Yin Que didn’t know why Lu Shaoqing suddenly changed his attitude.

He shook his head and said, “Of course, I didn’t let you be cannon fodder, the Great Elder wanted to find you, there must be something very important.” ”

Unity power or something, over the years, there have been many unity, but it has not played much role in the rampant priests and their priests.

Yin Que didn’t know what the Great Elder was going to do when he was looking for Lu Shaoqing.

However, he knew how powerful the Great Elder was, and he had already sent people to look for them in the Fallen River Desert a year ago, which was enough to prove the importance of Lu Shaoqing and them.

So Yin Que said to Lu Shaoqing, “So, the Great Elder hopes that you can meet him.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yin Que with a hundred times, he did not answer, but asked, “Where is your organization?” Yin

Que pointed in one direction, to the left of the direction they were going.

“Day, your organization is also in the center of the world?”

Yin Que nodded, “Almost, the safest place under the enemy’s nose.”

“The most dangerous place is the safest place.”

Lu Shaoqing looked in that direction and became silent.

Yin Que said, “I’ve said so much, it’s time for me to ask.”

Lu Shaoqing stood up and waved his hand, and he said, “Slowly, I have one last question.”

“What do you mean by sacrifice?”

Yin Que looked in the direction of the center of the world, his face gloomy, “There will be a large part of human beings who will become sacrifices and disappear into this world, and where they went, no one knows.”

“The Great Elder said that monsters will plunder human souls, and then empty human bodies will be injected into monsters’ souls and become real monsters.”

“The so-called sacrifice is actually the human beings themselves as sacrifices.”

“On the other hand, those people still think it’s an honor.”

In the end, Yin Que’s voice revealed a bitter hatred, “Therefore, our god-killing organization must kill the so-called sacrificial god and save mankind.”

“But there are too many monsters, the sacrifice gods are too strong, and we need many, many strengths.”

“Including your power.”

Yin Que looked directly at Lu Shaoqing, “I hope you can stand in the position of human beings and do your part.” ”

Join us!”

Yin Que’s gaze was sincere, and Lu Shaoqing could hear that he was not lying.

And Lu Shaoqing, after listening, slapped his thighs and gritted his teeth, “Those monsters are really damned, they actually treat us humans as cattle, they are too hateful, they must be killed.”

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, his resentful look made Yin Que’s face show joy, and he said, “Really?

“Are you sure you want to join us?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Of course, as a member of the Terran race, it is incumbent on me to contribute to the Terran race, I am a very righteous person, otherwise I would not have suddenly killed the two priest monsters of those two tribes.”

“Good, count you as a person.” Yin Que had a little change in his opinion of Lu Shaoqing, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “In that case, help me unlock the prohibition.”

Lu Shaoqing refused with a smile, “No hurry, I have one last question.”

Yin Que was startled and came back to his senses, “How can there still be?” Didn’t it mean it was time for me to ask?

“Where the hell are you from?”

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Yin Que quickly told Lu Shaoqing what color the profane pants were in front of Lu Shaoqing, and until now Lu Shaoqing did not tell Yin Que their names.

Lu Shaoqing put his arm around Yin Que’s shoulders, slowly walked to the side of the ship, looked at the scenery in the distance, and said with a smile, “What’s the hurry, I’ll tell you later.”

“You answer my question first, this direction is not going to plunge headlong into your organization, right?”

Although Yin Que was not happy, he also answered honestly, “No, our organization has no acquaintances to lead the way, and we can’t find it at all.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face became more relaxed, “That’s good!”

Xiao Yi sat on the side of the ship with a grin, and asked Yin Que curiously, “What is fun in your God Killing Organization?”

“When the time comes, you’ll take me to play, okay?”

“Go, go,” Lu Shaoqing was angry, pointing at Xiao Yi and drinking, “Give me a side, play, you pig brain remember to play, right?”

“Practice hard, and when the time comes, we will deal with the evil sacrificial gods together.”

Yin Que thought deeply and was more pleasant to Lu Shaoqing, “That’s right, those monsters in the face, we don’t have time to play.” ”

You little girl, you should,” Saying that, Yin Que reacted again, looking directly at Lu Shaoqing, “You still haven’t answered my question, who are you?” ”

There’s no hurry,” Lu Shaoqing gently patted Yin Que’s shoulder.

Yin Que felt that his body was loose, and most of the prohibitions in his body were gone.

The disappearing power returned to the body, feeling the spiritual power in the body, Yin Que wanted to cry a little.

These two days of playing bungee jumping like a mortal, I don’t want to experience it again in my life.

The feeling of loss and regain made him feel lost in his heart, and he couldn’t believe it.

He was moved in his heart, and his liking for Lu Shaoqing increased, and he also believed Lu Shaoqing’s words.

However, he was a little puzzled, “Why don’t you completely help me lift?” ”

Lu Shaoqing just helped him lift part of the prohibition, the main prohibition in his body is still there, and it will take several days to give him time, and

now he has only recovered part of his strength and barely protected himself.

Lu Shaoqing said truthfully, “I’m afraid you will hit me.”

Rao was Yin Que, and couldn’t help but roll his eyes, childish.

I’m so old than you, am I so naïve?

Faced with Lu Shaoqing’s questioning of his character, he snorted and said a little unpleasantly, “As long as you are willing to join us, we are companions, and the previous thing was a misunderstanding.”

“Do I look like a stingy person?”

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and was amazed at Yin Que’s bosom, “I didn’t expect you to look dragged, it’s not bad.” ”

Hmph,” Yin Que looked up proudly, proudly, “Nonsense, you don’t inquire about who I am?”

“I’m a genius, can I meet the average person?”

“Hurry up and untie me.”

Yin Que looked like he had returned to his old state, and his tone once again took on arrogance.

“Good!” Lu Shaoqing nodded, “If you say so, I’ll help you untie it.” Yin

Que was even happier in his heart, great, the lost strength was finally coming back.

But the next moment, Yin Que felt that he was flying, and he subconsciously turned back and saw Lu Shaoqing waving at him, “Goodbye, bah, never again…”

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