“yes, that’s nice.”

Lu Shaoqing came to the side of the ship, stroked the lines on it, knocked lightly a few times, and smiled in his eyes, “If only I had a spaceship like this.”

“The Great Elder must be hurting you a lot…..

Along the way, Lu Shaoqing showed great interest in the spacecraft under his feet.

Often idle, east touch, west touch.

I didn’t stop until I reached my destination.

The nest of the armillary beast is underneath, like a rabbit digging a hole to hollow out a stone mountain, and below is a huge cave.

After Lu Shaoqing and they entered, it was as if they had come to the country of giants.

The cave here is like a huge square, tens of meters high, it looks extremely empty, enough to accommodate adult armillary armored beasts to move freely.

The cave leads in all directions, and there are passages leading underground, with no end in sight.

Muddy stone armored beasts are used to find food under the ground by digging tunnels.

The perimeter of the wall was densely packed with stones, and after the little armillary stone armored beast returned, it immediately went to gnaw the stones on the wall.

Stone by stone was bitten by it.

Lu Shaoqing even went to tease the little armillary stone armored beast, “Do you want to add some material?” Pointing

at Yin Que, he said, “Eat him.” The

gazes of the three armillary stone armored beasts fell on Yin Que, making Yin Que’s cold hair stand upright, and his color was fierce, “You dare?” ”

He is not afraid of the small armillary stone armored beast, but the two adult armillary stone armored beasts are enough to make Yin Que unable to make any storms.

Lu Shaoqing smiled straight, laughing so hard that his heart bristled.

Thinking of what Lu Shaoqing had done before, he didn’t know what to do in his heart, should it be a superficial smile again, and he would sell him after changing hands?

He subconsciously approached Xiangsi Immortal a few steps, staring at Lu Shaoqing vigilantly, and the spiritual power in his body was running, and he was quietly ready.

At the same time, he whispered to remind Xiangsi Xian, “Miss, be careful.” ”

Here is underneath, unfamiliar with life, there are only two of them.

Lu Shaoqing and his party wanted to do something to the two of them, but they really shouted that every day should not be done, and the ground was not working.

Xiangsi Xian shook his head and signaled Yin Que not to worry.

“If it is not for us, we have already started it, and we don’t need to wait until this time.”

Xiangsi Xian saw it very clearly, and she transmitted a voice to Yin Que, “Don’t worry, grandpa said, I won’t be in danger this trip.”

Yin Que suddenly calmed down and completely let go of his heart.

Thinking that his nervousness just now was very humiliating, he widened his eyes, thinking of giving Lu Shaoqing a stubborn look, but he never thought that Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Lu Shaoqing came to the armillary stone armored beast and asked happily, “What about the things?”


The voice of the armillary armored beasts echoed through the cave, appearing thick and low, and then they continued to lead the way in front and enter a passage.

The passage continued to go deeper into the ground, and three armillary armored beasts led the way in front, and Lu Shaoqing and his group followed behind.

Armillary beasts are more flexible and faster underneath than on the ground.

After walking for nearly five hours, it has passed 20,000 or 30,000 meters from the ground.

“Second Senior Brother, how long will it take to go on like this?” Xiao Yi came closer and asked in a low voice.

She looked around, there was darkness all around, there was no light here anymore, it was very seeping.

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“Is there really something good?” Xiao Yi couldn’t help but question.

Lu Shaoqing was not impatient, but very happy, “You don’t understand this, of course good things must be hidden.”

“Hiding so deeply, it must be a lot of spirit stones, hehe…” ”

Spirit stones or something, of course, must be well hidden, absolutely not easy to show people.”

Xiao Yi was a little suspicious, did this spirit stone need to be hidden like this?

She couldn’t help but say, “What if it’s not a spirit stone?

Lu Shaoqing suddenly became murderous and said fiercely in the dark, “Then I will slaughter them and you.”

Xiao Yi blinked, his eyes flickering in the darkness with puzzled eyes.

“For, why?” Xiao Yi seems very innocent, this is none of my business.

There are no spirit stones, they deceived you, just slaughter them.

“Why?” Lu Shaoqing was fierce like a dog protecting food, and he faced Xiao Yilong’s teeth, “I said it was a spirit stone, you said no, in case it wasn’t, then your crow mouth worked.”

“You’d better pray for spirit stones.”

Xiao Yi covered his mouth for the first time, this, or don’t say it.

In the matter of spirit stones, the second senior brother can do not recognize the six relatives.

After another half an hour, the two sides of the passage gradually lit up, and glowing stones appeared around them, their light illuminated the darkness underground, but these were just ordinary stones, just a little special, able to shine.

Xiao Yi couldn’t hold back again, “Second Senior Brother, look, these stones can also be regarded as bright crystals, right?”

“You shut up for me!”

As it went deeper, the passage became brighter and brighter, and suddenly, everyone’s eyes lit up and suddenly opened.

There was another cave in front of him, but this cave was not too big, and the three armillary stone armored beasts crowded here seemed a little crowded.

After Lu Shaoqing rushed in, his eyes lit up, so bright, it was definitely a shining spirit stone, and it was a lot, and many, many would emit such light.


After Lu Shaoqing rushed in, his smile gradually disappeared, there was nothing here, and there was nothing in the huge cave.

The walls next to it were covered with glowing stones, which illuminated the light here, but these stones were of no use to Lu Shaoqing and them.

Lu Shaoqing was extremely disappointed and stared at the armillary stone armored beast, “What about the spirit stone?” ”

Dare to lie to me, will be called out for you.

Noticing that Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was not good, a muddy stone armored beast dodged its body, revealing a hole behind it, and roared a few times at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing immediately turned cloudy, a smile appeared on his face, and rubbed his hands, “Something is inside?”

Lu Shaoqing was the first to rush in, and the others followed curiously.

Xiao Yi muttered, “I hope it is covered with spirit stones.” ”

Without the spirit stone, the second senior brother will go crazy.

The crazy second senior brother is not good for anyone.

However, after coming in, the imaginary scene full of dazzling and blinding eyes did not appear.

There are no spirit stones, no treasures, and this place is empty, except for an egg on the ground.

Half a meter tall, the size of a child, the black shiny egg stands on the ground.

The surface of the eggshell is dark and shiny, exuding an inexplicable breath, and the surface is carved like jade with a striped road, and the grain is full of streamers.

The light is uncertain, and it seems that there is an incredible life born inside, constantly breathing.

“What about the spirit stones” After Lu Shaoqing came in, he looked over and over again, and he couldn’t see the place where the spirit stones were hidden, he couldn’t calm down, and his sad and angry voice echoed in the cave, “What about my spirit stones…”

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