Seeing Ji Yan vomiting blood, Yin Que couldn’t help but shout, “Look, I said it all, right?”

“It’s impossible for him…”

However, the next moment, the sword light suddenly rose, descending like a sun that had not appeared for a long time, and the strong light made Yin Que couldn’t help but close his eyes.

The sharp sword intent filled the radius of more than ten miles, and countless stones collapsed under the sharp sword intent.

The rumbling sound of collapse was endless, and dust rose up in the sky.



The two armillary stone armored beasts roared one after another, with anger and panic in their voices.

When the voice gradually disappeared, Yin Que opened his eyes, and at this look, he froze.

A huge crack appeared on the ground, smooth and bright, as if someone had taken a sword and cut it from the middle, splitting it in half.

The stones that had been stacked on the ground shattered and collapsed, as if after an earthquake, it was a mess.

The two armillary stone armored beasts had disappeared from the place, and their huge bodies were swept tens of meters, lying on the pile of rocks in embarrassment, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

Yin Que looked at it stupidly, and his mind went blank.

He couldn’t believe that what he saw was real.

These are two adult armillary stone armored beasts, the strength is comparable to the middle of the Yuan Infant, the skin is thick, the strength is huge, and they are not afraid of close combat and long-distance battles, and they are afraid of anyone when they see it.

Most people have to flee when they see one.

Ji Yan, however, can deal with the attacks of two armillary armored beasts at the same time, and can also defeat them with one sword.

How strong is it?

Ji Yan Shiran returned to the spaceship.

Lu Shaoqing rushed over and asked with concern, “Injured?” Did you have to die?

“Do you have any last words?” Do you bury you here, or burn you to ashes and bring you back for Master to hold and cry for a few days?

“Do you have any spirit stones hidden at home, tell me, I helped you spend…”

Ji Yan scolded angrily, and after speaking, he sat down on the bow of the boat with his own care.

In this battle, he understood a lot.

Xiao Yi leaned over and asked cautiously, “Second Senior Brother, is Senior Brother okay?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “What can happen?” Can’t die, didn’t you hear that he still had the strength to scold me? ”

Full of breath, even if it is an injury, it is a small injury, and it does not get in the way.

If he was seriously injured, he would have to spray Ji Yan well.

Yin Que came back to his senses, and when he heard Lu Shaoqing’s words, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

It’s good to scold you, your senior brother is really good-tempered.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely be killed in the first place.

Yin Que’s gaze looking at Ji Yan was already in awe.

Powerful people are in awe at all times.

With a good temper and strong strength, he really deserves to be a master brother. Compared to that bastard, it’s so much better.

Yin Que looked at Ji Yan in awe and asked Xiao Yi, “How strong is your senior brother?” Yin

Que couldn’t believe that Ji Yan’s strength was only the six-layer realm of the Yuan Infant that he displayed.

In his opinion, it was impossible for the Yuan Infant Six-Layer Realm to defeat two armillary stone armored beasts with one sword.

He felt that Ji Yan had best start in the late Yuan Infant period, and it might even be stronger.

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Some people said that their senior brother was powerful, Xiao Yi was very happy, raised his head, snorted proudly, and asked Yin Que, “Now you believe that my senior brother is powerful, right?” ”

Two armillary stone armored beasts, what’s so great?”

If others say this, Yin Que has to scold a few words and even give a few slaps.

But now, his face was hot and hot, and he didn’t dare to look at Xiao Yi’s gaze.

Just now he shouted loudly, and kept shouting to run quickly.

I think that facing two adult muddy stone armored beasts can’t win at all.

As a result, Ji Yan easily cleaned up, and his powerful strength shocked him for 10,000 years.

He acted like a clown just now, making people laugh.

Yin Que was very aggrieved, he didn’t expect that Ji Yan would be so powerful.

He looks at things with common sense, adult muddy stone armored beasts are very strong, and normal people are difficult to deal with.

On the other hand, he encountered a plan and deed that was not a normal person, and it was normal to be punched in the face.


At this time, there was a roar from the armillary stone armored beast, and the two armillary armored beasts did not die, they eased up.

Yin Que followed the prestige and saw a terrifying wound appear on the two armillary armored beasts, extending from the head to the tail, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

This shocked Yin Que again, how strong the attack power was to be able to leave such a terrifying wound on the two armillary stone armored beasts.

The lethality is amazing.

Yin Que looked at Ji Yan in awe again.

Sure enough, the masters are silent and silent, usually looking inconspicuous, and once they make a move, they are shocked.

Unconsciously, Yin Que had been conquered by Ji Yan.

Xiao Yi watched the two armilled stone armored beasts stand up, she looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, do you want to mend the knife?”

Lu Shaoqing turned his head, “Make up a fart, let’s go.” ”

Ji Yan just took two armillary stone armored beasts as a sparring partner, and did not kill him, so he did not have the kung fu and time to mend the knife.

The spaceship restarted and left, and after the three armillary armored beasts knew that Ji Yan was not easy to mess with, they did not continue to chase, but stayed where they were and watched the spaceship disappear.

They let out a few last roars and disappeared into the stone forest.

Yin Que went to ask Xiao Yi again, “Who are you?” He

had to look squarely at these three people, people with such a strong strength, the origin is absolutely extraordinary.

Xiao Yi did not answer, but solemnly reminded him, “What are you doing with so many questions this prisoner?”

“Don’t forget who you are.”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “Ask him if he is willing to bow his head?” Don’t bow your head and let the silly cats continue.

Xiao Yi smiled straightly, “How is it, are you willing to bow your head?”

“I don’t want to keep bungee jumping if I don’t want to bow my head.”

Yin Que wanted to continue to maintain his pride and maintain his toughness.

But Ji Yan’s strength conquered him, letting him know that the other party could have done it a long time ago if he wanted to kill him.

He thought about it for a moment and came to Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s make a deal.”

“What deal?”

“Don’t you want to know something from my mouth? I also want to know something from your mouth, we exchange with each other.

Lu Shaoqing thought about it and did not refuse, “Yes, but there are some things that cannot be said, I will not say.”

“Me too,” Yin Que looked deeply at Lu Shaoqing, “I hope you don’t lie to me.” ”

I’m the most honest,” Lu Shaoqing sat up straight and looked directly at Yin Que, “Let me ask first, what is your intention in coming to us…”

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