Xiangsi Immortal, Yin Que and the others were full of surprise, and looked at the small armillary stone armored beast in the distance in disbelief.

After Yin Que exclaimed, he looked at Lu Shaoqing with a sneer, “Joke, if you want to deceive people, you have to find a better reason.”

“Do you really think we’re fools?”

The others also nodded one after another, looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze similarly.

It seems that they are saying that Lu Shaoqing is a liar.

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “What kind of expression are you?” Unbelief? ”

Liar!” Yin Que even began to button Lu Shaoqing’s hat, and he couldn’t wait to put all the hats in the world on Lu Shaoqing’s head, “Shameless, despicable, do you think we are three-year-old children?”

Xiao Yi was angry, he wanted to be a quiet audience, but he didn’t expect that this group of guys actually said that the second senior brother was a liar.

It’s abominable.

Xiao Yi huffed, “Who do you say is a liar? Do you want to lie to a guy with a missing brain stem and still use excuses? ”

Brainstem missing?

Yin Que’s brain was dizzy, what are you talking about?

You guys are really a raccoon, and you are all so annoying.

“Little girl, what are you talking about? You say it again? “Yin Que that angry ah, really is a guy from the same division.

Xiao Yi hummed, “It’s you, brainless guy.”

Lu Shaoqing patted Xiao Yi and shouted, “Don’t be rude, we have love and care for people with physical disabilities.”

“Quickly apologize.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up, and it was indeed the second senior brother, scolding people invisibly.

I still have to work hard.

Xiao Yi was as good as the stream, obedient and obedient, and obediently saluted Yin Que, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t scold you, don’t be angry.” ”

Bastard, bastard…..,” Yin Que was crazy, what did this caring look mean?

“Okay, don’t bark,” Lu Shaoqing spoke up, “You shouldn’t want to meet a little girl in general, right?”

“The child speaks fairy, you shouldn’t be stingy enough to deal with her, right?”

“I…” Yin Que was so angry that blood rushed to his throat, and he was once again choked so that he couldn’t speak.

Xiang Sixian can see that Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi are sharp-toothed, cunning, and when it comes to mouth cannons, Yin Que is not their opponent at all.

If it continues, Yin Que will only be internally injured by qi, and even go crazy.

She smiled again and said to Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, “Two, we don’t believe you, but don’t you two know?”

“In our world, because of the influence of the gods and the monsters of the priests, everything here is infected, whether it is animals or plants, they have become abnormal.”

“Plants wither, most of them lose their lives, and animals are similar, they lose their minds, they are cruel and tyrannical.”

“We can’t communicate with them, let alone say they’re going to come to humans.”

After Xiang Sixian explained, Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi understood why Yin Que and the others showed such expressions just now.

It turns out that monsters asking for help from humans does not exist for them, and it is a fantasy.

It’s no wonder Yin Que says they’re cheating.

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “So it is.”

Yin Que immediately laughed loudly, as if seizing the opportunity to turn over, gaining the upper hand, triumphantly condescending to despise Lu Shaoqing, “You still dare to say that it is not a lie? Inferior excuses, vile villains.

Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to argue with Yin Que, he glanced at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi understood in his heart, and shouted to the little armillary stone armored beast, “Little stone, come here.” ”

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Little rocks?

Looking at the small armillary armored beast with a huge body, Xiangsi Xian and the others were speechless.

You call this a small rock?

It swallowed it in one gulp, and everyone present didn’t have to burp.

You might as well call it a big rock.

Watching the small armillary stone armored beast rumbling over, there were two spirit pets sitting on it, Dabai and Xiaobai, and Xiangsi Xian, Yin Que and others were like great enemies.

The huge small armillary stone armored beast was like a moving mountain, with a huge sense of oppression.

The little armillary stone armored beast rushed over, and its head arched towards Xiao Yi’s body, appearing very intimate.

The little armillary stone armored beast knew very well that here, Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing would never dare to be coquettish, and only Xiao Yi could let it be coquettish and bring the relationship closer.

Xiao Yi patted its head, looked at Yin Que with a slight defiance, and said to the little armillary armored beast, “Here, yell at him twice.” The

little armillary armored beast immediately became fierce and roared angrily at Yin Que, and the tone that had not brushed its teeth rushed straight to Yin Que, causing Yin Que to roll his eyes.

Looking at the little armillary stone armored beast, Yin Que’s expression was not good-looking.

At the beginning, he almost became food for the little armillary stone armored beast.

The current performance of the little armillary stone armored beast made Xiangsi Xian and the others froze.

This monster can actually understand people and communicate with people?

Looking at the clarity and sanity in the eyes of the little armillary armored beast, they had to believe if they didn’t believe it.

Xiao Yi gently patted the small armillary stone armored beast again, and asked Xiang Sixian and the others, “How?” Believe it, right?

Xiangsi Immortal’s mouth opened slightly, she looked at the two spirit pets on the small armillary stone armored beast, she took a deep look at Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, you are really special people.” ”

Except for the spirit pets that have been raised by their side since childhood, Xiangsi Xian has never seen an animal that can communicate with people in the wild.

There is no doubt that the small armillary stone armored beast is also a special monster.

It can also feel the special of Lu Shaoqing and his group, so they will come here for help.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked rhetorically, “So, you believe it now, right?”

Xiangsi Xian nodded, the facts were all in front of him, and if you didn’t believe it, you had to believe it.

Lu Shaoqing said, “So, I didn’t lie to you, this little guy came to ask for help, as a kind person in my life, how can I see death and not save it?”

“I don’t have time to meet your grandfather.”


The little armillary stone armored beast couldn’t help but let out a low roar, resisting that Lu Shaoqing was lying.

Xiao Yi hurriedly slapped it and soothed it in a low voice.

Here, you dare to offend the second senior brother?

Da Bai and Xiao Bai also hurriedly roared twice, warning the little armillary stone armored beast not to provoke the big devil.

If you want to save your parents, don’t offend the big devil.

When Xiangsi Xian heard this, he smiled again, “It’s okay, help it first, and then go to see grandpa.”

“There is no hurry at this time.”

Lu Shaoqing said happily, “So, Sister Si Xian, do you want to help?”

“What’s so embarrassing about that?”

Xiangsi Xian just wanted to say a few polite words, but Lu Shaoqing said, “Well, I want to know who that man was just now….”

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