Lu Shaoqing came to the armillary stone armored beast with a smile, and Xiao Yi followed behind Lu Shaoqing with a deflated mouth.

“Do you want to thank me?” Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, smiled happily, and his white teeth shone, “In fact, it’s just a show of hands, don’t be so polite.”

“By the way, where is the thing?” What is a good thing?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was like radar patrolling back and forth on the two adult armillary stone armored beasts, guessing in his heart where they would hide their things.

With such a large body, it is normal to have a pocket.

But where are the pockets?


The two adult armillary stone armored beasts had shrunk their bodies, but they still had huge bodies that were more than ten meters long, and one of them roared a few times at Lu Shaoqing.

“What? In your lair?

Lu Shaoqing was overjoyed, “Is it that kind of shiny thing?”


After receiving an affirmative answer, Lu Shaoqing’s hara was about to flow out.

Shiny, isn’t this a spirit stone?

Sure enough, this kind of intelligent monster likes to collect shiny things, which is great.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and praised the three armillary stone armored beasts, “You have the resources of the Divine Dragon. ”

Let’s go, let’s go, hurry back to where you live.” As soon as he heard that there was a spirit stone, Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to stay here for a quarter of an hour.

What Guardian tribe, what big tribe, are all floating clouds, not a single spar, are all poor ghost places.

Sure enough, good deeds are rewarded.

Lu Shaoqing asked with great concern, “Can you still move?” Why not take my spaceship? ”

Lu Shaoqing now can’t wait to teleport to the nest of the armillary stone armored beast, and the spirit stone is placed at home without anyone to guard it, how dangerous this is.

What to do in case of encountering a thief?

Xiang Si Xian’s side was pacifying the people of the Jia De tribe, but suddenly received the news that Lu Shaoqing and they were leaving.

Appeasing the people of the Guardian tribe and bringing them to their senses is also the work of the God Killer Organization.

But changing ingrained thinking takes a lot of time and energy.

Xiang Sixian knew that Lu Shaoqing was leaving, and without saying a word, she immediately asked a few people who followed her to stay here to continue to pacify the Jia De clan, and at the same time sent the headquarters of the Messenger Association to send people to help.

This is a large clan and needs more manpower.

And she continued to do her work, following Lu Shaoqing and his party, asking them to meet her grandfather.

“What are you doing with you?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t welcome this, “Don’t you need to appease people here?”

“Just leave like that? Is it really good to shake the palm cabinet? Aren’t you afraid of being told that you have no conscience?

“Won’t your conscience hurt by leaving them like this?”

If he could, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t wait for Xiangsi Xian and them to stay here, he left happily, and everyone never saw each other again.

Xiang Sixian was speechless, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a little helplessness.

It should be you who has a bad conscience.

The priests and Yuan Infant masters who killed them are you, you kill people, pat your ass and leave, do not think about them?

Xiang Sixian collected his mood and showed a smile, “Mu Gongzi rest assured, naturally someone will come to settle them.”

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“My task is to take Mu Gongzi to see your grandfather.”

As soon as he heard Xiangsi Immortal’s grandfather, Lu Shaoqing instantly lost interest in speaking, and a avatar god was waiting for him, and his heart was stuffed when he thought about it.

“If you want to follow, follow, when the time comes, don’t blame me.”

Xiangsi Xian followed, and Yin Que naturally followed.

Lu Shaoqing was extremely disgusted, “Brother Yin, you are injured, do you want to follow?”

“Be careful of running long distances and tossing you bad.”

“Hmph!” Yin Que doesn’t want to speak, you don’t tease the eldest lady very little, my mood is much better.


The three armillary armored beasts let out a few low roars and left here, ready to return to their lair.

Lu Shaoqing made a request to Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, can you sit on your spaceship?”

Yin Que immediately became alert, “What do you want to do?” Don’t you have a spaceship? And your ship is bigger. Although

I don’t know why, Yin Que didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to board Xiangsi Immortal’s spaceship in his heart.

“How? Can’t you sit still? Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Is the ship yours?”

Yin Que was speechless, and he immediately said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, be careful, he is very cunning, maybe he is playing some bad idea.” Maybe you want to sabotage the spaceship. ”

What Lu Shaoqing wants to do, Yin Que will speculate about Lu Shaoqing with the greatest malice, thinking that Lu Shaoqing will not be safe.

Xiangsi Xian shook her head, and she smiled, “It’s okay, this is the spaceship refined by grandpa, there will be no problem.” ”

Yin Que also thinks about it, the Great Elder is also a god, and the spaceship refined by his hands is equivalent to a magic weapon of the fifth and sixth grades, but it is not so easy to destroy.

Thinking of this, he felt a little relieved.

Xiang Sixian took out a spaceship like a conch, and Lu Shaoqing and the three boarded the ship.

The space of the spaceship is not large, at most it is a small boat, and a dozen people will be more crowded on it.

After Lu Shaoqing came up, he seemed very curious and immediately went into the cabin.

“What for?”

From the moment Lu Shaoqing boarded the ship, Yin Que’s eyes stayed on Lu Shaoqing, almost treating Lu Shaoqing as a prisoner.

“Look at it! Right, Sister Si Xian, can I take a look?

Lu Shaoqing was not polite at all, asked for it, and got in.

The room or something, Lu Shaoqing did not look at it, he mainly looked at the structure of the spaceship.

Each spacecraft has its own power structure and is also the main core of the spacecraft.

Otherwise, driven by manpower alone, the huge demand for spiritual power is enough to squeeze a person dry.

Yin Que saw Lu Shaoqing drilling around with the power cabin, looking very curious, and immediately despised, “Do you understand these things?”

“I don’t understand,” Lu Shaoqing patted here and there, and asked rhetorically, “Do you understand?” ”

Yin Que said, the manufacturing design of the spaceship, refining tools, formations, he usually has too late time to cultivate, let alone these.

“If you don’t understand, go out, less here, if the spaceship is broken, can you afford it?” Yin Que was embarrassed and angry, and no longer let Lu Shaoqing continue to watch, “Get out!” ”


Lu Shaoqing despised, and then patted the sides of the cabin hard again, and exclaimed, “It’s really a good ship.”

Finally, under Yin Que’s angry gaze, he returned to the deck and said to Xiangsi Xian with a smile, “Sister Si Xian, this is a good ship, the speed must be very fast.”

Xiangsi Xian nodded, and was also very satisfied with his spaceship, “Yes, grandpa has spent a lot of effort on this ship, speed is its strength…”

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