This is what Lu Shaoqing wants to figure out.

Did a good deed, patted his ass and left, did not intend to ask for the slightest reward.

I wanted to arrive quietly at the so-called center of the world, and after arriving, I found a suitable place and used the boundary plate to leave.

But he didn’t intend to provoke others, and the renegades who claimed to be god-killing organizations actually came to him.

What are these apostates doing?

Trouble him? Blame him for killing those monsters?

The most important thing is that there is a god in the god-killing organization, which is a big killing weapon.

Lu Shaoqing is now like a bear child facing this whip of the god of transformation, and he does not dare to mess around, but can only suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

The ultimate goal of letting Yin Que play bungee jumping is also to figure things out.

Yin Que did not hide it, he looked deeply at Lu Shaoqing again, and slowly spoke, “A year ago, the Great Elder suddenly sent people to the Death River Desert, saying that unusual things would occur in the near future, and people would have to bring back to the organization when they encountered special people or things.

“But after searching for most of the year, I haven’t met any special person or anything.”

“It wasn’t until a few months ago that news came back in the Desert of the Fallen River that three people had appeared and killed the priests of two small tribes.”

“And also said that those three people are aiming for the center of the world, so the Great Elder sent me to look for you.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he blinked.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but be curious, “Are you so sure that the three of us are the people you are looking for?”

“Your portraits have already been transmitted back to the organization.”

Lu Shaoqing was depressed and was sold.

Sure enough, being a good person doesn’t end well.

If you already know, you don’t care if they live or die.

Having said that, there are still a lot of doubts.

Lu Shaoqing said, “The world is so big, how can you easily find us? ”

His three senior brothers and sisters are sitting on a spaceship, the speed is not fast, and to find them in such a big world is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack.

But on the other hand, Yin Que was able to find them easily.

Yin Que explained the reason, “The Great Elder is good at divination calculations, and probably deduces the place you passed, so…”

Lu Shaoqing despised, and someone turned on technology.

People who open technology, does the GM of Tiandao care?

Hanging should be banned.

Xiao Yi asked the curiosity in her heart again, “How can you be sure that we are special people?”

Yin Que said, “It’s very simple, no one dares to kill the priest easily.

“Killing the priest will make the priest take revenge madly, and the tribe that worships the priest will be completely wiped out.”

“Even those who kill priests will be hunted down madly.”

“Therefore, even we dare not easily attack those priests.”

For monsters, the tribe’s humans are cattle, and if the animals dare to rebel against their masters, they must boil oil.

When Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately became worried, “Hey, aren’t the people of the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe dead?”

Yin Que added, “Don’t worry too much, our people have already evacuated them and settled them.”

Lu Shaoqing’s expression remained unchanged, he didn’t care if the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe were dead or alive, he was new to the city, he didn’t know many things, and helping them eradicate the black monster was already nosy.

Lu Shaoqing still wouldn’t easily believe Yin Que’s words, “Although no one kills priests easily, there are always exceptions, and you can infer that we are special people based on this?”

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“Isn’t that too arbitrary?”

Lu Shaoqing sat up straight, looked directly at Yin Que, and was heartbroken, “Your inference method is not good, it is easy to cause unjust, false and wrong cases.”

“Won’t your conscience hurt if you wronged someone else?”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who didn’t seem to have any intention of admitting it, Yin Que suddenly fell silent and became speechless.

This guy is really thick-skinned.

He complained in his heart and reminded, “You killed the priests without saying anything, and you also cracked their teleportation arrays.”

“So, you’re the ones we’re looking for.”

“That’s it?” Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, “After saying that you are arbitrary, you still don’t recognize it?”

Yin Que solemnly reminded, “The priests’ teleportation array is not a simple teleportation array, and even the Great Elder cannot crack it in a short period of time.

Before that, he added, “The Great Elder is a late Avatar and has lived for thousands of years.

Lu Shaoqing was silent, looking up at the sky, and the gray appearance of the sky made him sad in his heart.

Sure enough, it shouldn’t have been done in the first place.

The seemingly random outline of the black teleportation array must be very large, and it is more advanced than ordinary teleportation arrays.

If he hadn’t entered that state and barely knew the weakness of the teleportation array, he wouldn’t be able to destroy it.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was silent, Yin Que also looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

People who can destroy the black teleportation array, this is not special, what else can be special?

He asked Lu Shaoqing, “How did you do it?”

Lu Shaoqing denied, “What to do?” ”

Destroy the teleportation array.”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Have you seen me destroy with your own eyes?”

“Do you have proof? If there is no evidence, don’t talk nonsense, don’t slander me. ”

You’re not going to admit that yet?

Yin Que reminded, “The people of the Dingyi tribe saw what you destroyed with their own eyes. ”

…..,” Lu Shaoqing was silent again, and after a moment, he scolded his mother, “Grandma Li’s, I shouldn’t have made a move at that time…”

“The patriarch of the Dingyi tribe is it, don’t let me touch him next time, otherwise I will kill him.”

After Lu Shaoqing finished scolding, he sighed again, and sadness filled the sky.

Sure enough, good people can’t do it.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s sad and melancholy look, Xiao Yi hurriedly asked Yin Que his own questions, “You found us and want to bring us back, what do you want to do?” ”

Back to the question at the beginning.

Lu Shaoqing also didn’t care about sadness, pricked up his ears, and stared at Yin Que’s answer.

But Yin Que’s answer was destined to make Lu Shaoqing dissatisfied, “The Great Elder said that the sacrifice is imminent, and it is necessary to unite all the forces that can unite everything.

“You are special people, and your strength is so strong, you can deal with the sacrificial gods.”

“Fuck you!” Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Deal with the sacrificial gods? So yes, why don’t you go? Why didn’t your Great Elder go? ”

Think with your ass to know the horror of sacrificing to the gods.

Not to mention the existence that is also the beginning of the Transformation God, can it be touched by this little Yuan Infant cultivator?

Lu Shaoqing stared at Yin Que fiercely, “Did you come to us with the intention of letting us be cannon fodder?”

“Believe it or not, I’ll give you up first…”

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