
You’re really not polite at all.

Xiang Sixian looked at Lu Shaoqing speechlessly, but in the end, she still said the identity of the black-armored man.

“He’s from the Guardian clan.”

“The Guardian Clan? Can you elaborate?

When Lu Shaoqing knew that the Guardian tribe only had three Yuan Babies, his face was much better.

“What about the priests of the tribe?”

“Could it be the Avatar?”

That’s what worries him.

The human yuan babies of the tribe are all parallel goods, even if they are the ninth layer of the yuan baby, they are not afraid.

Yin Que found another opportunity to despise Lu Shaoqing, and sneered, “Ignorance! ”

If there is a chance, he will despise it and step on Lu Shaoqing.

It seems that this can make him feel better.

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, but nodded seriously, “Yes, we just came out of a mountain nest and don’t understand anything.” ”

I’m used to being ridiculed on the road.”

Xiao Yi also took the opportunity to cooperate, tears welling up in his eyes, “Sister Si Xian, you won’t laugh at us, right?”

“We don’t want to be told we don’t know.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Alas, the children who come out of the small ravine, it is normal to be laughed at, it’s okay, we can bear it.”

Xiangsixian shook his head, “Of course not, don’t worry about the two of you. ”

I’ll go!

Yin Que’s face was ugly, and he was extremely red.

Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi said a word alone, so that he didn’t know how to complain and fight back.

Yin Que believed that Lu Shaoqing must be lying, but on the other hand, he couldn’t fight back.

Everything he says now is pale.

He could even feel the reproachful gaze of Aoshi Sen.

I’m so wronged.

Miss, shouldn’t you just believe it?

This is very fake when I hear this.

Sure enough, the eldest lady is still too simple, I must protect her by her side, and I can’t let this bastard deceive her.

Miss, I will guard it!

Yin Que’s gaze became firm, staring at Lu Shaoqing deadly, making a decision in his heart, and definitely not letting Lu Shaoqing deceive Xiangsi Immortal.

Xiangjixian continued, “With the existence of the Yuan Infant Human, the tribe can be called a large clan.

“And the human yuan baby will not be allowed to exist too much, and the excess yuan baby will go to the center of the world to meet the gods and will not return.”

“Therefore, even if it is a large tribe, the number of their masters is not large, and the strength of the priest is only the strength of the Yuan Infant realm.”

“Humans who appear masters or have talents generally go to the center of the world.”

“Grandpa said that this is to prevent the power of the Terrans below from being too strong and rebelling.”

After Lu Shaoqing listened, he hit the nail on the head, “Strong and weak!” ”

Prevent the people below from resisting, weaken the local strength as much as possible, and maintain the strong strength of the central government.”

This was the usual method used by the feudal dynasty, and it was very effective.

At the same time, it can also prove that the monster that claims to be a god is a being with reason and can think like a human.

Such an existence will only become more terrifying.

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As the saying goes, hooligans without culture are not terrible, what is scary is literate hooligans.

To worship the gods is to be a literate rogue.

The human beings who control this world like emperors and raise them as cattle.

On the other hand, these humans are still kept in the dark and have no doubts.

When Xiangsi Xian heard the four words of strong and weak branches, he couldn’t help but nod, “That’s right, that’s exactly it.

“Therefore, even if someone knows, their strength is too weak to resist at all, and they can only be slaughtered by the sacrificial gods.”

Xiangjixian’s face was heavy, and the more he understood the truth of the matter, the more he could feel despair.

Even her grandfather faced this situation and could not change it.

Lu Shaoqing was not as sentimental as Xiangsi Xian.

He just needs to know that there is no avatar in the so-called Guardian tribe.

The rest, has nothing to do with him.

After Lu Shaoqing got the information he wanted, he smiled and said to Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, I’m going to save this guy’s parents, I don’t have time to nag you here.”

“You wait for me here, after saving its parents, I will come back here and go with you to meet the Great Elder.”

Yin Que sneered, “I think you will take the opportunity to run.” ”

Yin Que is a hundred people who don’t believe that Lu Shaoqing will come back obediently, and after doing things, he must run as far as he can.

Even, Yin Que maliciously guessed at Lu Shaoqing, “Even if you say that you are going to his parents, it is fake, and the real purpose is to get rid of us.”

He said to Xiangji Xian, “Miss, we have to follow him.” ”

Xiangsi Xian is also such an idea, it is not easy to come across, who will wait here stupidly?

She is not a fool.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was embarrassed, “You guys also have to follow?”

“Well, not quite right?”

Sangsi-sen smiled and asked, “What’s so bad?”

“I’m afraid that when the time comes, I won’t be able to take care of you.”

“Let’s wait here, it’s safe here.”

Yin Que is angry, is this disgust for their strength?

Questioned about her strength, Xiang Sixian was also displeased, she put away her smile and said to Lu Shaoqing seriously, “Mu Gongzi, don’t worry, the strength of self-preservation is still there, so you don’t have to worry about this.”

“Besides, if we go, we can help, don’t you say?”

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t refuse, and said smoothly, “I’ll trouble you then.”

After speaking, he still winked at Yin Que, “Brother Yin, don’t be lazy then.” ”

Yin Que is resentful in his heart, I really want you to give a hammer.

Lu Shaoqing took Xiangsi Immortal and they found Ji Yan.

Ji Yan looked at Xiang Sixian and Yin Que and the others, slightly surprised, and then couldn’t help but curl up the corners of his mouth and said to Lu Shaoqing, “What is this?” ”

Think of hiding and avoiding the people of the God Killing Organization.

As a result, people still came to the door and hid in vain.

Lu Shaoqing said unpleasantly, “You laugh a fart, everyone has the opportunity to meet again, this is a good thing, do you understand?”

“Understood!” Ji Yan smiled.

Lu Shaoqing was even more upset, sitting on the little armillary armored beast with one butt, and shouted, “Lead the way, go and see if your parents have been roasted.” ”

The little armillary stone armored beast originally wanted to resist, but you dare to sit on my head?

But Lu Shaoqing’s breath leaked a little, and its urine immediately came up.

Without saying a word, he obediently drove Lu Shaoqing and set off.

Xiangsi Xian drove the spaceship to follow behind, looking at the three senior brothers and sisters of Ji Yan, Xiangsi Xian was silent for a long time, suddenly sighed, and said in a low voice, “Can they help?” ”

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