Lu Shaoqing couldn’t accept it, he spent so much time and traveled so far to come here, didn’t he just think of having a spirit stone?

The result?

When the head is hit, there is no hair.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t bear it anymore, and gritted his teeth, “It’s hateful, you actually deceive my feelings, I’m going to kill them.”

Yin Que looked secretly happy on the side, and even wanted to sing a song to express his happiness.

Deserve it, you also have today?

Do you know what it’s like to be deceived?

Grandma Li’s, you lied to me in the first place, and my heart is still dripping blood.

Heaven’s way is good reincarnation, retribution, retribution.

Yin Que laughed in his heart.

He looked at Xiangsixian next to him, and wanted to share his joy with Xiangsixian very much.

Didn’t the book say that?

Sharing happy things with people you like is double happiness.

However, Yin Que found that Xiangsi Xian’s face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were staring at the black egg.

With a solemn expression, standing next to him, he can also smell the unusual taste.

“Miss, what’s wrong?”

Could it be that he was also sad for that bastard?

Xiangsi Immortal’s breathing became heavy, and her voice seemed to be squeezed out with a pressed tongue, “Big Brother Yin, look, does it look like the son of a sacrifice god?”

“Sacrifice, sacrifice to the son of God?” The word, like a heavy hammer smashed heavily on Yin Que’s feet, made him jump up and scream, “No, it can’t be! ”

The cave is not big, and the sound of Yin Que is very loud and deafening in the cave.

Xiao Yi was pulling Lu Shaoqing’s clothes here, wanting to calm Lu Shaoqing, let him calm down, and not rush out to kill the three armillary stone armored beasts.

But her strength was weak, and when she couldn’t hold it, Yin Que’s words attracted Xiao Yi’s attention.

Xiao Yi hurriedly said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second, second senior brother, it sounds like this egg has some value, it’s better to calm down first, how?”

“I’m calm now.” Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, what a sacrifice to the son of God, to hell with it.

He wanted spirit stones.

Without spirit stones, everything is for nothing, even if it is a beautiful woman who has stripped naked in front of him, he is not interested.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t worry,” Xiao Yi tugged at Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, soothing in his heart, “Besides, they didn’t say that there were spirit stones, right?” They’re just shiny things.

“Besides spirit stones, what else is shiny?” Lu Shaoqing’s murderous aura was even stronger, and it was already permeating the cave, “You let me go, otherwise I will even clean you up.”

Xiao Yi pointed at the black egg and said, “This, it can also be regarded as a bright crystal.” ”

The black egg emits light, and the surface is as clear as the most beautiful jade, and it can be said that it is shiny.

“I’ll kill you bastard junior sister first, and then go and bake them, just because I have cumin here.”

“Yes, yes,” Xiao Yi nodded repeatedly, but she still didn’t let go, “Second Senior Brother, it’s better to find out what kind of egg this egg is?” ”

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The armillary stone armored beast won’t bring us here for no reason, right?”

“It’s really not good, when the time comes, it will be worth a little spirit stone.”

With the two words of Lingshi, Lu Shaoqing calmed down a little.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly asked Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, what is the son of the sacrifice god?”

“Did the gods come all the way here to lay eggs?”

Xiangjixian kept staring at the black egg, her eyes never looked away, and for a long time, she spoke, “I’m not sure if this is the son of the sacrifice god.”

“The son of the sacrificial god is not the son of the sacrificial god, this is just a name we call for it.”

“Because monsters such as sacrifice gods exist in this world, everything is easily eroded, and some animals or humans have been eroded early at the beginning of their birth, and they are loyal to the sacrifice god from birth, and they are the minions of the sacrifice god.”

“They are extremely powerful when they are born, and they progress so fast that we call them the sons of the gods.”

“In history, there have been several sacrificial sons, some and some animals, and every time they appear, they will set off bloody storms, especially those of us who rebel against the sacrificial gods, and we have suffered heavy losses…”

“More than two hundred years have passed since the last time the sacrificial son appeared, so I think the egg in front of me will also give birth to the sacrificial son.”

The voice of the Aoshi Fairy echoed through the cave, with surprise, with fear, and finally gradually became firm.

Xiangsi Xian gritted his teeth, his eyes showed a fierce light, and the murderous aura rolled in his chest, like boiling boiling water, spreading all overflowing, “We must get rid of it before it is born consciousness.”

After speaking, her gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, “Two, what is your opinion?” Lu

Shaoqing also became interested in the black egg after listening to Xiang Sixian’s words.

He said, “What’s the hurry, let me see first.”

“If it’s worth it, I’ll sell it.”

When Xiangsi Xian heard this, he was anxious, he didn’t know the seriousness of the matter.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, we must eradicate it as soon as possible, we can’t let it come out, it’s a scourge.”

“My grandfather said that when you encounter the son of a sacrifice god, you must eradicate it, and you must not let it be born, otherwise it will be a disaster for everyone.”

“Got it, no rush.” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care too much, the black egg in front of him didn’t make him creepy and dangerous, and standing here, he made a rash move on it, God knows what it would provoke, so let’s take a look before talking.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing was really not in a hurry, Xiang Sixian was even more anxious, and she was so anxious that she wanted to stomp her foot and said to Ji Yan instead, “Ji Gongzi!” ”

Be a senior brother, take care of your junior brother, don’t let him play here.

Ji Yan stood beside him, looking indifferent, and said, “It’s up to him to decide.” ”

Xiangsi Immortal is speechless, is your heart so big as a senior brother?

I said things so seriously, you are not in a hurry at all?

Xiao Yi comforted Xiang Si Xian and said, “Sister Si Xian, don’t worry, with my second senior brother here, I’m not afraid of any problems.” ”

Xiangsi Xian is silent, you trust him so much?

Lu Shaoqing had already spared the black egg in a circle and began to observe the black egg.

The surface of the black egg is shining, and it looks a little charming.

However, the whole body is black, and the light emitted is very strange, and the deep black seems to be able to suck people’s souls in.

After Lu Shaoqing turned around twice, the divine sense approached cautiously, but the divine sense just met the black egg, and the surface of the black egg suddenly shone brightly…

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