The black egg standing on the ground was kicked by Lu Shaoqing, banged, flew several meters, and then fell heavily on the ground, gurgling a few circles, and finally slowly stopped.

Seeing this scene, Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que couldn’t help but hold their heads, almost going crazy.

Is there such a thing?

It is said not to use force against the black egg, to observe, to use gentle means.

Say don’t use strong, it’s you who shouts the loudest.

As a result, it is you who is the most ruthless.

I don’t know why, Xiangsi Xian kind of wants to burst roughly.

In this situation, it is really difficult to ease her mood without bursting into foul language.

Finally, given the status of a lady, Xiangsixian did not burst, but just moaned in a low voice.

She looked at Xiao Yi and couldn’t help but ask, “Has Mu Gongzi always been like this?”

Xiao Yi grinned, very happy with Xiangsi Immortal’s reaction, “Normal operation, don’t be surprised.” ”

It is also said that it is the eldest lady of the God Killing Organization, have you never seen this kind of scene?

As the second senior brother said, don’t be alarmed.

Yin Que also collapsed a little, this bastard, really did not play cards according to common sense.

Until the last moment, it was impossible to guess what he was going to do.

Lu Shaoqing kicked the black egg here, and his gaze fell on the position where the black egg was just now.

What catches your eye is a complex pattern, a circular pattern, the lines on it are complex and profound, and the gaze falls on it, and the complex patterns on it will give people a sense of dizziness.

And this circular pattern seems to be the center, and all the patterns here in the cave extend from this pattern, and the black light converges here in the middle.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze stared at the pattern in the middle, and his brows furrowed.

This should be where the eye of the formation is, the center of the formation.

But he couldn’t understand what the function of this formation was and what kind of formation it was.

Lu Shaoqing watched as the speed of the black mist converged slowed down, the black egg was gone, and the black mist continued to converge on the pattern, and it seemed that he couldn’t find the target, and he looked a little dazed.

He couldn’t help but mutter, “Shouldn’t the black egg be the formation eye?”

He glanced at the black egg, which was lying on the ground, the light on the surface was dim, and the plopping sound coming from inside became smaller.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, and he was relieved in his heart, clapped his hands, and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “Look, isn’t this solved?”

Xiangsi Xian looked at the black egg rolling on the ground and was silent.

Is this the solution?

What a tenderness.

Yin Que saw that Xiangsi Immortal’s gaze looking at Lu Shaoqing became different, and the alarm bell in his heart rang, grandma’s, seduce the eldest miss in front of me?

Men can endure, but they cannot endure.

He glared angrily at Lu Shaoqing, “This is called solving?

“What about this egg?” How are you going to solve it?

“If it doesn’t come out now, it will come out sooner or later.”

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Lu Shaoqing was also distressed, and the muddy stone armored beast asked him to help save this egg, but this egg was black and black, darker than ink, and it was extremely poisoned at a glance, and it was not saved.

He tentatively asked Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, how about you bring it back and let your grandfather deal with it?” ”

With their current strength, it seems that they can’t help this egg.

Lu Shaoqing meant, “Sister Si Xian, you bring this egg back to your grandfather, whether it’s steamed or fried rice, he is so strong, there must be a way to solve it.”


The muddy stone armored beasts roaring at the mouth of the cave couldn’t help but scream, they didn’t agree with this method.

They hope that Lu Shaoqing will save this egg, instead of thinking of letting Lu Shaoqing give this egg out to make egg fried rice.

“Fuck off!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t have the slightest good face for the two armillary stone armored beasts now, and he couldn’t wait to smash the black egg and paste the egg white on their faces, “Liars are not qualified to speak.”

Xiangsi Xian looked at the black egg that was kicked over, and the black egg lay quietly on the ground, and a crazy thought suddenly arose in his heart.

She suddenly raised the long ruler in her hand, spiritual power was quickly injected, the long ruler emitted silver-white light, and a mysterious aura appeared, like the simultaneous reversal of space, under the silver-white light, the Xiangsi Immortal was set off like a fairy who came out of the long river of time and space.

Yin Que next to him saw the Xiangsi fairy, his eyes straightened, and he looked straight at Xiangsi fairy.

This is the goddess in his mind.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and did not call her sister anymore, and directly drank, “Little chick, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to destroy it, I can’t let it be born!”

Xiangjixian’s voice echoed in the cave, his eyes were firm, his tone was resolute, and he decisively waved down the long ruler.

The silver-white light converged into a point, turned into a streamer, and the silver-white streamer streaked through like a shooting star, like teleportation, penetrated the space, appeared instantly, and accurately hit the black egg on the ground.


A crisp sound made Xiangjixian’s face show joy, did it break?

But the next moment, her face changed.

The surface of the black egg flashed again, and at the same time, the black lines on the ground flashed together, and the black light shone on everyone.

Black mist permeated from inside the black egg, shrouding the black egg and turning into the hardest barrier.

Xiangsi Immortal’s sharp blow fell on the surface of the black egg, and the black mist was like a faithful guard, resisting Xiangsi’s blow.

The black mist dissipated at the cost of constantly dissipating, dissolving a blow from Xiangjixian.

In just a few breaths, the blow sent by Xiangsi Immortal using the six-rank magic weapon was dissolved by the black egg.


The black mist that gathered in the eyes also found its target again at this moment, like a gust of wind, blowing towards the black egg and being absorbed by the black egg again.

Xiangsixian’s blow not only did not destroy the black egg, but once again woke the black egg up.

Once again, back to the same state as before.

The plopping sound in the black egg’s body was not only getting louder and louder, but also a tyrannical and ferocious aura permeated, which made people feel cold in their hearts.

The creatures bred in the black eggs have already acquired spiritual intelligence, and at the same time, they have also known what is happening outside, and have begun to show their ferocity.

Judging from this tyrannical aura, once the creature inside the black egg was born, it would kill everyone present at the first time.

Ji Yan frowned, such a fierce and tyrannical aura seemed to be a little difficult to save.

A faint killing intent appeared on Ji Yan’s body, and Wuqiu’s sword exposed half of the sword body behind Ji Yan, and Wuqiu, who was pursing his mouth, stood on Ji Yan’s shoulder, and the sharp sword intent was straight to the black egg.

Feeling Ji Yan’s sword intent, the black egg seemed to be more stimulated, the light on the surface of the black egg skyrocketed, and a divine thought suddenly appeared, sweeping across the cave…

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