still feel the huge oppression of the two adult armillary armored beasts.

Lu Shaoqing asked Yin Que, “Can you beat them?”

Yin Que looked at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze like an idiot, Yin Que naturally would not let go of such an opportunity to despise Lu Shaoqing, “Say that you are a dirt bun, you still refuse to admit it?” ”

The skin of the armillary stone armored beast is hard as a stone, its strength is infinite, and it has a variety of hard stones stored on its back, which can carry out long-range attacks, both close combat and long-range attacks.”

“None of them in the same realm can be beaten, not to mention that they are stronger than me, and they are still two, and under the joint hand, they are even more invincible…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted him unceremoniously, “Saying so much means that you can’t beat it.”

“It’s good to say genius, you dared to be so arrogant before, in the end you are just an embroidered pillow.”

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Lu Shaoqing’s words were so angry that he blocked his throat in one breath, and he couldn’t come up for a long time, his face was red, and he was so angry that he almost fainted.

“Bastard, bastard

…” Yin Que was not convinced, “I’m telling the truth…”

Lu Shaoqing interrupted Yin Que’s words again and said to Ji Yan, “What are you still stunned for? Wait for the monster below to invite you to dinner? ”

The three armillary stone armored beasts below have gathered together, and the small one is bumping its head against the two large ones, seemingly talking in whispers and exchanging feelings.

For the spacecraft, they were temporarily put aside, without the slightest worry that the spacecraft would take the opportunity to run away.

Ji Yan stood up and left the spaceship under Yin Que’s astonished gaze.

“He, what is he going to do?”

Yin Que guessed what Ji Yan was going to do, but he couldn’t believe it.

Is this disgust that you have lived too long and want to seek your own death?

Xiao Yi sat on the side of the boat, holding his chin and watching the master brother fly towards the monster below, looking forward to the beginning of the good show.

Seeing Yin Que’s fuss, he shook his head, “The guy who hasn’t seen a big scene is really pitiful.”

With a bit of pity in his tone, he said to Yin Que, “You look like a frog, a frog sitting in a well and watching the sky.” ”

Yin Que is furious, who is he scolding?

Who is a frog?

You are the frog, your whole family is a frog.

Ji Yan slowly came to the three armillary stone armored beasts, did not make a move, but quietly looked at them.

The three monsters also sensed the plan in the air, and their white clothes fluttered in the wind, and under their handsome appearance, there was a power that made them fearful.

The two adult armillary armored beasts felt that Ji Yan was not easy to mess with, and they pressed their bodies and let out a low roar at Ji Yan.

And the small muddy stone armored beast was not happy, its tail flicked, and a huge stone of two or three hundred pounds flew up in the air, like a cannonball fired from the ground, making a whistling sound, towards Ji Yan.

Ji Yan did not move, still suspended in the air, and the boulder seemed to be blocked by a wireless barrier when it came a distance in front of him.

The stones paused for a moment, and the next moment they were shattered, turning into countless small pebbles that fell from the sky one after another.

Xiao Yi’s eyes flashed, full of envy and adoration.

“Second Senior Brother, what is this trick?”

Xiao Yi couldn’t understand it, didn’t understand that Ji Yan did this.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Carving insect trick.”

Xiao Yi immediately asked, “Second Senior Brother, will you?” Teach me, this trick looks so handsome. ”

Nope!” Lu Shaoqing replied angrily, “I want to learn from you to find him yourself.” In

fact, he couldn’t understand it, this is something that Ji Yan comprehended before.

Yin Que next to him was almost out of breath again, wouldn’t you dare to say that it was a carving insect trick?

It’s shameless.

Yin Que looked at Ji Yan, “What is he going to do?” Do you want to make a move on the little armillary beast?

“This is looking for death!”

As soon as the words fell, he saw Ji Yan wave his right hand, and the muddy stone armored beast that shot at Ji Yan was like a stone that was easily fanned away, fell heavily in the distance, and wailed.

The two adult armillary beasts were enraged.

Yin Que was silent for a moment before he spoke, “He is really looking for death, you guys are going to collect his corpse for him…”

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