Brilliant sword light descended from the sky, like a divine sword descending, sweeping across the world and sweeping away the evil of the world.

A sword swept across, and the black mist melted like spring snow meeting the blazing sun.

The two Yuan babies of the Guardian tribe were caught off guard and were seriously injured by a sword, and blood spurted out.

“Who, who?”

They were shocked and furious.

Of course, when their gazes fell on Ji Yan, their faces showed ugly looks.

“I advise you not to be nosy…” In

view of Ji Yan’s toughness, the two did not want to conflict with Ji Yan.

But when they carefully felt the breath on Ji Yan’s body, the faces of the two changed wildly.

“Damn it, damn it!”

“What did you do to Lord Priest?”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe roared, they already knew the results of their tribal priests.

“You actually dare to kill Lord Priest!”

“I’m going to kill you.”

The two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe had red eyes and went crazy, looking at Ji Yan as if they saw the murderer of their father, and the two roared and shot angrily.

And when the words of the two Yuan babies of the Guardian tribe fell in the ears of Yin Que and Xiangsi Xian, the two froze.

The priest of the Garter tribe died?

According to the configuration of the tribe, a tribe has a yuan baby human being, and the priest must also be the yuan baby, and it is also the strongest realm.

In order to suppress humanity in terms of absolute strength.

The Guardian tribe has a human master in the middle of the Yuan Infant period and two early Yuan Infant Dynasties, so the priests of the Guardian tribe must be at least the late Yuan Infant stage.

How long have they been there and killed the priest so easily?

Monsters that are priests are much more powerful than humans.

Ji Yan was able to kill the priest in such a short time, how strong was his strength?

Xiang Sixian and Yin Que looked at the plan in the sky like a white-clothed sword fairy, and the two of them were in awe in their hearts.

Yin Que looked at Ji Yan and felt a little envious in his heart, if only he could be as powerful as Ji Yan.

Just when Yin Que was envious in his heart, a voice suddenly sounded in his ears that he did not want to hear.

“Sister Si Xian, are you all right?”

Yin Que turned his head and glared angrily, staring at Lu Shaoqing who appeared with resentment.

Bastard guy!

Provoked the enemy himself, and then ran to hide.

Yin Que was indignant at Lu Shaoqing and scolded angrily, “Coward!

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, smiled and looked at Yinque, admiring, “Scold people as soon as you meet, it seems that you are in a good state.” ”

Brother Yin is really powerful, able to deal with two Yuan Infant masters, powerful, powerful.”

Awesome hair.

Yin Que’s face became even more ugly, and he wanted to hit people more and more.

If he were powerful, he wouldn’t be so angry.

“Coward,” Yin Que angrily rebuked Lu Shaoqing, “If you encounter something, hide, are you still a man?”

“Because of you, the eldest lady almost died.”

“Quickly apologize to the eldest miss.”

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Lu Shaoqing looked at Xiang Sixian with an apologetic face, “Really? I thought Sister Si Xian could handle it.”

“Didn’t Brother Yin say that he was a genius? Can’t beat it?

Then Lu Shaoqing shook his head and turned to Yin Que, “Brother Yin, this is what is wrong with you.”

“I still believe in you, I didn’t expect that you were actually bragging, bragging about how powerful you are, you see, because your bragging almost hurt Sister Si Xian.”

Yin Que is angry, so to speak, blame me?

“Bastard, what are you talking about?”

Lu Shaoqing looked generous, and said indifferently, “It’s okay, everyone is friends, if you can’t do it, you can’t do it, and no one will laugh if you recognize it.”

“So, the person who should apologize to Sister Si Xian is you.”

“Abominable!” Yin Que gritted his teeth and said, “If it was one-on-one, I would have defeated them a long time ago.”

Yin Que resolutely refused to admit that his skills were inferior, “The two of them joining forces, it is not as simple as one plus one, even your senior brother can’t please him.”

As soon as the words fell, two voices of participation came from above the sky in the distance.

Two Yuan Babies of the Guardian tribe fell under Ji Yan’s sword.

“Can’t please?” Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked Yin Que, “Is that so?” Yin

Que’s face was immediately ugly like constipation, and he couldn’t pull out for ten days and ten nights.

This face is really fast.

Yin Que couldn’t even help but complain in his heart.

Can’t you just slow down? You have to kill so fast.

Looking at the heavenly plan, Xiangsi Immortal’s eyes were full of amazement, but also full of curiosity.

Easily solve the two Yuan Infants, and then think that Ji Yan had already killed the priests of the Jia De tribe before this.

Such a young master is enough to leave the geniuses in their god-killing organization far behind, leaving the geniuses out of reach.

Where did he come from?

Who are they?

Xiangsi Xian couldn’t help the curiosity in his heart and asked, “Mu Gongzi, who are you?” Yin

Que couldn’t help but prick up his ears, what kind of place can cultivate such a superb bastard.

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, “Good man.”

After speaking, he didn’t take any more Xiangsi Immortal, turned around and went to the two huge armillary armored beasts.

The people of the Guardian tribe had scattered, the priests were dead, the masters of their clan were also dead, the other cultivators were injured one after another, and all they could do was run away in the face of the invaders.

Seeing this, Xiangsi Xian hurriedly took his own people to appease these humans.

Dead priests, free from control, there is an opportunity to turn them into a normal tribe and live a normal life.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan came to the armillary stone armored beast, and the two adult armillary stone armored beasts lay on the ground, like two connected mountains, full of a huge sense of oppression.

Humans stand in front of them, as small as an ant.

Each eye is bigger than an adult.

Lu Shaoqing measured and muttered, “We can’t even plug our teeth.” The

two armillary stone armored beasts were in a very bad state, and Lu Shaoqing checked it and found that there was a black mist wrapped around their bodies, which not only eroded their flesh and blood, but also devoured their souls.

Outward injuries are constantly serious for them, and serious ones are internal.

Xiao Yi rushed over with the small armillary stone armored beast here, the small armillary stone armored beast wailed, tears rolled down, and his head kept arching his parents, constantly calling.

The two adult armillary stone armored beasts were already in a semi-comatose state, and when they heard the call of the small armillary stone armored beast, their eyelids only moved slightly, and it seemed that they did not even have the strength to open their eyes.

After the little armillary stone armored beast wailed a few times, it once again asked for help from Ji Yan.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Died at a loss…”

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