
The small armillary stone armored beast also sneaked out from behind and surrounded the two.

“This, this…”

Yin Que almost peed.

What are these three beasts going to do?

Xiangsi Xian was also frozen, and his heart was cold.

Could it be that the muddy stone armored beasts want to stand out for that little black bird?

Three armillary stone armored beasts surrounded the two, with icy coldness in their eyes, so that the two did not dare to act rashly.

The two adult armillary stone armored beasts were not healed, and the small armillary stone armored beasts only had the strength of the Jiedan period, but they were still stronger than Xiangsi Immortal and Yin Que.

Is it dead?

Xiangsi Xian even gave birth to despair in his heart.

Facing two adult armillary stone armored beasts, she and Yin Que had no chance of victory.

However, after a few more breaths, the two found that the three armillary stone armored beasts did not make the next move, but just surrounded them here.

“Great, eldest miss…,”

Yin Que called out tentatively to Xiangji Immortal, “They don’t seem to have any intention of doing anything.”

“Let’s go.”

Aoshisen nodded, and she tried to move her steps, ready to board the ship.

But this move immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the armillary stone armored beast, and the armillary armored beast immediately roared.

Xiangjixian immediately stopped, not daring to move.

Seeing this, the armillary armored beast did not continue to make a sound.

Xiangsi Xian had a guess in his heart.

Yin Que had the same thought, “It, are they planning to prevent us from keeping up?” ”

Want to keep us here?”

Next, Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que tried a few more times, and found that as long as they wanted to get on the boat, they would be stopped by the armillary stone armored beast.

They had finally determined the intention of the armillary armored beast.

It is necessary to leave them here and prevent them from leaving with Lu Shaoqing.

Yin Que went crazy, “This, it’s definitely a good thing that bastard did.”

“Damn it, damn bastard!”

Although there was no evidence to prove it, Yin Que guessed that it was Lu Shaoqing who did a good thing.

It was definitely Lu Shaoqing who ordered the armillary stone armored beast to do this.

Xiang Sixian was still very fond of Lu Shaoqing, and she shook her head, “Not necessarily, they may be afraid that we will follow to hurt that little black bird.” The

attitude of the armillary armored beast towards the little black bird, she saw it in her eyes. I just treat the little blackbird as my own heir.

Yin Que was hit again, and his heart was broken.

It’s all to this point, still helping that bastard speak.

I really want to vomit blood, I want to kill that bastard.

The armillary stone armored beast stopped them and did not move, the intention was obvious.

Looking at the armillary stone armored beast in front of him, Xiangsi Immortal could only take a deep breath and said to the armillary stone armored beast, “Can you let Jean?”


The armillary stone armored beasts let out a low roar, and did not make a concession to let the Xiangsi Immortals know their attitude.

“Can we just be stopped here?” Xiangsi Immortal let out a long sigh, and a deep sense of frustration arose in his heart.

I thought that following Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing would not be able to escape.

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As a result, it was stuck here.

Looking at the tiger-eyed muddy stone armored beast, Xiangsi Xian was unwilling, so he was trapped here, trapped for ten days and eight days, and Lu Shaoqing and his party had already run away.

She gritted her teeth and took out her six-rank magic weapon, and the magic weapon flashed with light, exuding terrifying power.


The three armillary stone armored beasts were like great enemies, and the six-rank magic weapon was enough to make them fearful.

The atmosphere on both sides became tense and sensitive.

Yin Que is the most nervous person, really want to fight, he is the first to confess.

He was apprehensive in his heart, but he also quietly prepared, “Miss, do you want to do it?”

Xiangsi Xian did not answer, but stepped forward, faced the two adult muddy stone armored beasts, and slowly spoke, “You guys get out of the way, otherwise we will fight to break the net.”


The armillary stone armored beasts are also not easy to mess with, and in the face of the threat of Xiangsi Immortal, they respond with an angry voice.

The pouch on the back opened, revealing the stones inside, full of menace.

We are not good bullies either.

“Three days!” Sensing the determination of the armillary stone armored beast, the unfavorable situation could only give in, and she said, “Three days, I will wait here for three days, after three days I must leave.”

“Roar!” The two adult armillary stone armored beasts roared in unison, and finally the female armillary stone armored beast made a low sound.

Although it was a beast sound, Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que could understand it.

“One hundred days? You were asked to block us here for a hundred days?

“Who is it?”


With a low roar, the armillary stone armored beast did not hesitate to confess the mastermind behind the scenes.

As if he had won the jackpot, Yin Que exclaimed excitedly, “Look, I just said, it must be that bastard guy who is ghosting.”

Xiangsixian’s body shook for a while, his head seemed to be hit by a stone, dizzy, and at the same time he felt a burst of stuffiness.

She still believed in Lu Shaoqing so much, but in the end it turned out to be like this.

was calculated, and she was quietly ignorant, if it weren’t for the muddy stone armored beast to say it, she would still be kept in the dark.

“This, really…”

Xiangsixian didn’t know what to say anymore.

On the surface, he shouted his sister Si Xian, and he sold it without any ambiguity.

Xiang Sixian even believed that Lu Shaoqing was angry at the last moment on purpose, in order to take the boat himself and leave.

The monster had to let me board his ship, it turned out to be all intentional.

Xiangsi Xian was not angry in his heart, but had a depressed sense of frustration.

The eldest lady of the God Killing Organization, the granddaughter of a master of the God Transformation Period, this identity has no effect at all in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Treat it as you should.

It’s a very special person indeed.

However, Xiangjixian’s heart quickly perked up, and his gaze became firm again.

The more I do this, the less I can be discouraged, I can’t let him succeed, and I can’t let my grandfather down.

Xiangsi Immortal, who became firm, once again spoke up to negotiate with the armillary stone armored beast, holding a long ruler and imposing a tough attitude, “One day, we can only stay here for one day, not for one more day.” ”

A hundred days cut into a day, such a fierce bargain, the two adult muddy stone armored beasts were stunned for a few breaths.

However, they soon roared and did not agree.

Stopping Xiangsi Immortal was Lu Shaoqing’s request, and it was also something they were happy to do.

Xiangjixian’s attitude towards Xiaohei made them happy to block Xiangsixian here.

Xiangsi Xian shouted again, “Then three days, this is my biggest concession, otherwise we will have a fight, I can’t beat you, but you won’t feel better, especially your children, you can weigh it yourself…”

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