Yin Que, who was following behind Lu Shaoqing, immediately despised it, and took the opportunity to say to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, look, this guy is not polite at all.

“Infuriated them, the guy is dead.”

As Yin Que said, Lu Shaoqing’s words angered the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian clan.

Lu Shaoqing is like an excellent MT, and he fills his hatred as soon as he appears.

The two Yuan Babies of the Jia De tribe instantly transferred their hatred from Ji Yan to Lu Shaoqing.

“Find death!”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe saw Lu Shaoqing’s ordinary breath, and the killing intent in their hearts soared, and their expressions became even more fierce.

Ji Yan’s performance made them stunned in their hearts, and it just so happened that a Lu Shaoqing appeared now, and they just had an excuse not to chase Ji Yan.

The two instantly joined forces again to strike at Lu Shaoqing.

The black mist flowed rapidly in the air as if it were alive, and it rushed towards Lu Shaoqing with open teeth and claws.

Faced with the joint attack of the two, Lu Shaoqing turned around and ran, shouting at the same time, “Don’t talk about martial virtue, despicable.”

Yin Que sneered in the distance, “Hmph, rampant, do you really think you can hit two by one?”

He said to Xiangsi Immortal, who wanted to step forward to help, “Miss, don’t rush to make a move first, let him suffer a little.”

He has good reason, “We can’t make him think we’re too nice to talk to, and making a move now will make it seem like we’re cheap.”

“We must make him suffer a little and know our importance, so that he can better take him to the Great Elder at that time, otherwise with his character, it is easy to have many twists and turns when he sees the Great Elder.”

What is good to do is secondary, the main thing is to want Lu Shaoqing to suffer a little.

Hmph, the eldest lady is around, I’m embarrassed to clean you up.

However, it is also very cool for me that you have been taught a lesson by others.

Yin Que was secretly happy in his heart.

He just wants to bring a stool now and sit next to him and watch the play.

However, the next moment, Lu Shaoqing turned around and went straight to Xiang Sixian and Yin Que, shouting, “Sister Sixian, help!”

Without waiting for Xiang Sixian and Yin Que to react, Lu Shaoqing slipped like a rabbit, ran behind the two, and shouted, “Protect me.” ”

Am I!


Yin Que wanted to vomit blood.

Aishisen also showed an expression of constipation.

Why can this guy shout this sentence easily and smoothly without a little hesitation.

As if shouted countless times, extremely skillful.

“Want to run?” Seeing this, the two Yuan Babies of the Jia De tribe still firmly locked on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s grandson completely angered them, and hatred was firmly locked on Lu Shaoqing.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que and shouted, “They are apostates. ”


The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe first paused, and then their gloomy gazes fell on Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que.

“Traitor, die!”

The hatred of the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe shifted again, and they brazenly attacked Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que.

For the monsters who worship the gods and priests, the apostate is a restless, unstable factor, a cancer in the body, and an object that must be eradicated.

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Therefore, for the people of the tribe, the apostate is the most damned existence and the most priority enemy to eradicate.

Lu Shaoqing shouted and smoothly transferred his hatred.

At this moment, even Xiangsi Immortal couldn’t help but vomit blood, which betrayed without a trace of hesitation.

Yin Que roared even more angrily, and he couldn’t wait to turn around and kill a despicable and shameless guy like Lu Shaoqing first.

“Come on!” Lu Shaoqing waved at Xiang Sixian and Yin Que, “It’s over to you, I’ll help my senior brother.”

After speaking, a puff of smoke ran away, and the figure disappeared into the air.

Yin Que was so angry that he was going crazy, “This shameless person. ”

Xiangsi Xian is also crying and laughing.

But at this time, the two of them were not allowed to face the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian Clan, and their attack had already been killed.

The black mist carried a strange aura, shocking killing intent, and opened its teeth and claws to kill.

“Let’s deal with them first!” Xiangsi Xian sighed and joined forces with Yin Que to meet the enemy…

Lu Shaoqing carried his hands behind his back and leisurely came to the back mountain of the Jia De tribe.

Here, Ji Yan had already dealt with the priests of the Guardian tribe.

The female monster is still black, and her strength is already in the late stage of the Yuan Infant, and the black mist that comes out of her body rushes straight to the sky, like a hell demon king in the dark hell.

After Lu Shaoqing arrived, he saw this scene and muttered, “When the brick family saw it, they must say that this is polluting the environment.” ”

If you pollute the environment, you have to die.” Protecting the environment is everyone’s responsibility! ”

The black monster in front of him already has the outline of a human, and the black scale armor is like black armor, which looks strange, but also a little majestic.

Lu Shaoqing even wondered if there was a human hiding under the black scale armor.

The monster bent slightly, its claws bent, revealing its black sharp claws, and fighting with its teeth.

Its speed is fast, and every stir of the wings on its back makes it streak through the sky like lightning.

The hands are its weapons, flashing with a black glow, and with each swing, the black light cuts through, as if it can tear the space apart.

The invisible energy that was set off tore the surroundings apart, like a major earthquake, a mess.

In the face of the monster, Ji Yan did not rush to attack, but took a defensive position, still verifying the defensive moves he had comprehended.

Seeing that Ji Yan did not attack, the monster made a deep ho-ho sound, as if mocking Ji Yan for killing himself.

It constantly attacks around Ji Yan.

The black claws were like the sharpest two weapons, and they swung down fiercely at Ji Yan.


As if something had been torn apart and shattered, an invisible fluctuation appeared from the monster’s claws and went straight to Ji Yan.

As if the space was torn apart, powerful energy distorted the space.

The huge sense of oppression brought by the powerful energy blows everything in Fang Yuan, and the strong sense of oppression makes it difficult to breathe.

Facing the monster’s claw, Ji Yan did not dodge or dodge, and stood in place.


With a soft sound, the invisible energy collided with Ji Yan.

At the same time, the sharp sword intent that erupted in front of Ji Yan.

Like countless tiny ants constantly gnawing, the energy is constantly exploding, but it is constantly dissipating, and after a few breaths, the monster’s blow dissipates into the invisible under the stranglehold of the sword intent.

Finally, a fresh breeze blew through, and Ji Yan’s white clothes fluttered lightly, like a sword fairy, flowing like the wind…

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