Come out, nothing is fished, for Lu Shaoqing, this is a loss-making transaction.

Moreover, he was entangled by the people of the God Killing Organization, and he was even more indebted to his grandmother’s family.

Although he cursed and cursed, Lu Shaoqing was still a good person to do it to the end.

He stretched out his hand and put it on the two armillary stone armored beasts, and the spiritual power in his body urged, and the black mist in the bodies of the two armillary stone armored beasts was easily absorbed by him.

This level of black fog may have an impact on normal people, but for Lu Shaoqing, black fog is much weaker than black lightning.

The black mist entered his body, and the dog tenant boss was too lazy to take a look, and the black lightning in his body instantly wiped out these black mist, and could not cause him any harm.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, this painting style is really helpless.

As the black mist in their bodies was absorbed, the two adult armillary stone armored beasts quickly regained their mobility.

They stood up and roared with joy, the sound echoing around them like thunder.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan also secretly prepared to prevent the armillary stone armored beast from suddenly going crazy.

They won’t keep their hands, especially Lu Shaoqing, if the armillary stone armored beast dares to go crazy, Lu Shaoqing will dare to slaughter them.

You can save them and you can slaughter them.

However, the two armillary armored beasts, like their cubs, possessed spiritual intelligence and knew that Lu Shaoqing had saved them.

The two armillary armors roared at Lu Shaoqing and expressed their gratitude to them.

Lu Shaoqing dug his ears and said, “Okay, let’s go.” Lu

Shaoqing was also too lazy to talk nonsense, and he didn’t plan to ask for benefits from the two armillary stone armored beasts.

When you look at them, you know that they are poor ghosts.

“Alas, do good deeds, I hope that the way of heaven can be seen, and when you cross the calamity in the future, be gentle.”

There was no benefit, Lu Shaoqing could only comfort himself like this.

After solving the matter of the armillary stone armored beast, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the group of people from the God Killing Organization, and his brows were deeply furrowed.

Ji Yan also noticed that Lu Shaoqing’s brows were furrowed, knowing what Lu Shaoqing was worried about, he asked lightly, “What are you going to do?”

“What else can I do? Cold mix. “Lu Shaoqing doesn’t have any good ways now.

I originally wanted to let the Yuan Baby of the Guardian tribe drag Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que, let them fight in the dark, and fight for ten days and ten nights.

As long as Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que are dragged down, Lu Shaoqing will immediately slip away after finishing things here, and he can get rid of Xiangsi Immortal again.

As a result, Xiangsi Immortal couldn’t beat the Yuan Baby of the Guardian tribe, and they were almost killed.

Lu Shaoqing’s plan was also in vain.

“Being followed by them, annoyed to death, do you have to go?” Lu Shaoqing was very upset, going to see an unknown god of transformation seemed to him to be no different from going to death.

Lu Shaoqing had to worry about the future of his three senior siblings.

On the other hand, Ji Yan was much more optimistic, he looked at the busy in the distance, persuading Xiangsi Xian and the others of the Jia De tribe, and said indifferently, “Didn’t Yin Que say that?” Their Great Elder is good at divination, can you hide from it?

“Instead of finding something for yourself to do, it’s better to be cheerful and go directly to meet the Great Elder in their mouth.”

Ji Yan seemed very indifferent, since he couldn’t dodge, he would face it head-on, calling him a human or a ghost.

This is the character of Ji Yan, too lazy to go around in circles.

Lu Shaoqing glared at him, hammering his chest, hating iron is not steel, “Also said senior brother, can’t you think about it for junior brother and sister?”

“What if the other party has bad intentions?” We are the little white rabbit who delivered to the door, not enough for people to stuff their teeth.

“With bad intentions, the war is over.” Ji Yan still doesn’t matter the Tao.

For him, if it is an enemy, then a sword cut.

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If one sword does not work, then two swords.

“You roll, you roll!” Lu Shaoqing was even more angry, “Avatar, big brother, what level are you?” Are you also embarrassed to say war?

“People crushed you to death with one finger, and Master can’t make up enough meat to build a grave for you when he comes to collect the corpse.”

Lu Shaoqing felt very tired, they were all master brothers, and they didn’t understand things yet.

Master, I now realize that it is not easy for you.

Alas, who do I owe in my previous life?

Such a master brother on the stall, tired.

Ji Yan shrugged, “I think I’ll see you then.”

“You shut up for me and get out of here.” Lu Shaoqing was unceremonious, “I want to be quiet.” ”

The senior brother is not reliable, the little junior sister is not reliable, and I have to rely on me, the second senior brother, at the critical moment.


After I go back, I must let Master compensate me well.

Accepted the apprentice, patted his ass himself, and flicked the palm cabinet.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was full of sadness and sadness, Xiao Yi ran over.

Buried with small short legs, wagging its tail like a puppy, the wind blows over.

“Senior brother, second

senior brother…” Lu Shaoqing’s side was sad that the senior brother was unreliable and the little junior sister was not sensible.

Xiao Yi rushed over in a hurry, not a little mature, so angry that Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened again, and he was angry, “What for?”

“How old is it?” Twenty years old, right? Can it be more mature? ”

Xiao Yi’s side is confused, what’s wrong with the second senior brother?

Did you eat Fireball? So angry.

Lu Shaoqing continued to teach Xiao Yi a lesson, and scolded, “When people are your age, children run all over the ground and can make soy sauce.

“You are also at the age of being a mother, can you be mature and steady?”

“Don’t be surprised, say things slowly, don’t be frizzy, next time it’s like this, don’t blame me for cleaning you up.”

“Got it?”

Xiao Yi was trained like a quail, nodding repeatedly, and did not dare to breathe more, “Got it.”

“Hmph, don’t learn from your senior brother, say, what’s the matter?”

Xiao Yi carefully glanced at the senior brother next to her, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that these two were arguing.

She was innocent and hit the muzzle.

I really died unjustly.

Xiao Yi wailed in his heart.

This is the fire at the city gate that affected the pond fish, and she is the innocent little fish.

Now the main thing is not to offend the second senior brother, remembering Lu Shaoqing’s teachings, cautiously, slowly said, “Second, second senior brother, the armillary stone armored beast said, yes, I want to thank you.”

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, not caring, doing good deeds without leaving a name, “Okay, let’s do good deeds.”

“Without spirit stones, verbal thanks or something will be spared, they are injured, save some saliva to heal their wounds.”

“No, they say there’s something good for you…”

There is such a thing, you didn’t say it earlier? Next time you grind like this, I’ll clean you up…”

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