The black bird gently floated a distance in front of Lu Shaoqing, its head was gently and slightly tilted, and it was looking at Lu Shaoqing curiously.

Lu Shaoqing’s body froze, the pressure increased greatly, and the origin of the black bird was beyond imagination.

As the man said, it was a divine beast.


Lu Shaoqing was also looking at the black bird, although he woke up and solved the man’s consciousness in his body, but his appearance did not change.

Still like a wild duck, and still a very ugly duck.

Lu Shaoqing muttered in his heart.

Is there such an ugly mythical beast?

Shouldn’t it be that the three who are fighting for their faces, right?

One person and one bird looked at each other, and after a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes widened and he asked arrogantly, “What for?” What do you want to do? As

soon as the black bird wanted to speak, suddenly a strong force came, and Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and his consciousness returned to the body with his divine thoughts.


Consciousness returned, and exhaustion came up instantly.

Lu Shaoqing simply sat on the ground.

“Second, second senior brother, what happened?” Xiao Yi became nervous, and regardless of whether there was any danger, he hurriedly rushed over and wanted to help Lu Shaoqing up.

“Let me slow down.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, the battle of divine consciousness was far more tiring than the fight of real swords and guns, and he also continuously injected spiritual power for the black bird.

After coming out, the body is empty.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to stand up, lest his feet tremble and be called a fine dog.

Men, can’t do it.

Lu Shaoqing threw a few pills into his mouth to replenish his spiritual power before standing up.

“Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong with you?” Xiao Yi was very puzzled by this, “You only turned twice and that’s it, is it dizziness?” ”

Although the time inside the egg seems to be very long, in fact, it is just a blink of an eye, and the people outside do not know what happened.

Xiao Yi looked at the black egg in awe, this black egg is really evil.

Now I can only be sorry for the little stones.

However, Xiao Yi’s gaze froze and became frightened.

Pointing at the black egg and shouting, “Second, second senior brother, egg, egg…”

Lu Shaoqing taught Xiao Yi a lesson, “How many times have you said it, can you learn from me, be mature, and stabilize the focus?”

Xiao Yi swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty, “Egg, the egg seems to be cracked…”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly looked at it, and scolded at the same time, “Next time you speak, I will breathe you.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the black egg, and as Xiao Yi said, a crack appeared on the surface of the black egg, and the egg cracked.

“Click, click…” The

cracks on the surface of the black egg extended, more and more, and the sound of cracks also reached everyone’s ears.

Everyone was shocked.

Xiangsi Immortal and Yin Que both looked terrified, their bodies were like falling into an ice cave, and their bodies were cold, was the son of the god sacrifice about to be born?

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb, the son of the gods, although he was very curious about what it looked like, but it was born at this time, which was definitely not something to be happy about.

“Second, second senior brother, you, you burst it, right?”

Xiao Yi pinned his hopes on Lu Shaoqing, hoping that his second senior brother had already shot and burst this egg.

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Instead of the son of the gods inside breaking out of the shell.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and sighed, “I also want to burst it, but unfortunately I can’t do it.” ”

This egg is soft and hard and he can’t eat it, and he can’t help it.

Now that Blackbird’s consciousness has awakened, when it comes to birth, he doesn’t know if it’s good or bad.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Xiao Yi couldn’t help but panic, “This, what to do?” ”

Cold mix.” Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “Resigned to fate.” ”

By this time, it was impossible to stop it.

Between speaking, the clicking sound became louder and louder, and finally the surface of the black egg was full of cracks and densely packed.

In the eyes of everyone, the last clicking sound sounded, and an eggshell fell and gently fell to the ground.

Then more broken eggshells fell, and a strong black light flashed, and everyone’s eyes couldn’t help but narrow.

After the black light dissipated and saw the situation inside the cave clearly, Xiangjixian cried out in horror, “Sacrifice, son of the sacrifice god…”

A black bird with a black body and the size of a fist suspended in the air, its head raised slightly, and its eyes looked at everyone gently.

Although it is a small bird, it gives a feeling of being high and sacrosanct.

Xiao Yi also looked at the little bird curiously, and couldn’t help but be the first to open his mouth to break the silence, “It, is the son of the sacrifice god?” ”

The bird is so small that it’s hard to believe it’s the son of a sacrifice to the gods.

After all, in Xiangji Immortal, it is said that the power of the son of the god will make people feel that it will be earth-shattering as soon as he is born, and all kinds of visions will appear, and the worst thing is to fill the room with incense, and the vision accompanied by the dragon chanting and phoenix chirping.

And after being born, the figure is not to say that it is 100 meters high, and the appearance must at least be majestic and domineering.

The aura of Wang Ba exudes, making people feel awe, kneeling and bowing down.

But now there was no vision, only a flash of black light, and a small black bird appeared.

The size of the fist, very miniature, the appearance does not look the slightest bit mighty and domineering, the feathers are uneven, the length is different, but it looks a little funny.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t speak, he couldn’t hold out what the little black bird was going to do.

Just now I was staring at him inside, and now I am staring at him as well.

Logically, he should feel the danger, but his subconscious tells him that the little black bird in front of him is not a threat to him.

Strange, what are you doing?

Xiangjixian and Yin Que were also the first time to meet the son of the sacrificial god, but such a sacrificial son was beyond their imagination.

The two looked at each other, but Xiangsixian remembered that his grandfather had said that it was terrible to sacrifice the son of God.

She gritted her teeth and whispered, “Everyone be careful.

“No son of a sacrifice to the gods is easy to mess with.”

She held a six-rank magic weapon in her hand, her spiritual power moved quietly, her body was like a bow full of bowstrings, and her whole body was tense.

Now the little black bird has no movement, she is not willing to act rashly, but once something is wrong, she will strike with a thunderous momentum at the first time.

Xiao Yi looked at the little black bird without any movement, her courage gradually increased, she couldn’t help but stretch out her hand, thinking of touching the little black bird.

“It looks cute…” However

, the next moment, the little black bird screamed, and a force knocked Xiao Yi away.

The powerful force made Xiao Yi defenseless, and was directly thrown off like a rag doll and hit the wall next to him heavily.

Seeing this, the spiritual power in Xiangsi’s body operated, and the light of the long ruler skyrocketed.

However, she was about to make a move, but she saw Lu Shaoqing slap at the little black bird, “Bastard, dare to bully my junior sister? The

little blackbird was slapped and flew away, and then hurriedly flapped its wings and flew back and called, “Mom….”

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