Lu Shaoqing finally circled around the black egg again, carefully observing.

The mouth is still flying up and down, cursing and cursing.

“I’m really unlucky to spread you two.”

“Senior brother doesn’t look good, the little junior sister is also stupid to death, her arm is turned out, and she must lose it when she goes back…” Xiang

Sixian looked at Lu Shaoqing while observing, while scolding Ji Yan and Xiao Yitong, and even the three armilled stone armored beasts could not escape.

They were all greeted by Lu Shaoqing.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who seemed to be forced to operate, Xiang Sixian couldn’t understand it.

Why did they all trust Lu Shaoqing so much?

“Miss Xiao, this…” Xiao

Yi smiled slightly, and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “There is a second senior brother to make a move, there is no problem.”

“This is the son of a sacrifice to God, what can he do?” Yin Que was the first to disagree, and he didn’t want to see Lu Shaoqing in the limelight.

Pretending to be bi also has to find someone else to pretend, just because you want to destroy the son of the sacrificial god?

Xiangjixian also meant this, “This is the son of the sacrifice god, didn’t you see that I just made a move?” It doesn’t hurt it a bit.

Xiao Yi asked rhetorically, “Then do you have any good solutions?” ”

Keep coming hard? Let it break out of the shell ahead of time?

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que were silent.

That’s right, they don’t have a little bit of a solution now.

Faced with the black egg that seems to be about to wake up, they are helpless, and they can’t think of any other way but violence.

But violent action, it seems, is the catalyst that makes it react violently and looks like it will burst out immediately.

“Does he have a way?” Yin Que became more and more unconvinced.

Letting Lu Shaoqing behave in front of Xiangsi Immortal is a pretense in his opinion.

It made him feel very uncomfortable.

Xiao Yi smiled contemptuously, this guy didn’t know how powerful my second senior brother was, she learned the arrogant and arrogant look before, raised her head, and said confidently, “Hmph, except for my second senior brother, no one can come.” The

confident attitude made Yin Que sneer, “Naive!

Yin Que didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would have a way to solve it, and he said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, let’s make a move.” ”

The ruler in Xiangsi Immortal’s hand is a six-rank magic weapon, once it strikes, it will definitely break the sky and destroy the black egg.

Xiang Sixian hesitated, she didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing had a way to solve it, but she hoped that Lu Shaoqing could solve it.

Because she wasn’t sure if she could destroy the black egg by her shot.

Her gaze fell on Ji Yan again.

Jiyan, who has great strength, gives people a feeling of subconscious dependence.

Ji Yan noticed Xiang Sixian’s gaze, his face was ancient, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing and said lightly, “He can’t solve it, it’s not too late for you to make a move.” With

Ji Yan’s words, Xiangsi Xian chose to wait.

“Well, I hope Mu Gongzi won’t let me down.”

After Lu Shaoqing’s side circled around a few times, he made a new discovery.

He found that the black mist entered the egg from under the black egg, and although it was shrouded in black mist, it was not absorbed.

Lu Shaoqing thought about it and walked a few steps closer.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que were shocked when they saw this scene.

What is this for?

The black mist here is the same as the black mist of the priestly monsters, and it has the same root.

Approaching rashly like this, it is easy to be counterattacked.

Even if it has a spiritual power protective body, it will be swallowed by the black mist.

“Be careful!”

Xiangsixian couldn’t help but shout.

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Yin Que sneered in his heart, and even looked forward to it, it was better to suffer a little.

However, the next moment, it made Yin Que froze on the spot.

Lu Shaoqing approached, and the black mist was like a hunting dog that smelled its prey, and quickly surged up.

The diffuse black mist surged up and down, like a fierce beast with teeth and claws attacking its prey.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, snorted coldly, and the Yuan Baby in his body opened his eyes.

The black lightning on the surface of the Yuan Baby lingered, exuding an inexplicable aura.

Suddenly, as if seeing a ghost, the black mist retreated one after another, and a large empty space suddenly opened up around Lu Shaoqing.

“This, this…” The

black mist was like seeing an old father with a stick, giving people the feeling that they could run as far as they could.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que both looked at it, what is this operation?

Xiangjixian’s gaze flashed, and he was indeed a special person.

Her expectations were even greater

, but Lu Shaoqing sighed sadly, “Alas! ”

Heck, so many people have seen his different painting style here.

Looking at the black mist, like seeing a ghost, it began to shrink, and quickly surged towards the bottom of the eggshell, constantly injecting into the black egg.

The beating sound inside the black egg is also getting stronger, plopping down, and it will pop out at any time.

Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked at the black egg that was close at hand, with a dark and shiny surface.

After thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing said to the black egg, “Do you continue to sleep?”

“Well, we’ll leave now, don’t disturb you, you sleep obediently, okay?”

Black lines appeared on the foreheads of Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que.

Big brother, who are you supposed to be?

Small children?

Just two sentences?

Lu Shaoqing shouted twice, seeing that the black egg did not react, on the contrary, the black mist was still absorbing.

Lu Shaoqing was vicious, and his expression became fierce, “Don’t give a face, just mean it, you’re still sucking, what do you want to do?” Thinking

that he was deceived here by something that was not human and forced to operate, Lu Shaoqing’s anger in his heart could no longer be suppressed, and he rubbed out.

“If you don’t listen, then don’t blame me for being unkind.” The more Lu Shaoqing spoke, the more angry he became, and simply kicked out and kicked the black egg fiercely.


The powerful force fell on the black egg, and the black egg swayed slowly and did not fall.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que were shocked again, big brother, are you a dog?

Just say two words well, and turn your face, what are you going to do?


, this…” Xiang Sixian didn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do, was this to kick the black egg?

She looked at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi also shook her head, she didn’t know what Lu Shaoqing was doing.

The black egg that was kicked by Lu Shaoqing flashed with light on the surface.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and there was an illusion that a ferocious beast roared silently at them, full of killing intent towards them.

Ji Yan suddenly frowned, and Lu Shaoqing’s face also changed.

The black egg gave him a dangerous aura.

Lu Shaoqing was a little panicked in his heart, this kick, shouldn’t it also be something that accelerates the façade to wake up?

What the hell is this?

Lu Shaoqing pointed at the black egg and deeply despised it, “It’s really stingy, isn’t it just a kick?” Does it take such a big reaction? The

mouth despised, the foot also stopped, thumped two feet again, and the powerful force fell on the black egg.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, the black egg was kicked away….

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