Yin Que wanted to moan, not wanting to complain.

Xiao Yi was not happy with what Yin Que said, “What nonsense, my senior brother is invincible.” ”

Yes, invincible,” Lu Shaoqing agreed a hundred, “in the future, it will be an invincible existence that will be suppressed by one hand.”

Xiao Yi’s body shook and almost fell off the side of the ship, she grabbed the side of the boat and said to Lu Shaoqing with a bitter face, “Second senior brother, don’t say it, please let it go…”

He pointed at the two enraged muddy stone armored beasts and said loudly, “Is it the first time he came out to break in? ”

Obviously knowing that the little armillary stone armored beast is a cub, and also made a move in front of the cub in front of people’s parents, deliberately provoking the two large armillary armored beasts, this is not looking for death?”

The child is bullied, when the parents are not angry, can they still be parents?

Although armillary beasts are ferocious beasts, they are also parents.

And also the parents of the cubs.

Sure enough, just as Yin Que said, the two large armillary stone armored beasts were completely enraged.

They had red eyes and roared at Ji Yan, the tails of the two muddy stone armored beasts swung, and one after another boulders on the ground seemed to be thrown out by a trebuchet, constantly smashing towards Ji Yan.

Each boulder is bigger than Ji Yan, and each one has a thousand catties, ten thousand catties.

Each boulder streaked through the air, making a rumbling sound and smashing towards Ji Yan like a cannonball.

Yin Que saw huge stones rushing into the sky, and he couldn’t help but say, “Look, each of these stones weighs thousands or tens of thousands of catties, and their strength is unmatched.”

“Every stone can smash a master of the Jiedan period.”

“If your senior brother can’t hide, he will die.”

In the face of the incoming boulder, Ji Yan did not dodge, but remained where he was.


Seeing that Ji Yan didn’t dodge, Yin Que was just about to say something.

The boulder had already hit Ji Yan, and the imaginary scene of Ji Yan being smashed into the air did not happen, but the huge stone that smashed towards Ji Yan shattered in front of Ichijo, turning into countless rare stones in the air and falling.

The falling stones rained down on the earth, but instead smashed the two adult muddy stone armored beasts into a roar.

Yin Que opened his mouth wide, looking at Ji Yan who was carrying a long sword, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

Ji Yan shot too quickly, so fast that he didn’t react.

“He, he just shot?” Yin Que couldn’t believe it.

No one answered Yin Que’s question, and Yin Que could only close his mouth and continue watching.

The two armillary stone armored beasts saw that their attack could not help Ji Yan, and after letting out a low roar at Ji Yan, they began to accelerate and rush towards Ji Yan.

With its limbs driving a powerful body, it charged with amazing momentum, like a heavy chariot, and where it passed, there was no grass left.

The armillary stone armored beasts rushed to Ji Yan left and right, and after they rushed below, they jumped on all fours, jumped high, easily jumped up a hundred meters high, and opened their blood basins to Ji Yan in the air.

Sharp teeth were rubbing, and scarlet tongues sticking out, trying to roll Ji Yan in.

However, for the armillary stone armored beast, Ji Yan is too small, as a sword cultivator, his speed is first-class and his mobility is full.

Ji Yan easily tossed and turned, even if the two armillary stone armored beasts joined forces to attack left and right, they could not touch Ji Yan in the slightest.

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On the contrary, Ji Yan could easily strike, and Wuqiu slashed through the air, lit up with sword light, and easily hit the two armillary stone armored beasts.

However, the stone-like skin on the two muddy stone armored beasts was extremely hard, and the sharpness of the moundless sword could only leave a few sparks on it.

Ji Yan’s attack seemed weak and weak, and instead of causing damage to the armillary stone armored beasts, it caused the two armillary stone armored beasts to roar in anger, arousing their even greater anger.

Yin Que saw Ji Yan’s sword back and forth, unable to cause any damage to the armillary stone armored beast, and couldn’t help but shake his head repeatedly, “It’s useless to do it in vain.”

“Although it is a sword cultivator, but do not look at what kind of existence the opponent is?”

“If the armillary stone armored beast was so easy to deal with, I wouldn’t have told you to run quickly.”

Xiao Yi scoffed at Yin Que’s words, “Isn’t it such a monster? Can’t fly, the speed is slow, what about having strength in the air?

“Naive!” For Xiao Yi’s opinion, Yin Que couldn’t help but give her a roll of her eyes, “Do you really think that the armillary stone armored beast is easy to deal with?”

“They are infinitely powerful, and their defenses are even stronger, and as I said, they are invincible in both close and long-range combat.”

He watched Ji Yan and the two armillary armored beasts fight back and forth, and his face was even more worried, “Don’t look at your senior brother now, it seems that you don’t have anything, but sooner or later you won’t be able to support it.”

“A slight mistake, he will become the belly meal of the two armillary armored beasts.”

“The best way is to take advantage of him dragging the armillary armored beast, let’s leave quickly, and then let him find an opportunity to get out and catch up.”

Xiao Yi was disgusted, “Isn’t this desertion?

“There is a senior brother to make a move, when do we need to escape?”

Master Brother makes a move, all ghosts and evils are scum, and they can’t set off any storms.

Yin Que is angry, by this time, you still can’t see the situation clearly?

He shouted, “If you don’t go, then let me go, let me go!”

“I don’t want to wait with you here to die.”

“What shit kills God,” Xiao Yi scorned, “It turns out to be cowards.”

“In a few moments, my senior brother will be able to win, I really don’t know what you are afraid of?”

“Scared?” Yin Que resolutely refused to admit it, “This is a meaningless act, and staying here can only be a free death.” ”

Short-sighted!” Xiao Yi despised Yin Que more and more, he looked like a dog, and his guts were so small.

Xiao Yi simply moved his butt to keep himself a little farther away.

Coward, don’t beat me.

Lu Shaoqing watched Ji Yan constantly dodge under the siege of the two armillary stone armored beasts, only occasionally taking time to fight back, and did not exert his full strength.

And because of Ji Yan’s way, the two armilled stone armored beasts roared angrily, and they could feel the growing anger of the armillary armored beasts from far away.

He was also curious, “This guy, what are you going to do?” Do you want to continue to provoke them? ”

The two armillary stone armored beasts continued to attack, not only could not touch Ji Yan, but let Ji Yan come and go up and down on them from time to time.

The long sword slashed on it without leaving a wound, but it was a very infuriating behavior.

The armillary stone armored beast, which already had spiritual intelligence, became more and more angry.

Once again, he couldn’t touch Ji Yan, and after being easily dodged by Ji Yan, one of the armillary stone armored beasts roared lowly, and it suddenly fell to the ground and arched its back.

The naan bag that bulged on its back like a small mountain bag suddenly opened….

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