Although the small armillary armored beast is huge, its speed is not weak at all.

Knowing that his parents were in danger, they carried Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing all the way, day and night, and soon arrived near the Jia De tribe.


The small armillary stone armored beast roared low in the direction of the Jia De tribe, its voice full of excitement and anger.

The hind legs are constantly rubbing the ground, and it seems that they can’t wait to rush up immediately.

Xiao Yi was on the back of the small armillary armored beast, pulling her ears with both hands, this action she had been going on for several days.

After saying the wrong thing that day, he was punished like this by the second senior brother.

After Xiao Yi heard the low roar of the little armillary stone armored beast, she hurriedly said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second senior brother, the little stone said that its parents are still alive.

“To live is to live, what’s the rush?”

“Also, put your hands away!”

Lu Shaoqing looked in the direction of the Guardian Clan.

Even if it is miles away, the noisy sound of the Guardian tribe can reach here.

This is a large tribe, numbering over 10,000 people, living by the mountains, right next to the stone forest.

There was a river interspersed by the tribe, and the water was turbid, similar to the kind of sewage river that Lu Shaoqing had seen in his previous life.

The surroundings are not very good, but there are also a lot of green vegetation and trees, and there is a forest in the distance with green and dead yellow.

This is also an oasis, rare woods and meadows, as well as rivers, and the living environment is okay, I don’t know how many times larger than the oases of the Xibi tribe and the Dingyi tribe.

Divine sense swept away, and soon found two huge armillary armored beasts.

They looked very embarrassed, their huge bodies lying on the ground, their bodies were full of wounds, blood flowed, and they were in a very bad state.

There were a group of humans around, pointing at the two armillary armored beasts, and even many people’s eyes lit up.

Such a huge two monsters, the flesh and blood on them were enough for all the people of their tribe to eat for ten days and a half month.

“Mu Gongzi!” Xiangsi Xian came down and glanced curiously at Xiao Yi, who was still pulling his ears with both hands.

Lu Shaoqing did not look back, his eyes still looking into the distance.

“Mu Gongzi, what are you going to do next?” Xiangsixian couldn’t help but ask curiously.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “What do you plan to do?” Do you have any other strategy? Ji

Yan stood up, his tone indifferent, “Do you still need to think about it?”

After speaking, he took off and headed in the direction of the Guardian tribe.

Xiangsi Xian looked at Ji Yan’s back, his eyes were shining, and he looked really handsome.

However, she hesitated for a moment and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, Ji Gongzi, shouldn’t he want to kill it directly?” ”

yes?” Lu Shaoqing nodded reasonably, “What else could it be?” ”

Now the Guardian tribe still has two Terran Yuan Babies plus a Yuan Baby Monster Priest, which is very powerful for the others.

But for Lu Shaoqing and his party, it is not worth mentioning.

For such an enemy, of course, it is directly reckless, flying dragons riding faces, tearing down towers and crystals, and it’s done.

Lu Shaoqing said to Yin Que, “Brother Yin, let’s go, together!” ”

What for?”

Yin Que was wary, “What do you want to do?” ”

The scene of being thrown off the ship is vividly remembered, and Yin Que will never forget it.

“Didn’t you say you wanted to help? Do you want to sit next to you and watch a play? Lu Shaoqing said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Sister Si Xian, you said you wanted to help.”

“Of course, if you are afraid, then forget it, wait here.”

After speaking, he also left.

Yin Que was so angry that he stomped his foot, eager to kick the small armillary stone armored beast next to him to death.

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“Miss, don’t be deceived by him, don’t care if he lives or dies.”

Yin Que hated his teeth itching, and he even hoped that the priests of the Jia De tribe would give Lu Shaoqing a little bitterness.

Xiangsi Xianguan Er smiled and said to Yin Que, “Let’s go.”

Yin Que was still very worried, “Miss, be careful.” They are so reckless, just let them go on their own.

Xiangsi Xian shook his head, “I have already promised to help, if we don’t go, Brother Yin you will be called a coward, are you willing?”


Yin Que was helpless, but he could only keep up.

But he secretly made a decision in his heart, and he said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, don’t interfere rashly later.”

“Let’s see what happens.”

Hmph, I’m here, I don’t help, I’m paddling next to me, see if you can help me?

When you are beaten half to death, I will strike again, and then I can humiliate you well.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que followed behind, and when they entered the Guardian tribe, Ji Yan had already made a move.

Ji Yan was dressed in white, walking in the air like a walk, and came to the sky above the Guardian tribe, and he did not hide his breath.

The master on the side of the Guardian tribe sensed the arrival of Ji Yan.

The clan was in chaos, and the women and children immediately ran back to the house and hid.

Young people took out weapons such as bows and arrows to prepare.

The masters began to form a formation, and black mist began to emerge from their bodies, and they were all slaughtered.

The two Yuan Infant masters in the Guardian tribe immediately flew away, murderous.

“Who’s coming?”

“Dare to trespass into the Jia De tribe and look for death?”

The two Guardian clans’ Yuan Infancy stage masters are both in the early Yuan Infant stage.

Ji Yan did not speak, but after looking at the two yuan babies, he withdrew his gaze.

These two people did not let Ji Yan have the urge to make a move.

The strength of the Terran Yuan Infant in this world is very weak and vulnerable.

Although the two of them exuded their own powerful aura as much as possible, they were so weak in Ji Yan’s eyes.

Ji Yan’s gaze crossed the two and fell behind them, which was the back mountain of the Guardian clan.

After looking around, the figure swayed and went straight to the back mountain.

Ji Yan’s goal was to find the priests of the Guardian tribe, and only the priests interested Ji Yan.

“Be bold!”

Seeing this, the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe were furious, and they were furious, and bursts of black mist appeared on their bodies, looking at them from afar, as if they were smoked by anger.

“Dare to underestimate us?”

“Find death!”

“Kill you!”

Although the two Yuan Infant masters were angry, they also sensed that Ji Yan was not easy to mess with, and the two decisively joined forces as soon as possible.


The black mist transformed into a fist and a finger towards Ji Yan respectively.

With a wave of Ji Yan’s long sword, the sword intent stirred, and his fist and palm were instantly crushed.

Taking advantage of the fact that the two Yuan babies did not react, Ji Yan had already passed them and went straight to the back mountain.


The two were furious and wanted to catch up, and Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “Your opponent is here.”

“Grandchildren, look, your grandfather is here…”

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