Xiao Yi’s side had just arrived here, and a black-armored man appeared murderously.

The powerful aura swept out, raging like a hurricane, and countless stones burst and splashed under this breath.

Xiao Yi was not firmly on his footing and was caught off guard.

Ah, like a kite, she was blown away for several meters, hitting a pile of stones, and she fell to tears.

Xiao Yi touched his head and got up, glaring angrily at the man.

“Who are you? Do? The

man’s face was pale, and his gaze staring at Xiao Yi was full of killing intent.

After feeling it carefully, he said coldly, “You killed the priest.”

Xiao Yi was shocked, this sentence is enough to explain the identity of the person who came.

This is the tribal people dedicated to the priests.

Xiao Yi immediately shouted loudly, “You, you recognized the

wrong person” “Recognized the wrong person?” The man’s gaze was cold, and the killing intent rolled in his heart, “Traitor, damn it!”

Sensing the man’s killing intent, Xiao Yi continued to shout, “No, you really recognized the wrong person, I am not a traitor, I can swear.”

After speaking, Xiao Yi hurriedly swore that he was not a traitor.

It’s just a play on words, she has followed Lu Shaoqing for so long, if she doesn’t know this, she will wipe her neck.

Seeing Xiao Yi swearing, the man was stunned, not a traitor?

Xiao Yi hit the railway while it was hot, “I know who the person who killed the priest is. ”


The man couldn’t react for a while, after all, Xiao Yi was full of confidence and swore an oath, so that the man couldn’t help but doubt his judgment.

“His name is Yin Que, and I don’t know who he is, but he went in that direction, you can catch up and see.” Xiao Yi pointed in a direction and said, “He is a very arrogant person, you can find him to know if what I said is true.” A

mouthful of old blood rushed up his throat, causing him to roll his eyes.

Abominable smelly girl.

Sure enough, it is a hill of raccoon, and when it is a senior brother, it is also hated when it is a junior sister.

There is no comparison with the gentleness of the eldest lady.

So angry that Yin Que wanted to rush out and kill Xiao Yi with his own hands, it was too hateful.

The man looked at Xiao Yi in silence, and suddenly he waved his hand, and the powerful coercion struck.

Xiao Yi was once again caught off guard, like a fly being swept away.

This time, she sprayed blood from her mouth and flew hundreds of meters.

“Little girl, dare to lie in front of me?” The man said coldly, “Since I chased here, I already know what’s going on.”

“Do you think that no one knows about the priests who killed the small tribes?”

The man’s expression was cold, and he did not hide his killing intent, he looked at Xiao Yi coldly, “Follow me back and kneel in front of the priest of my tribe to repent.”

“If the Lord Priest is happy, he can spare your dog’s life.”

Xiao Yi stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, touched his hair, and was unkempt again, so angry that Xiao Yi broke his mouth and cursed, “A dog thing in human skin.”

“Why did your father give birth to you this thing that is not a thing?” Putting good people inappropriately, running to be monsters?

“It’s better for you to be a dog than for you to be a monster, people are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, they are disgusting when they see it, and they want to vomit when they smell it.”

“The stench on the body can be smelled from a hundred miles away, and it stinks dead.”

“Your father and mother were smoked to death by you, right?”

After saying this, Yin Que, Xiangsi Xian and others who were hiding in the distance looked at each other.

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They never expected Xiao Yi to scold people so fiercely.

“That man, you have to be angry, right?”

Someone whispered, “Don’t look good, scold so hard.” ”

But there is also humanity,” this little girl scolded really fiercely, but also offended people to death.

“The other party is an existence in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and he can be killed with one hand.”

“It’s not a smart person’s way of talking.”


Some people despise Xiao Yi very much, the little girl, scolding people so ruthlessly, their impression is greatly reduced.

Sure enough, the man was enraged, killing intent surged up, and his eyes were red, “Give me death!” Angry

, he slapped his palm, and powerful spiritual power surged out, like the waves rolling over, destroying the sky and the earth, destroying everything.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi crawled and rolled, fled in embarrassment, and ran out of the attack range like a rabbit.

Xiao Yi huffed and pointed at the man and shouted, “Rampant!

“I don’t know if I’m dead or alive, let you see how powerful Miss Ben is today!”

After speaking, his hands were sealed, and he shouted, “Meteorite Great Summoning Technique!” A

huge fireball fell from the sky, and the rumbling sound resounded in the sky, like the sound of the sun falling, which not only surprised the man, but even Xiangsi Xian and the others were also surprised.

The terrifying coercion emitted by the big fireball made them feel frightened, believing that once hit by the big fireball, even the Yuan Baby would not feel good.

The black family man’s thoughts were the same, and he did not dare to underestimate the big fireball.

He shouted, black mist appeared from his body, black mist rushed out, squirmed quickly, and actually turned into a black spear and rushed up to collide with the big fireball.


With a loud bang, huge smoke fell from the sky and covered a radius of several miles.

Yin Que and Xiang Sixian looked at each other.

Yin Que hesitated, “Like, isn’t it very powerful?”

Xiangsi Xian nodded, “The thunder is loud and the rain is small, is it used to scare people?”

And the black-armored man in the smoke was also wondering, but just as he was wondering, a whistling sound sounded in the air.

A boulder penetrated the smoke and fell from the sky, and the weight of 10,000 catties combined with the strength of 10,000 catties, and the whistling sound in the air was extremely heavy.

Like a heavy cannonball falling at the black-armored man, the black-armored man had no time to dodge, and could only hurriedly raise his hand to resist.


With a loud bang, the boulder under the black-armored man’s feet fell apart, and the huge force made a trace of anger flash on the man’s face.

This blow could not hurt him, but it could make the blood and qi in his body roll and ruin his mood.

However, this was not the end, followed by an invisible energy fluctuation and a sword light.

Xiao Yi and Liang Bai came out almost at the same time and launched a sneak attack on the black-armored man.

Starting with Xiao Bai’s stone, Xiao Yi’s sword light and defeated energy ball followed closely behind.

Whistling, fierce and fierce, I can’t wait to knock the black-armored man over with one blow.

In the face of the siege, the black mist on the black-armored man’s body was pervasive, like a barrier protecting him.

Not only did they easily resist Xiao Yi’s attacks, but they were also able to counterattack with the trend.

In just an instant, Xiao Yi and the two spirit pets were counterattacked, and blood sprayed from their mouths.

Too strong!

Xiao Yi pointed at the black-armored man and cursed, “You wait, let you see my tricks!”

Then he immediately made a big move, “Senior brother….”

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