The strong sword light lit up, making Xiangsi Xian and the others subconsciously close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes, they froze again.

The black-armored man had disappeared, leaving only a deep sword mark on his position, like a sword split from the sky, splitting the earth in half.


Xiangjixian and the others looked at this scene in disbelief.

Did the man in black armor run away?

Yin Que suddenly pointed to the sky and said, “Look.” ”

Above the sky, a black shadow is frantically fleeing, it is the black-armored man.

The black-armored man looked panicked, with deep wounds on his body, deep bones.

Moreover, the surface of the wound was full of sword intent, and the sword intent was like a bug constantly drilling into his body, frantically devouring his body and devouring his flesh and blood.

The usually invincible black mist could not play any role in front of this sword intent.

He never expected that Ji Yan’s sword was so powerful, and the power of a sword was so terrifying.

In his feelings, it was like a sword cut by an immortal, making him feel hopeless.

Stronger than the Lord Priest.

As soon as the sword slashed down, he was seriously injured and hairy.

Hurry up and run!

The black-armored man lost his fighting spirit when he faced Ji Yan’s sword, turned around and ran.

Ji Yan was even more disappointed when he saw that the black-armored man actually ran away like this.

Shaking his head, no more nonsense, Wuqiu Sword shot again.

This time, the brilliant sword light shone, cutting through the gray sky and piercing the world.

The thousands of sword lights once again made Yin Que, Xiangsi Xian and the others close their eyes, and also made the black-armored man feel the breath of death.

The black-armored man was frightened and roared.

“Lord Priest help me!”

The black mist in the black-armored man’s body soared wildly, and in the blink of an eye, he also turned into a black monster.

The wings behind him flickered, flashed thousands of miles, and disappeared into Ji Yan’s sight.

However, he had already been locked, and even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he could not avoid Ji Yan’s sword.

The sword light came in the air, and the sharp sword intent lingered, like a broken void, appearing in front of the black-armored man.

The fierce killing intent made the black-armored man cold, and he struggled desperately, frantically urging the black mist in his body, intending to resist this move.

But all this in vain.

Facing the man who had turned into a monster, Ji Yan had no mercy from his subordinates, and almost exerted his full strength.

In the end, the man who turned into a monster roared madly, completely disappeared into the sword light, and even the soul was completely strangled.


Yin Que looked at the plan like a small white dot in the distance, and the awe in his heart was even greater.

Sure enough, powerful.

Xiangsi Xian and the others were also stunned and unbelievable.

Xiangjixian’s hand once again covered his mouth, hiding the shock in his heart.

This is a man in the middle of the Yuan Infant period, and he has two swords in front of Ji Yan?

How powerful is that person?

“What is strong,” Lu Shaoqing despised junior sister Xiao Yi’s lack of knowledge, “What does that guy have besides the realm of the Yuan Infant realm?”

“Maybe a little strength and speed, but what about the exercises?” Does he have one?

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“He is a leek, a relatively strong leek, and sooner or later someone will cut the wine.”

“You say, if you are a monster, do you teach the powerful exercises of leeks?”

“It’s already good to give him black mist cultivation and improve his strength, what else do you want?”

“Taught humans, monsters are not afraid of being eaten back?”

After a pause, Lu Shaoqing thought for a while and muttered, “Maybe these monsters don’t understand anything, and they can’t give anything else.”

After Xiao Yi listened, he nodded oh oh, and then he was extremely disdainful, “This little ability also dares to come to us for trouble?”

“Find death!”

Don’t you know that I have two senior brothers here?

Dare to come to the door to bully me, it’s like a lantern in the toilet.

“yes! Looking for death,” Lu Shaoqing stared at Xiao Yi with an unkind face, “You are also embarrassed to shake people when dealing with this kind of parallel cargo baby?”

Xiao Yi’s face immediately crossed, “Second Senior Brother, he is a Yuan baby.” ”

Even if it is the parallel goods in your mouth, but no matter how it is, it is a yuan baby, but it is not something that my level can deal with.

“Didn’t I fail to beat?”

Xiao Yi touched his head, his hair was messed up by that hateful guy, and it would take a little time.

While speaking, Ji Yan also returned, with a little disappointment on his face.

Xiao Yi hurriedly cared for him, “Senior brother, are you okay?”

“What can be done?” Lu Shaoqing interjected, “If you deal with this kind of parallel goods, you will be injured, and you will wipe your neck.”

Ji Yan shook his head and turned to Xiao Yi, “You are still too weak, work hard to cultivate.

Xiao Yi stuck out her tongue, not daring to say more, there was still a sword intent of Ji Yan in her body, which had not been consumed until now.

In this kind of thing, what the two senior brothers say is what they say, and don’t think about refuting it.


At this time, the small armillary stone armored beast appeared and roared low at Lu Shaoqing.

“Why is this guy here? Is it to deliver food? Lu Shaoqing stared at the little armillary stone armored beast, very unhappy, “It brought people, right?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly said, “Second Senior Brother, it came here for help. ”


“Yes…” It

turned out that the parents of the little armillary stone armored beast were injured after being defeated by Ji Yan, so they returned to the lair to prepare to recuperate.

But I never thought that a group of tribal humans suddenly appeared, taking advantage of the armillary armor beasts to pay for them and take them away.

The little armillary armored beast escaped under the cover of its parents.

It came here in the hope that Ji Yan would help to save his parents.

After Xiao Yi said the purpose of the little armillary stone armored beast, the little armillary stone armored beast fell to the ground on all fours, whimpering at Ji Yan, tears flowed from his eyes, and the pleading was very obvious.

Although it has a huge body of more than twenty meters, it is also fierce and majestic, but now the little armillary stone armored beast behaves like a helpless child, full of pity.

Xiao Yi saw that the mother’s love in her heart was flooding, and she shook Lu Shaoqing’s hand, “Second Senior Brother, you can do me a favor.” ”

It’s very dangerous,” Lu Shaoqing sighed, “We can’t protect ourselves, how can we save people?”

“Don’t you see how strong that man is?”

The black-armored man is in the Yuan Infant period, so according to the convention, the priests in the black-armored man tribe are also Yuan Infant level existences.

Maybe it’s still the Avatar period.

The three senior brothers and sisters ran to the door, didn’t they send it to the door by themselves?

Such a list, takeaway riders have to give a five-star praise when they see it.


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