A tall, pale-skinned man appears.

He was wearing armor composed of scale armor, looking murderous, and his body exuded a powerful aura unscrupulously.

After he appeared, he looked at the cloudy small pool, his eyes were hazy, like a goshawk patrolling the earth.

After feeling the breath here, he continued to pursue in the direction where the small armillary stone armored beast disappeared.

After this person disappeared, Xiangsi Xian and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

“It’s terrible, how strong is he?”

“Looking at it from afar, I feel that it is difficult to breathe…”

“It is definitely the strength above the middle stage of the Yuan Infant.” Yin Que gritted his teeth and said with a gloomy face.

The man put a lot of pressure on him and made him fearful.

Xiangjixian was silent for a while before he spoke, “It’s the people of the tribe, the minions of the priests.”

She glanced at the place and asked everyone, “What tribes are here, do you know?” Someone

took out a map and looked at it and said, “Miss, the closest to here is the Guardian tribe, with three infants, about five days away from us.

“As for the other small tribes, it’s not very clear.”

Xiangsi Xian looked in the direction where the small armillary armored beast disappeared, gritted his teeth and said, “Most of those people are from the Jia De clan. ”

The strong sense of oppression made her breathing equally difficult.

“What now?” Yin Que retreated a little, “So strong, we are not opponents.” ”

Among the people, he is the strongest, the third layer of the Yuan Baby, followed by the realm of the first layer of the Xiangsi Immortal Yuan Baby.

But in the face of the person just now, not to mention the middle of the Yuan Infant, Yin Que and their joint efforts are not enough for people to fight with one hand.

Xiangsi Xian hesitated, and finally she gritted her teeth and said, “Catch up, let’s follow behind and see?”

Yin Que disagreed in his heart, and looked very embarrassed, “Miss, if you are discovered, you will be in danger.” ”

They are god-killers, those who worship priests and those who speak traitors in the mouths of mankind.

Once discovered, it will definitely do its best to hunt it down.

The astonishing momentum exuded by the man just now was no match for these people.

Xiangsi Xian’s expression was still as flat as water, and her gaze became firm, “Since Grandpa let us come here, there must be a reason for him.”

“I also believe that the armillary beast and that person did not happen to appear, no matter what, we have to follow.”

“If any of you are afraid, you can stay here or return to the organization yourself.”

Yin Que had a depressed expression on his face, he was reluctant in his heart, but he couldn’t say anything more.

Say anything more, it seems that he is afraid.

Seeing that no one objected, Xiangsi Xian gave an order, and everyone boarded the boat again and carefully followed.

Everyone was cautious along the way, following far behind.

That person was powerful, and they didn’t even dare to breathe more.

Thanks to the fact that their spaceship was personally designed by the Great Elder, it could cover the heavenly machine and cover the breath, and there was no need to worry about being discovered after a distance of tens of miles.

Along the way, following the powerful man, Xiangsixian they found some clues.

Yin Que hesitated, “He seems to be deliberately driving away the armillary stone armored beast?”

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Xiangjixian nodded affirmatively, “Yes, it is. ”

With that person’s strong strength, to chase a juvenile armillary stone armored beast that is only in the Jiedan period, even if it is far away, it can easily catch up.

And this man chased for a few days, followed far behind, and did not rush to strike at the armillary stone armored beast.

“What is he going to do?” Others were puzzled.

No one knows, don’t guess the mind of the master.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Yin Que’s face suddenly changed, and he whispered, “Stop.” The

man in the distance converged his breath, disappeared in an instant, and lay dormant.

Seeing this, Xiangjixian also hurriedly controlled the spaceship to stop, and then circled to the left of the man, intending to see what was ahead.

Xiangsi Xian and the others hid on the spaceship and hid in the air.

As soon as he got closer, Yin Que was stunned, and he saw two white shadows bouncing back and forth in the chaotic world.

These two white shadows, Yin Que will not forget until death.

Yin Que gritted his teeth, “Did you hide here?”

Xiangsi Xian sensed that something was wrong with Yin Que and asked in a low voice, “What’s wrong?”

“Those two spirit pets are theirs. The people we’re chasing are hiding here…”

Xiangjixian was silent, this position they had never passed far from before.

That is to say, even if they continue to chase, they will only chase farther and farther, and the people who want to chase are hiding here, and it is useless for them to continue chasing.

If it wasn’t for her grandfather’s order, she would have turned back and wouldn’t have been able to chase people at all.

“How cunning!” Even Xiangsi Immortal couldn’t help but whisper.

Yin Que agreed a hundred times, he was full of hatred for Lu Shaoqing, “How cunning, but also despicable.”

Xiangjixian looked in the direction of the man, it was quiet, and the man seemed to be hiding, not knowing what he was planning.

The two spirit pets of Big White and Little White came out to relax, jumping in the chaotic rocks and playing happily.

Unexpectedly, when they were having fun, small armillary stone armored beasts suddenly drilled out and startled them.

The two whites were so frightened that the white hairs exploded and stood up.

The strength of the little armillary stone armored beast is comparable to them, and they are afraid of the parents of the small armillary stone armored beast, the two large and powerful adult armillary armored beasts.

Therefore, when he saw the little armillary stone armored beast, Liangbai almost peed.

I don’t know where to get out of the adult muddy stone armored beast and swallow them in one bite.

The two whites turned around and wanted to run, they didn’t have the guts to deal with the adult muddy stone armored beast, but after the little armillary stone armored beast saw the two whites, their eyes showed joy, and it roared a few times.

When the two whites heard this, they were stunned, and they came to ask for help?

Da Bai Xiaobai turned around, looked vigilantly at the muddy stone armored beast standing in front of them, and roared in a low voice.

Xiangsi Xian and the others who were watching from a distance looked at each other, “Are they communicating?” ”

Say what?”

Xiangsi Xian and the others did not understand, three monsters of different species were able to communicate normally and without hindrance, and they were very confused.

After discussing with the small armillary stone armored beast, Da Bai turned back, and not long after, Xiao Yi’s figure appeared.

“What happened?”

Xiao Yi appeared, and before he could ask anything, a man hiding in the shadows appeared, and a powerful aura pervaded…

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