Lu Shaoqing’s painting style is getting more and more deviant, and he can’t return to the normal track.

His spiritual power is strange, even if it is the first time that a man has encountered such a strange spiritual power.

For Blackbird, Lu Shaoqing’s spiritual power is like a rejuvenation pill, a life-saving medicine.

Continuously injected into the body of the blackbird, the blackbird body has been replenished with energy, and the consciousness of the body has begun to recover.

The ontological consciousness that was suppressed in the body and almost all of the positions were lost slowly awakened.

An incomparable, terrifying aura appeared, covering the entire island.

The island emits a strong glow, and every grain of sand on the ground is glowing.

An indescribable breath of life pervades.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t describe this breath, really let him summarize it in one word, that is, the Immortal Emperor was probably such an breath, right?

Ancient and noble, like the existence born when the heaven and earth first opened, living with heaven and earth, and the sun and moon with light.

is one of the noblest beings in this world.

Facing this breath, even Lu Shaoqing could only be in awe in his heart.

I don’t know when, his hand has already lowered from the blackbird, as if continuing to stroke it is blasphemy.


The man’s corrupt voice sounded, coming from the body of the black bird.

He almost roared, “What’s the use of you waking up now?” Your body is mine, you are mine, you will obediently become one with me, and we will dominate this heaven and earth together and become the masters of this heaven and earth. ”

Get out!”

A crisp and childish voice, like the voice of a little girl who has not receded, sounded in the body of the black bird.

This voice gave people a feeling that it was as if it was high above, like the Nine Heavens Immortal Emperor, full of undoubtedness.

Then, a black light glows from the blackbird’s body, and its eyes closed again.

The black bird’s body began to tremble slightly, and the surrounding black mist joined the black bird’s body again.

After a while, the man’s voice sounded, triumphant, “Haha, even if you wake up?” You are not as powerful as me, and you will always be a part of me.

“It just so happens that you wake up, I can devour you better and let you die clearly.”

The blackbird’s body trembled even more, and the little girl’s voice continued to sound, “But, damn it! Lu

Shaoqing’s face became strange, as if he was a little crying?

Oops, I can’t see girls crying the most.

Lu Shaoqing immediately shouted, “Little girl, don’t be afraid, I’ll help you.”

Lu Shaoqing’s hand touched the bird’s head again, and spiritual power gushed out again into the black bird’s body, and at the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s left hand flicked, and black lightning lingered around the black bird, blocking the black mist from entering.

As the other grows, the blackbird’s light flourishes again.

Soon came a manly and corrupt voice from inside, “Damn, damn it, lowly ants get away!” The

man’s divine sense rushed out, thinking of avoiding Lu Shaoqing.

However, now he is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent at all, and a part of his divine consciousness is cut down by Lu Shaoqing’s sword, and he retracts with a scream.

At the same time, it suffered losses in the competition with the blackbird’s ontological consciousness.

The screams came out, “Ah…” No

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need to ask, the man was severely cleaned up by the owner.


The man has nothing to do, there are wolves outside, tigers inside, and he is in a dilemma.

In the end, he could only condense all his strength again and fight with the Blackbird’s ontological consciousness.

For him, there is no way back for him, and the only way is to completely defeat the blackbird’s ontological consciousness, swallow it, and become the owner of the blackbird, so that he can survive.

“Give me death!”

The man has been secretly planning here for thousands of years, and the blackbird’s ontological consciousness has been devoured by him, and now he is fighting back desperately, and the blackbird’s ontological consciousness is also uncomfortable.

But after all, it is the native master, and it has an innate advantage, coupled with Lu Shaoqing’s help outside, giving it strength and isolating the man’s foreign aid.

As time passed, the advantage of the blackbird’s body became more and more important, and it kept pressing the man to fight, devouring the man’s power, and the man’s strength became weaker and weaker.

At last!

The man reached a desperate situation and let out a desperate wail, “I, I will not let you go!” His

voice was full of despair, resentment, and finally a scream, and the last bit of his consciousness was completely devoured by the blackbird consciousness.

Lu Shaoqing also breathed a sigh of relief, let go of his hand, and retreated to the side to watch the black bird vigilantly, while being extremely prepared.

As the man’s screams disappeared, the light on the blackbird’s body soared again, like the sun, the light flashed, making people dare not look directly.

At the same time, the irresistible force reappeared, and Lu Shaoqing was so shocked that the cold hair around his body stood up again.

This force did not target Lu Shaoqing, but cleared the surrounding black mist.

The black mist dissipated and dissolved in front of this force, like squeezing clouds and raining, raining on the island, in fact, these are pure energy, falling like rain, and finally absorbed by the black bird.

Looking at the pure energy like rain, Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, and he also tried to absorb it.

It starts with careful absorption a little bit, and as soon as you notice something is wrong, stop immediately.

Later, it was found that the force did not care about him at all, and his courage also increased, muttering, “I helped you, reap some benefits, not too much, right?” With

a movement of his mind, he generously absorbed the pure energy falling from the sky.

What Lu Shaoqing didn’t find was that his body also unconsciously lit up with a faint light, flickering slightly, consistent with the frequency of light on the black bird’s body.

One man and one bird seem to become one in this state.

I don’t know how long it took, that power disappeared, rain stopped in the sky, and the surrounding black fog also disappeared.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes and felt the power in his body.

The state was fully restored, and the divine consciousness was refined again.

Lu Shaoqing estimated that his previous divine sense could barely reach the first level of the early realm of the Transformation God, and now that he was refined again, he should barely be comparable to the second layer realm of the Transformation God.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and a smile appeared on his face.

This trip is not for nothing, and it is also a little good.

However, this trip is also very dangerous, if not for his painting style is normal, he will have to hang up normally here today.

That man’s origin is definitely not small, and he is definitely the kind of peerless murderer.

When a normal person comes, he must kneel normally.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Good things can’t be done, it’s too dangerous.”

Lu Shaoqing, who sighed, suddenly felt that something was wrong, and he looked up, and a pair of bird eyes were looking at him…

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