The light on the surface of the black egg was magnificent, like a light bulb, flashing instantly.

The sudden change startled everyone, and Lu Shaoqing hurriedly took back his divine sense.

Before you can do anything, such a change occurs?

The bright light disappeared, and the light on the surface of the black egg became faster and brighter.

Like rapid breathing, light and darkness continue.


Xiao Yi pointed under the black egg.

As everyone looked, black mist appeared on the ground, coming out of the ground like steam.

Then, all of them are absorbed by the black eggs.

Xiangsi Immortal’s face changed drastically, “It has been absorbing these black mist here, no wonder the armillary stone armored beast has not been infected and eroded, and it can still maintain its sanity.” ”

The two adult armillary armored beasts are not to mention hundreds of years old, that is to say, the black egg has stayed here for hundreds of years, absorbed hundreds of years of black fog, and even more.

“Oops, once it breaks out of its shell, its strength must be incomparably strong, and it will bring destruction.”

Xiangsi Xian has always been worried, and now seeing this scene, a heart is even more raised in his throat.

As soon as she changed her ladylike image, she shouted in a fierce voice, “Get rid of it, you must get rid of it.”

Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “Don’t mess around, you still need to observe.”

He said to Xiangsi Xian seriously, “Sister Si Xian, don’t be impulsive, be careful of self-defeating.” ”

Xiangsi Immortal is now dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing, the black egg in front of him must be the son of the sacrifice god, and it must be destroyed as soon as possible.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, don’t play with fire and set yourself on fire.

Yin Que also firmly stood on Xiangsi Xian’s side, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “I see that you are just uneasy and kind.” In the event that the Son of God breaks out of the shell, can you afford this responsibility? ”

Afraid of what?” Lu Shaoqing pouted and stared at the black egg, “I’ll let it call me dad then.” ”

Now the performance of the black egg has not reached the point of breaking the shell, so Lu Shaoqing is not as worried as Xiang Sixian.

Just check it, study it, and find a way to destroy it.

And the premise of all this is to be careful.

Xiang Sixian gave Lu Shaoqing a roll of his eyes, this guy, my impression of him is not bad.

Now it seems that he is also an unreliable guy.

The son of the sacrifice called you father, are you a sacrifice to the god?

Xiangjixian’s attitude was resolute, “We must get rid of it.”

After speaking, he didn’t care about Lu Shaoqing, and waved out a palm.

Powerful spiritual power surged out and bombarded the black egg.

Xiangsi Xian is the strength of the Yuan infancy stage, and her blow does not say that it destroys the sky and the earth, but it is more than enough to blast down a mountain.

With a wave of his palm, Xiangsi Immortal’s face looked a lot better.

With this palm, the black egg will burst and break, right?

However, when the spiritual power dissipated, Xiangsi Immortal cried out, “No, it can’t be! ”

The black egg is intact and in place, and the attack of the Xiangsi Immortal cannot cause any damage to it.

On the contrary, after receiving a paw from the Aishi Cactus, the black egg not only absorbed the black mist faster, but even made a sound.


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The sound like a heartbeat came from inside the black egg, very faint.

But the people present were monks with sensitive ears.

The faint voice was heard very clearly by everyone.

Lu Shaoqing’s face changed slightly, and his heart began to feel uneasy, “Should I wake up and break out of my shell?”

He couldn’t help but blame Xiangsi Immortal, “Sister Si Xian, look at it, the reckless behavior woke it up, and I don’t know if it got up.”

Xiangsi Xian’s face was ugly, she didn’t believe in evil, and shot at the black egg again.

The powerful spiritual power reverberated in the cave again, and she almost exerted her full strength.

Under the mighty force, the ground shook and the earth fell.

Thanks to the attack, all the attacks fell on the black egg, otherwise, with the power of this time, it was enough to make this place collapse and bury everyone.

“Stop shooting!”

Lu Shaoqing saw the clue and hurriedly drank, “Stop!” ”

The huge spiritual power of Xiangsi Immortal surged and fell on the black egg, but it was quickly absorbed like water poured on the desert.

The surface of the black egg shimmers, like a stream of light flowing on the surface like a stream of water, which is very beautiful.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was difficult to see, Xiangsi Immortal’s powerful spiritual power was not absorbed by the black egg, but submerged into the ground along the lines on the surface of the black egg.

The black mist on the ground seemed to feel something strange, rapidly increasing, constantly popping up, and soon shrouded the black egg, as if to protect the black egg.

Then, the ground began to show black light, one by one, and lines appeared, with the black egg as the center, extending around, just in the blink of an eye, this cave was covered with black lines.

The black light flickered, consistent with the flickering frequency of the black egg’s light, seamlessly integrated, and the light and darkness illuminated on everyone, making everyone’s faces solemn.

A bad premonition came to mind.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing also had a gloomy face, his brows were furrowed, and he no longer held an optimistic attitude, “It’s a formation, but what it is, I don’t know.” ”

Lu Shaoqing is already a formation grandmaster, and his formation attainment is the highest among everyone present.

Even he had difficulty figuring out what kind of formation this was for a while, and it was enough to see the extraordinary nature of this formation.

“What are you going to do?” Ji Yan asked.

This kind of thing, only Lu Shaoqing has experience to deal with.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, he had a fart method.

Xiangjixian’s face turned pale, and it suddenly became like this, perhaps caused by her impulse.

Now she no longer dares to make a casual move, she looks at the black egg that is permeated in the black fog, looming, making her heart more and more uncomfortable.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, a magic weapon appeared in her hand.

A silver-white ruler, as soon as the ruler appeared, a powerful coercive pressure instantly pervaded.

Lu Shaoqing was numb, at least a six-rank magic weapon, it must have been given by her grandfather.

Losers, luxuries.

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly roared, “What are you going to do?”

Xiangjixian shouted sharply, “I’m going to destroy it.” ”

Yin Que next to him is also running with spiritual power, and he is always cooperating with Xiangsi Immortal.

“Don’t mess around,” Lu Shaoqing wanted to hit someone, why hasn’t this chick learned her lesson yet, “You’re not enough, are you?” You give it another time, maybe it will come out and call your mother.

“So what do you say?” Xiangsi Xian did not dare to move easily, holding a ruler, in a dilemma.

Lu Shaoqing tentatively said, “How about running?” ”

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