“Done!” Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, and with the force under his feet, the spacecraft accelerated abruptly, instantly leaving Yin Que behind and disappearing from Yin Que’s sight.

Xiao Yikou was stunned, sitting on the side of the ship, looking at his second senior brother in disbelief.

The two whites on the top of the ship who saw this scene shivered.

Da Bai looked at Xiao Bai, and Xiao Bai looked at Da Bai.

The meaning in the eyes of both sides is the same, see it or not, this is the big devil.

Xiao Yi turned around, and Yin Que’s figure was no longer visible, disappearing into the gray earth.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, she didn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing suddenly wanted to throw Yin Que off the ship, “Second, second senior brother, what are you doing?”

“What are you going to do?” Don’t you see that much baggage has been lost by me?

Lu Shaoqing was in a good mood and intimidated Xiao Yi, “You too, don’t block me, otherwise I will also leave you behind.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, he quickly jumped down from the side of the ship.

Immediately showed a well-behaved smile and seriously assured, “Second Senior Brother, rest assured, I am the most well-behaved and will not block you.” ”

Don’t do the baggage if you beat to death.

The end of the baggage is to be discarded.

Lu Shaoqing sat down comfortably, got rid of the baggage, and was in a happy mood.

Lu Shaoqing laid out the spirit beans, Xiao Yi came over and skillfully peeled them, and while peeling them, he asked, “Second Senior Brother, didn’t you just say that you want to contribute to the Terrans?”

Lu Shaoqing threw a spirit bean into his mouth, squinted and said comfortably, “Our strength is far away, and if we don’t add chaos, we will make a contribution.”

“Our kind of strength is a burden, adding chaos to people’s existence, so people must have self-awareness, hide, not add chaos is to contribute.”

“If you shout a few more cheers, you will make a big effort.”

“I…” Xiao Yi held back with great difficulty, swallowing the words she wanted to complain, and she said, “Second Senior Brother, you and Senior Brother are so powerful, it’s not a burden.”

Lu Shaoqing knocked on her head to correct her opinion, “Caiyuan infancy, isn’t it a burden?”

“Less top hats for us here, less dangerous things to go inside.”

Xiao Yi glanced down at himself, “According to what you mean by the second senior brother, isn’t my Jiedan period even more cumbersome?” ”

Yes,” Lu Shaoqing was very pleased, “It’s not bad that you can have this kind of understanding, hurry up and cultivate for me, otherwise I will leave you off the ship at that time.” ”

Dropping off the boat or something will definitely not be, but there may be other punishments.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly assured, “Second Senior Brother, rest assured, I will cultivate seriously.” ”

Don’t say anything else, the attitude must be taken out.”

“Alas,” Lu Shaoqing finally sighed, “It’s really troublesome to die.”

“Why is it so hard to just go home quietly.”

The joy of losing the burden of Yin Que was gone, and Lu Shaoqing’s heart was filled with sadness.

The road home was bumpy.

Xiao Yi said again, “Second Senior Brother, if you leave him like this, he will still catch up in the end.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Even if you want to catch up, it will take a little time, hmph, it’s best to encounter a few monsters, with him tossing.”

Xiao Yi understood, “Second Senior Brother, did you do it on purpose?” Deliberately let him have some strength and make him suffer a little?

Lu Shaoqing hummed, “Who let him be arrogant in front of me? He does not suffer, who suffers? After

Xiao Yi listened, he mourned silently in his heart, it was really miserable, he offended the second senior brother, and he had to be tossed and lose half his life if he didn’t die.

“Hehe, he’s miserable.” Xiao Yi smiled straightly, and she was not used to Yin Que’s arrogance.

“Hmph, if it weren’t for the Avatar God behind him, I would have killed him a long time ago.” Lu Shaoqing scolded.

“What the hell…” Speaking of the Transformation God, Lu Shaoqing’s anger came out again, “The existence that adds to the blockage of people.”

“Why is there such a thing as a god?”

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“I haven’t encountered any of them before, but when I get to the Yuan Baby, all kinds of gods will emerge and die of anger…”

I thought that when I reached the Yuan Infant realm, I could feel at ease.

I didn’t expect that the gods of transformation would emerge at every turn, and they would spring up like mushrooms after rain, and any organization would have a god of transformation.

It’s hard to think about.

The more Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the more angry he became, and he shouted at Ji Yan, “Hurry up, give me the god of transformation right away, so that I don’t have to hold back so much.” ”

As long as Ji Yan reaches the Transformation God, with the strength of Ji Yan, crossing one or two small realms will not be a problem.

In the early stage of the Avatar God, you can not be afraid of the middle stage of the Avatar God, even if you can’t fight it, you can’t die.

And with a senior brother of the god of transformation behind him, this world can go to the world, see who is not favorable, you can say a loud and cordial greeting without worrying about being killed.

In short, there are many benefits to having an avatar behind you.

Lu Shaoqing was not sure how long he would enter the Avatar God, compared to his own uncertainty, he was still a genius master brother.

Xiao Yi carefully reminded Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, there is still a refining realm above the Transformation God.”

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and said fiercely, “Are you itchy?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly shut up and quickly peeled a few spirit beans and offered them with both hands.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t think too much about Xiao Yi for Lingdou’s sake, and he said to Xiao Yi seriously, “You girl has to work hard.”

“I’m too stupid and easy to be bullied.”

“You have to work hard as a junior sister, only if you are strong, I don’t have to worry about being bullied.”

“Ahem…” Xiao

Yi was very uncomfortable, she blushed, as if swallowing a mouthful of chili, and said, “Second Senior Brother, who dares to bully you.” ”

If you don’t bully others, others will burn high incense.”

Who can bully you in front of you?

I know you so far, only the master brother can barely suppress you, and the others can’t take any advantage in front of you.

Even if it is the Holy Lord of the Holy Land, is it not helpless for you?

Lu Shaoqing was even more sad, like a child who had been robbed of a toy, very sad, “There are more people who bully your second senior brother.”

“If I hadn’t been bullied, would I have come here?”

“Everything is not strong enough.”

“You give me a good effort, or I’ll clean you up when the time comes.”

In the end, Lu Shaoqing became fierce again, glaring at the two whites who were nestled next to Xiao Yi, “You two silly cats and monkeys too, give me a good effort.”

“In the future, when you give me the strongest and fiercest one, you can let me go out and walk sideways.”

If you can’t be an immortal emperor or something, then work hard, force your senior brother, your junior sister, and your spirit pet, as long as they are all strong.

You can walk sideways by yourself.

On those days, I want to laugh when I think about it.

Hope brother into a dragon, hope sister into a phoenix, I will be a salted fish.

Xiao Yi’s face was bitter, such a big expectation was very stressful.

“Second Senior Brother, I, I’m afraid…” Lu

Shaoqing was not happy, “Don’t you have that ambition?” Didn’t you say that you want to suppress Senior Brother with one hand and kick me?

“Anger, come on, if you have a dream, you have to go to the sight, you don’t want to be salted fish.”

Xiao Yi wanted to cry again, “Second Senior Brother, you, you might as well let Senior Brother work hard.”

“I also thought, who made him so stupid and slow to death.” Lu Shaoqing was disgusted, “There has been no movement until now, and I hurt him in vain.”

However, as soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, there were fluctuations on Ji Yan’s body…

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