“Miss be careful!”

Facing the attack of the two Yuan Infants, Xiangsi Immortal could not resist it, and his face turned white.

Yin Que intercepted in front of her as soon as possible and ate the other party’s blow firmly.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, forming a mist of blood.

Yin Que’s face was pale, and looking at the two sneering infants, his heart sank more and more.

Is it going to be less fierce this time?

Xiangsi Immortal’s strength is average, he can’t resist the other party, and he has to protect Xiangsi Immortal, and it is difficult to show his strength.

Yin Que thought about it and felt that everything was still because of Lu Shaoqing.

It’s all because of that bastard.

“That bastard, damn it!”

Yin Que broke his mouth and cursed, “It’s all because of him that we are like this.”

“Now the person is gone, and I don’t know if it’s dead.”

He said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, wait for me to drag them down, you retreat first!”

Xiangsi Immortal’s face showed concern, “This…”

“There is no time to hesitate,” Yin Que gritted his teeth, wiped a handful of blood from the corner of his mouth, and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “They go to provoke the priests of the Guardian tribe, they may not be able to win.”

“We can’t venture with them here, just retreat and save ourselves.”

Even if Lu Shaoqing was a special person in the mouth of the Great Elder, the Great Elder wanted to see them.

But at this time, what Yin Que can do is to protect his own group first, and as for the rest, wait until he survives.

Xiangsi Xian’s eyes showed self-blame, and said to Yin Que, “Brother Yin, I dragged you down.”

A smile appeared on Yin Que’s face, and with Xiangsi Xian’s words, he felt that he had no regrets in dying.

He smiled and was arrogant, “Don’t worry, the two Yuan babies also killed me.” ”

Go!” Then, he took the initiative to strike, his hands were sealed, and several wind blades were killed towards the two Yuan babies of the Guardian clan.

The wind blade howled, cutting through the black mist, so that the two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe had to retreat and dodge.

Xiangjixian also left the battlefield at the first time and flew towards the back.

Not only could she not help anything by staying here, but it also dragged Yin Que down, making Yin Que unable to exert her hands.

Although Aishi Xian wants to leave the battlefield, the enemy will not let her leave easily.

Seeing Xiangsi Immortal leaving the battlefield, the two of the Guardian tribe immediately divided their troops, and a Yuan Infant came from a distance with murderous energy.

“Want to escape? Dream!

“Kill you, take your head and offer it to the priests!”

With a palm wave, the black mist transformed into a palm and fell from the sky.

Facing an opponent who was a small realm higher than himself, Xiangjixian quickly fell into the downwind and was in danger.

“Miss be careful!”

Yin Que was blinded and desperate to come to the rescue.

The Yuan Baby who fought with Yin Que shouted, “Don’t you put me in your eyes? ”

Pursuing behind Yin Que, the powerful power made the surroundings shake endlessly, and the aura of danger surged in his heart.

Yin Que changed color and had to turn back.

“Get out, get out of here!”

In a hurry, Yin Que barely blocked this attack, and the powerful spiritual power erupted, like a violent wind, blowing away the black mist.

Yin Que’s side just breathed a sigh of relief, and the next moment, the danger struck again.

And Xiangsi Immortal’s voice sounded, “Brother Yin, be careful!” A

powerful aura erupted, and the fist formed by the black mist burst into a fist with the momentum of killing everything.

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Caught off guard, Yin Que took a solid punch.


Yin Que once again spurted blood wildly, and was blasted away by a punch, like a shooting star across the sky, smashing heavily into the ground several miles away.

The powerful force smashed the ground into a deep pit, smashing it so that Yin Que constantly vomited blood and doubted life.

Yin Que lay on the ground, half of his body buried in the soil, unable to move.

The powerful force made him feel that the bones in his whole body were broken, and his whole body was full of numbness, as if he had been electrocuted by a hundred thousand volts of electricity, and the strong pain made him just want to lie down.

Yin Que looked at the gray sky, and his mood was similar to the sky.

It’s too hard.

The strength of these two Yuan Babies of the Guardian Clan is not strong, one-on-one, he has a hundred confidence to defeat any of them.

However, when the other party joined forces, he also had to be distracted to take care of Xiangsi Immortal, and was yin by the other party.

Although it was said that it was a matter of Xiangjixian’s strength, Yin Que did not blame Xiangsixian.

Instead, he blamed Lu Shaoqing, “It’s all because of that bastard.” ”

Isn’t it?

Come here, go straight up.

Enraged the enemy, patted his ass and left, letting him and Xiangsi Xian deal with the two Yuan babies here.

“Brother Yin, are you all right?”

Xiangsi Xian hurriedly rushed over, with an anxious expression on his face.

However, seeing that Xiangsi Xian cared about himself, Yin Que suddenly felt that it was worth it for him to suffer this injury.

He struggled to get up, regardless of his injuries, and hurriedly said to Xiangsi Xian, “Miss, you hurry up.” ”

It’s too dangerous here.”

Of course, Xiangsi Xian was not willing to leave Yin Que and flee alone.

She shook her head and said, “Brother Yin, let’s go together.” ”

Let’s go together?”

“Can you go?”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe approached one left and one right, murderous.

“Neither of you want to leave today, just leave your lives behind.”

“That’s right, take your heads and offer them to Lord Priest, Lord Priest will be very happy!”

“Haha…” The

two Yuan babies who were holding the victory looked very arrogant.

He taunted Yin Que and Xiangsi Immortal, and his arrogant appearance made Yin Que so angry that he vomited blood repeatedly.

Yin Que’s face was red, as if smoking above his head, steaming, he shouted angrily at the two, “Shameless villain, dare I fight alone?”

“Fight alone, I’ll let you have one hand.”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe sneered, “Are you still qualified to say this now?” The

two were too lazy to talk nonsense with Yin Que, and in their eyes, Yin Que and the two were already dead people.

Xiangsi Xian stood up and faced the two people, “You two are also Terrans, why are you obsessed and kill each other?”

“You are apostates, and everyone is condemned for it.”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe were too lazy to talk nonsense, and the two urged the black mist and shot at Xiangsi Immortal together.

The black mist connected together and continued to transform into a palm and fist towards Aoshi Immortal.

The air was filled with tyrannical killing intent, and even the air became violent.


Yin Que was shocked, if Xiangsi Immortal was hit, even if the Immortal Emperor came, he would not be able to save it.

“Run away!”

Yin Que shouted, but it was too late, and when he saw that the black mist was about to hit Xiangji Immortal, a ray of light lit up…

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