Although the black monster’s strength has increased, it will definitely be a monster, and there are no smart exercises.

It depends more on its own strength and speed.

Hugely powerful, extremely fast, with a hard scale armor and a strange black mist, it is a difficult enemy for others.

The slightest mistake will kill under its claws.

It is a pity that its opponent is Ji Yan, and the hard scale armor is like paper paste in front of Ji Yan, which does not play much role.

As for strength and speed, it is also impossible to say.

Even with a weird black fog, the monster can’t occupy the slightest chance of victory.

However, the weird black fog gives the monster the confidence to fight with Ji Yan.

It frantically urged the black mist to fight with Ji Yan, and several times used the black mist to avoid Ji Yan’s kill.

However, black fog also seems to have a limit, under repeated urging and excessive use, the color of black fog becomes lighter, and it is no longer the pure black that it was at the beginning.

The strength of the monster is also constantly declining, and even the realm is declining as the black mist becomes lighter.

In the end, the monster’s mouth sprayed blood, and it could no longer urge the black mist, and it ate Ji Yan’s sword firmly.


The monster’s eyes showed fear, and he turned around and wanted to run.

At this time, it is no longer the opponent of Ji Yan, and there is only a dead end to continue.

Lu Shaoqing pinched his chin, watching the monster turn around and flee, his eyes became cold again.

This priestly monster is very different from those encountered before.

The priestly monster in front of him can think, have reason, know the progress and retreat, and will not be like that kind of monster will only bow his head and rush.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “It seems that these monsters are mothers, responsible for creating those monsters?”

“The existence of an ant queen that resembles an ant colony?”

Just as Lu Shaoqing was thinking, there was a scream from the monster, and its body was split in half in the air, and black blood splattered out.

Split in half, the monster is not yet dead, struggling frantically and making a mournful sound.

Ji Yan’s face was expressionless, and he took out his sword again, and in an instant, the monster became a pile of minced meat, and then added a fire, completely burning the monster clean.

Junior brothers and sisters like this kind of operation, and as a senior brother, they naturally can’t be less.

After Lu Shaoqing killed the monster in Ji Yan, he disappeared in place as soon as possible and appeared in the monster’s cave.

The caves here are larger and more spacious than those of the Dingyi and Xibi tribes.

The walls on both sides are smooth and have traces of artificial polishing, and some animal carcasses and even human bones are hung on them.

Here in the middle is the black teleportation array that you have seen.

This teleportation array is larger than the teleportation array of the previous two tribes, and the lines outlined are better, and it can be seen that it is very careful.

Lu Shaoqing measured it and speculated that the current scale of this teleportation array could teleport about fifteen to twenty people at a time, which could be regarded as a medium-sized teleportation array.

After seeing this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but sigh, “It’s really a big clan, it’s just different.” Having

said that, Lu Shaoqing’s hand movements were not slow, and he smashed down with a punch, accurately hitting the weak point of the teleportation array.

As the spiritual power surged out, it constantly impacted the weakness of the teleportation array, and finally the teleportation array collapsed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After about ten breaths, this medium-sized teleportation array completely disappeared.

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Lu Shaoqing also sat on the ground with his butt, and stuffed a few pills into his mouth before slowing down.

“Almost collapsed!” Lu Shaoqing patted his chest with palpitations.

Although it was a medium-sized teleportation array, it needed too much spiritual power, and it almost sucked Lu Shaoqing dry.

Lu Shaoqing rested for a while, stood up, glanced at the cave, and after making sure that there was nothing else, Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, “Done.” ”

After solving the teleportation array, even if the monster has reinforcements, it can’t come here, so you can rest assured.”

As long as the people here in the Guardian tribe, except for those two Yuan Infant masters, the others are not worth mentioning.

And just now, the monster withdrew most of the black mist in the human body, almost destroying the people of the Guardian tribe in one wave.

Lu Shaoqing, they can now walk sideways here in the Jia De tribe.

After Lu Shaoqing came out, he noticed that there was still fighting in the distance, and he shook his head, “Haven’t the two of them done it yet?” ”

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan returned and saw the battle between the two Yuan Babies of the Jia De Clan.

Lu Shaoqing deeply despised, “Dishes, real dishes.”

“It is also said that the God Killing Organization, such a strength, a fart killing god.”

On the scene, Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que joined forces against the enemy, facing the two Yuan babies of the Guardian clan, but they could only resist bitterly.

Ji Yan glanced at it and shook his head.

In fact, Yin Que’s strength is not weak, he is in the early stage of the Yuan Infant, three-layer realm, one-on-one, not only will he not fall into the downside, but he even has a great chance of victory.

He was dragged down by Xiangjixian.

Xiangsi Immortal is just the early stage of the Yuan Infant, a realm, and his strength is the weakest of the four.

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe also discovered this and concentrated their firepower against Xiangsi Immortal.

In order to protect Xiangsi Immortal, Yin Que lost the initiative, fell into the downwind, and was pressed and beaten.

While fighting, Xiangsian is persuading the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian clan.

“Don’t be obsessed, the gods and priests are monsters.”

“They are enslaved us humans, treating us humans as animals, killing and robbing us.”

“As human beings, do you really have to be obsessed with it, help to cause abuse, and go all the way to the dark?”

Xiangsi Xian has been persuading, hoping that the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe will return to the right path.

“Less deceitful here, you apostates are the ones whose sins are unforgivable.”

“How much suffering does your existence bring us?”

“Priests and priests have brought us peace, you have been deliberately destroying, countless people have died at your hands, you are the most damned.”

The two Yuan Babies of the Jia De tribe sneered, and they couldn’t listen to Xiangsi Immortal’s words at all.

In their opinion, these apostates are the bad guys.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Naive, they have all cultivated this step of the Dao, who is a simple person?”

“A few words want to make people get lost, why is this chick so naïve?”

Xiangsixian didn’t want to give up, and he wanted to continue to persuade.

But the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe were already impatient, and shouted, “Don’t talk nonsense, suffer death!”

The two shouted, and at the same time once again urged the black mist in their bodies to kill towards Xiangsi Immortal and Yin Que.

In an instant, the two were shrouded in black mist….

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