Yin Que has always stayed by Xiangsi Immortal’s side and is very concerned about Xiangsi Immortal’s every move.

Xiangsi Xian’s words fell in his ears, and he immediately took a few steps closer, and also lowered his voice, “Miss, did the Great Elder say anything?”

Xiangsi Xian shook his head, “Grandpa didn’t say much, he just said that special people can change this situation today.”


looked down again.

The back of the small armillary armored beast is not flat, but it is broad.

Ji Yanpan sat on the top of his head, not moving.

Lu Shaoqing found a place to lie down, as comfortable as lying on the bed.

Xiao Yi smiled and peeled the spirit beans for Lu Shaoqing next to him, and Da Bai and Xiao Bai jumped back and forth on it.

It looks peaceful.

The small armillary stone armored beast moved quickly on the ground, but its back remained steady, like a running field.

Looking at the leisurely and leisurely Lu Shaoqing three senior brothers and sisters, Xiang Sixian didn’t know what to say for a while.

Such a person really looks very special, I don’t know if this is particularly useful.

Yin Que watched Xiangsi Xian’s gaze fall on Lu Shaoqing, and he took the opportunity to say bad things about Lu Shaoqing again, and said to Xiangsi Xian, “Miss, look at that bastard boy, it’s not a good thing to see.”

“Treat the junior sister as a servant, I have never seen such a senior brother.”

“And he is despicable and shameless, be careful of being deceived by him.”

Yin Que couldn’t wait to put all the notorious and smelly hats on Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Xiangsi Xian looked at Yin Que a little in surprise, “Brother Yin, did he do anything to you?” ”

What did he do to me?

My heart was broken.

When he mentioned the sad thing, Yin Que’s tears swirled in his eyes.

An unbearable shame.

But he was embarrassed to say those things, and he could only say, “He lied to me.” The

tone was flat, but he gritted his teeth and hated it.

Xiangsi Xian said, “Brother Yin, I think he is not bad, not as bad as you say.” ”

Lu Shaoqing gives Xiang Sixian a good feeling, sunny and handsome in appearance, a proper sunshine big boy.

The mouth is sweet, and she can talk, praising her not to want.

When a little girl who does not know the world encounters this, she will fall 100%.

Xiang Sixian is not the kind of blind little girl who doesn’t understand anything, but Lu Shaoqing’s first impression gives her a really good feeling.

Even if Yin Que kept saying bad things about Lu Shaoqing next to her, she subconsciously ignored it.


Yin Que seemed to hear his own heartbreak.

Yin Que burst into tears, wanting to cry without tears.

That bastard guy, a few words to deceive the eldest lady around.

Damn it, I will never spare you.

Yin Que’s eyes were full of murderous aura, and he glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing below.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked around.

“Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?”

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Lu Shaoqing looked around suspiciously, and then looked at the spaceship following above, snorting a spirit bean, and his tone was puzzled, “Strange, it feels a little wrong, I can’t say it specifically.”

Then locked his gaze on Xiangsi Xian’s spaceship, looking at the strangely shaped spaceship, Lu Shaoqing said, “Let them follow, it may not be a good thing.”

Xiao Yi asked, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do?”

“Do you want to bury them?”

After speaking, he also fiercely made a neck wipe, like a fierce little sister.

“Am I like that kind of person who loves to kill?” Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “They have a Avatar God in their family, do I dare to do this?” ”

So, the gods and whatnot, the most annoying.

“At that time, Second Senior Brother, do you really want to follow them to meet the Great Elder of the Transformation God?” Xiao Yi was curious, would the second senior brother under the dangerous wall be obedient?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Don’t go, alas, it’s really troublesome to die.” ”

Killing Lu Shaoqing also doesn’t want to see the so-called Great Elder.

The existence of the god has never met, moody, God knows what will happen after meeting?

If you can’t see it, you can’t see it, everyone forgets each other, and never see each other is the best way.

“But they follow like this, how do you get rid of them?”

The question Xiao Yi asked made Lu Shaoqing unbearable to death, and even the spirit beans in his mouth seemed to have no taste.

“Don’t ask, let me be quiet.”

Xiao Yi was not interested, continued to get closer, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, in fact, I have a way.”

Xiao Yi’s big eyes flashed, flashing with wisdom, like a wise girl.

“What rice?” Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiao Yi in amazement, with curiosity in his eyes, “You idiot has a way?” ”

Could it be that Shibetsu was impressed by the three days?

My junior sister has been stuck in the past two years and has become smarter?

Lu Shaoqing was relieved, this is good.

Hope sister becomes a phoenix, junior sister becomes smart and powerful, can’t he, who is a senior brother, enjoy happiness?

“Tell me about it, what can you do.” Lu Shaoqing encouraged with a smile, “Knowing how to think when encountering things is a great improvement, not bad, not bad.”

Receiving Lu Shaoqing’s praise, Xiao Yi smiled even more happily.

She smiled straight and said her own method, “Second Senior Brother, you are afraid that Sister Si Xian’s grandfather will be unfavorable to you.

“In fact, as long as he is his own person, isn’t your so-called worry gone?”

“Hmm!” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes became a little unkind, he endured it, and continued to ask, “How to make him his own?” The

clear gaze contained boldness, and Xiao Yi blinked her eyes with stupidity in her wisdom, and said her method, “It’s very simple, Second Senior Brother, you accepted Sister Si Xian.”

“Although Sister Sixian is not as beautiful as Sister Xia Yu and Sister Yunxin, it is not bad, very attractive, and it is a good wife and good mother at a glance.”

“You accepted Sister Si Xian, isn’t this the same as the Great Elder family?”

Xiao Yi said, and as he spoke, he suddenly felt a chill.

Her thoughts from outside the world finally reacted and came back to her senses.

Xiao Yi immediately said dryly to Lu Shaoqing, “Second, second senior brother, I’m joking.” ”

Just kidding?” Lu Shaoqing poked Xiao Yi’s head, “You also said that the human brain stem is missing, I think you are the brain stem missing, and your brain stem is drowned by yellow brain juice.”

“How old are you?” Day by day, I think about these things.

Lu Shaoqing shouted at Ji Yan, “Kill her, I don’t want a junior sister with a yellow head.” ”

It’s too shameful to go out with such a junior sister.”

Ji Yan was silent for a moment, and his voice came slowly, “Let’s fight…”

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