In the distance, Yin Que and Xiangsi Xian and the others couldn’t help but complain.

“How despicable!”

“It’s too insidious, I thought how powerful that big fireball would be, it turned out to be to create smoke, the purpose was to sneak attack!”

“Is it useful to do this? That man is also in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, can this trick hide from him?

Yin Que also complained, “It must be that bastard with bad.” Xiangsi

Xian showed a distressed expression on his face, “This little girl does things, how can it be…” Xiangsi Xian

felt extremely pity in his heart, he looked so sweet, he was not a lady at all, and he was so cute in white.

Xiangsi Immortal felt in his heart that this was a violent heavenly thing.

Like a delicacy, it smells good, but it looks like a piece of, it’s just a bad mood and a bad appetite.

They complained and complained, but they also had to admire Xiao Yi’s courage.

“This girl, what a leopard guts.”

“Not only did she not run away, but she dared to take the initiative to attack the existence of the Yuan Infancy Period, is she really not afraid of death?”

“She’s dead this time, and he can’t save her when he comes back.”

“Alas, I am still young and vigorous, and I don’t know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.”

Whether it was Xiangsi Immortal or everyone else, they all felt that Xiao Yi was dead this time.

Only Yin Que knew where Xiao Yi’s confidence was.

It happened that at this time, Xiao Yi made his last big move.

“Senior Brother!”

With a cold snort, Ji Yan’s figure appeared.

With a gentle wave of his hand, the overwhelming pressure disappeared instantly, and everything returned to calm.

White clothes fluttering, dashing and handsome.

Xiangsi Xian looked at the Ji Yan that appeared, and his eyes were a little more colorful.

This looks really handsome, much more handsome than Yin Que next to him.

Yin Que didn’t know that he had been compared in his heart by Xiangsi Immortal, and he said in a low voice, “This person is their senior brother, Ji Gongzi. After

Ji Yan appeared, the black-armored man did not talk nonsense and took the initiative to take action against Ji Yan.

A black mist rushed straight towards Ji Yan.

The black mist squirmed, both like a monster wrapped in it, and like a fierce ghost, screaming and pounced on Ji Yan.

Looking at the astonishing aura of black mist, Xiangsi Immortal in the distance whispered, “Don’t fight him head-on.” ”

For thousands of years, these god killers have fought against people with black mist, and they know the difficulty of black mist.

Generally, the strategy of roundabout consumption is adopted, and the final blow is determined by constantly consuming the enemy’s black mist.

Xiangsi Xian had a full favorable impression of Ji Yan at first glance, and naturally did not want to suffer losses in front of the black-armored man.

However, Ji Yan did not dodge as Xiangsi Xian said, but stood still and let the black mist roar.

Seeing that Ji Yan did not dodge or dodge, the others shook their heads in a low voice, “Still young, with no experience.” ”

He’s miserable this time, maybe he has to account for it here.”

“So young, the strength is not strong, right?”

Yin Que did not speak, his gaze fell on Ji Yan, and he looked at Ji Yan deadly.

Soon, the black smoke came, like a fierce black monster, opened its blood plate and swallowed Ji Yan in one mouthful.

“It’s over!”


Seeing this, several people from Xiangsi Immortal shook their heads one after another, their faces full of pity, “I don’t dodge or dodge, it’s completely a dish delivery.”

“Alas, this performance is worse than his junior sister.”

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“Although his junior sister said that he was reckless, but he dared to show his sword, what about him, alas

…” “It’s still a person who is a senior brother…”

Xiangsi Xian also showed a disappointed expression, and appeared majestic and imposing, how could it be like this in the end?

It is inevitable that people will be disappointed.

Only Yin Que, he noticed the disappointed expression on Xiangsi Immortal’s face, and he said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, continue to watch.” Someone

next to him heard Yin Que’s words, shook his head, and said in a low voice, “Yin Gongzi, it’s all like this, what else can I do?”

“This is no ordinary opponent.”

“Yes, you don’t know the power of the black mist, he will have been devoured only bones, right?”

Others nodded in support, the black mist was too domineering, corrosive, and more devouring.

Spiritual power, flesh and blood can be devoured.

Even the soul can’t escape.

Yin Que shook his head, for such a companion, he was too lazy to give face, “Idiot, watch.”

Some companions were not convinced, “Look at it, I don’t believe that I can still turn the sky over

…” However, before he finished speaking, someone suddenly exclaimed, “Look!”

Everyone hurriedly looked, and at this look, they all froze.

In the eyes, those black fogs are constantly dissipating and weakening, just like the morning fog, after the sun comes out, they continue to dissipate, and Ji Yan’s figure gradually appears in the line of sight.

Soon, in just a few breaths, the thick black mist continued to dissipate, as if it had been swallowed by Ji Yan, and disappeared.

“This, this…” the

people on Xiangsisen’s side froze.

Cracked so easily?

The black-armored man also froze.

This is his means of attack, which does not work in the face of Ji Yan?

It’s something that has never happened before.

“You…” The black-armored

man was shocked and angry, the first time he encountered such a person, his heart was full of vigilance, and he glared angrily at Ji Yan.

As for Xiao Yi, he had already ignored it.

The calm and cold plan put a lot of pressure on him.

“Is that all?” Ji Yan was disappointed, and after seeing the attack methods of the priests and great elders of the Dingyi tribe and the Xibi tribe, Ji Yan could guess what their attack methods were.

Today I met a master of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and the result was still the same means.

Sure enough, as the junior brother said, the monsters just raised them as cattle, and there would be no clever techniques or exercises.

Such an opponent, there are no surprises at all.

“Come again, don’t let me down.” Ji Yan said to the black-armored man.

The black-armored man was furious.

He is also a master of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and the apostates have to fart and urinate when they see him.

Today, he was actually looked down upon by a hairy boy.

Angry, he roared again and again, “Dare to look down on me? Die! The

black-armored man struck again, and the black mist that emerged from his body was overwhelming, like a hell demon king.

However, Ji Yan frowned, or is it like this?

Although he was different from Lu Shaoqing, these black mist could not cause him any harm.

Since that’s the case, forget it.

Ji Yan sighed in disappointment, and the Wuqiu sword appeared in his hand and stabbed out at the black-armored man.

The sword light was like a blazing sun, shattering the darkness…

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