It was much faster to get back to the ground from the ground, and it was already the next morning.

After coming out, look at the surrounding stones, which look a little dark in the night, and the cold wind at night blows through the gaps between the stones, making a whirring sound.

Everything around it looks infiltrating, but after all, it is ground, which is much more comfortable than the environment underground.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and stretched, “It’s time to get down to business, it’s too much time wasted coming here.” ”

Naturally, go home.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que approached, and their gazes fell on Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei would lie on Xiao Yi’s head, squinting comfortably, and treating Xiao Yi’s head as his own nest.

Da Bai and Xiao Bai were lying on Xiao Yi’s shoulders, and after the two Bai knew Xiao Hei’s strength, they did not dare to look at Xiao Hei more, and obediently acquiesced to Xiao Hei’s status.

Xiao Hei was lying on top of his head, and they sat on Xiao Yi’s shoulders, like left and right guards.

Xiang Sixian and Yin Que stared at Xiao Hei with deep jealousy, and the two had always been wary of Xiao Hei’s identity.

Especially Xiangsi Immortal, if it weren’t for his strength, he would have insisted on killing Xiao Hei long ago.

Xiang Sixian took a deep breath and asked Lu Shaoqing again, “Mu Gongzi, do you really plan to leave here with it?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Otherwise?” You’re not going to let me abandon it, are you?

“It’s good that it also calls me dad, I’m kind, I can’t do such a unconscionable thing.”

“Alas, although I carry a tow oil bottle, I am afraid that I will not find a Taoist partner in the future, but I also recognized, who made me a good person?”

Looking at the sighing Lu Shaoqing, Yin Que despised it very much, you are also a good person?

You’re a bastard.

Looking at the grudging Lu Shaoqing, Xiang Sixian was speechless.

Facing such Lu Shaoqing, it was really difficult to deal with.

After taking a few deep breaths, Xiang Sixian collected his mood and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, the son of the god is not a joke.

“Once it grows, it will surely become the most faithful, evil, and fierce minions of the gods, and once it reaches that step, there is no regret medicine to take.”

Lu Shaoqing could only say again, “Didn’t I tell you?” The Son of the Sacrifice God is dead, its consciousness has been devoured by this little one, and what you fear will not happen. ”

Although I don’t know the origin of Xiao Hei, the relationship between Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Hei is not only the relationship between people and spiritual pets.

“However, in case it betrays you in the future, I’m afraid…” Lu

Shaoqing waved his hand and pointed to Xiao Yi, who was eavesdropping with his ears upright next to him, “This fool betrayed me, and it will not betray me.” Xiao

Yi has been paying attention to Xiangsi Immortal’s movements, and when she saw Xiangsi Immortal coming, she also approached to eavesdrop for the first time.

Hearing Lu Shaoqing say this about himself, Xiao Yi was extremely unhappy, “Second Senior Brother, who will betray you?”

“I’m your junior sister, and I won’t betray you if I kill me.”

This is Xiao Yi’s sincere words.

It has not been long since he entered the master’s door, but he has undoubtedly received the most care from Lu Shaoqing, for Xiao Yi, the master and the senior brothers are her family, the kind of family members who can give their lives for each other.

For the family, how can it be betrayal.

After Xiao Yi expressed his meaning seriously, he waved his fist in protest, “Second Senior Brother, you don’t even know how to give an example, don’t use me as an example in the future.” ”

It’s easy to influence what people think of me.

“You see, all of you have learned to talk back,” Lu Shaoqing spread his hands and said to Xiangsi Immortal, “This is the kind of traitor who turns his arm out.” ”

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Xiangsi Xian is a little helpless, is it really good for you to change the topic like this?

Lu Shaoqing’s attitude was already clear, and she could only say to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, it’s okay now, please follow me to meet my grandfather.” ”

As you said, let my grandfather handle the son of the sacrifice god.

If it is really the son of the sacrifice god, it can only be against you.

Lu Shaoqing felt helpless, he looked directly at Xiang Si Xian, “Do you really have to see it?” I’m busy.

“When I have a chance in the future, how about I visit your grandfather again?”

Xiangsi Xian’s attitude was very resolute, “Mu Gongzi, everyone can be regarded as friends, there is no need to make unpleasant trouble in this kind of thing.”

“Am I going to say I’m not going?” Lu Shaoqing suddenly said.

Xiangsi Xian smiled slightly, “I’ll follow you, my grandfather can’t wait for me, he will naturally come out to find me, and then he will still see me.” ”

Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will follow you.

Lu Shaoqing seemed angry, “Sister Si Xian, you are a strong man.

Yin Que sneered, “You’d better obediently follow us to meet the Great Elder, you dare to let the Great Elder come to you in person?” Yin

Que, who did not have the slightest favorable impression of Lu Shaoqing, also threatened Lu Shaoqing.

Compared to the veiled threat of Xiangjixian, Yin Que is a naked threat.

It’s you bastard who scares you.

Lu Shaoqing became even more angry, and suddenly scolded, “What the hell.” ”

Let’s go, let’s go, I’m unlucky to meet you.”

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing waved his spaceship to board.

“It’s going that way, isn’t it?” Lu Shaoqing pointed in the direction to the left, “You’d better keep up, if you can’t keep up, don’t blame me for not going to see the Great Elder.”

Xiangsi Xian smiled slightly and said, “That’s right!

“Mu Gongzi, let’s go together.”

“After walking for a while, you can teleport to the headquarters at the nearby branch.”

“Hmph! You yourself are on your boat, you are not welcome in mine. Lu Shaoqing snorted unhappily, refused to allow Xiang Sixian to board the ship, and then the spacecraft started and set off first.

Yin Que looked at the departing spaceship, his brows couldn’t help but wrinkle, and he scorned the situation, “No grace.”

He had a bad premonition in his heart, and he couldn’t help but say to Xiangsi Immortal, “Miss, be careful, there are strange things in this.” Yin

Que didn’t think that Lu Shaoqing would be obedient and obedient, and he would definitely make some small moves.

Lu Shaoqing promised to see her grandfather, and Xiang Sixian was in a good mood, and the smile on his face was bright, like a flower seeing the sun’s rays, bright and moving.

She didn’t care that Lu Shaoqing was angry at all, and said confidently, “It’s okay, he has already agreed.”

Yin Que shook his head, “He’s not the kind of person who keeps his word. ”

You don’t know, you promised me at the time, but you turned around and threw me off the boat.”

Yin Que guessed, “I’m afraid he will take the opportunity to run.”

Xiangsisen’s smile was even wider and full of confidence, “Just keep up now.”

However, when Xiangjixian summoned his spaceship and was about to board the ship, a large stone suddenly smashed next to him.

With two roars, two muddy stone armored beasts burst out, one left and one right staring at them.

Xiangsi Immortal and Yin Que were cold…

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