The reaction to the ring this time was strong.

So that Lu Shaoqing had to make a move and snatch the brick from the priest monster.

After Lu Shaoqing came in, he felt like a world away.

He stayed with Ji Yan and hadn’t been here for almost a year.

After coming in, Lu Shaoqing greeted the spirit card and the coffin, “Dead ghost, I haven’t seen you for a long time, have you missed me?” ”

The spirit tablet and the coffin were unmoved.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t pay attention to it, and he took out the brick.

The slab brick falls in the hand and has a special texture.

It’s a bit like wood, but it’s a bit like a piece of earth, as if it’s really a brick.

It is thicker than the thickness of the plate brick, and the weight is very sufficient, and it must be tens of thousands of catties to hold in the hand.

When a fight starts, a brick shoots out, and it can shoot a person to death just by its own strength.

Jia Chizheng was accidentally slapped off half of his body.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t check it out when he turned it over and over.

After thinking about it, he injected spiritual power into it, but he didn’t think that a powerful repulsive force emerged, shook his hand, fell to the ground, and made a clanging sound.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, is this a tantrum?

Lu Shaoqing didn’t believe in evil anymore, picked it up and injected spiritual power into it again.

Still the same, the powerful repulsion force once again shook his hand and fell to the ground.

“I don’t believe it.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded, and when he got to the things in his hands, he still wanted to go against the sky?

He tried several times, and the result was the same.

When there is no spiritual power input, it is a brick, a dead thing.

But after entering the spiritual power, the repulsive force from the plate brick shook his hand, and he couldn’t hold it anyway, as if he wanted to escape.

After trying a few times, Lu Shaoqing also had to give up.

After he took the brick and looked it up and down again, he started again, but this time he no longer injected spiritual power, but took a different approach.

As soon as his mind moved, the black lightning wrapped around Yuan Ying’s body appeared, and then wrapped around the plate tile.

I never thought that this time the reaction of the bricks was more intense, and they flew directly together.


It was firmly slapped on Lu Shaoqing’s face.


Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but howl, and the pain caused his tears to flow.

Tens of thousands of pounds of bricks slapped on his face, which was like a ten-pin hammer smashed on his face.

Thanks to his practice, otherwise this face would have been photographed.

Lu Shaoqing covered his face and squatted on the ground, he only kicked on the board brick, and it took him a long time to slow down.

He took out the mirror and looked at himself, and there was a solid mark on his face, even if he used spiritual power, he could not eliminate it.

“Grandma Li!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted in distress, and his voice echoed here in the room, “What kind of unconscionable bastard made such unconscionable bricks?” ”

Can you be so ruthless against a handsome guy?”

“Thief Heavenly Dao, you don’t care? Whatever it takes, the handsome guy is going to die.

Lu Shaoqing stared viciously at the bricks under his feet, “The guy who makes this kind of thing will have to be killed by lightning.”

“It’s best not to let me meet that guy in the future, I’ll definitely finish with him.”


Lu Shaoqing touched his face distressedly, if he went out like this, he would definitely die of laughter.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and looked around, his hand was already pressed on the head of his pants.

In this situation, fighting back with a soak of urine is the best counterattack.

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However, seeing the token and coffin on the table, Lu Shaoqing hesitated.

He has no habit of showing himself in front of others.

“Alas,” Lu Shaoqing sighed, shook his head, and said to the bricks under his feet, “Forget it, I have a lot of adults, and I don’t think about it like you.”

After speaking, he took out a pen and wrote two words on it.


The two words were written crookedly and ugly, but Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied with it and laughed, “You will be a nerve brick in the future.” ”

Smash people at every turn, what is this not a nerve?

If it weren’t for the face of the dead ghost, a soak of urine taught you to be a man.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to continue trying.

Brick by brick, it tastes sour.

He knew that his painting style had gone off-track, and this brick should be a fast and normal slab brick.

Lu Shaoqing slapped the brick on the table, and a loud sound echoed in the room, and he looked at the coffin and asked, “Dead ghost, what is the origin of the nerve brick?” ”

Being able to make the ring glow hot is definitely a big deal.

“You’d better tell me it’s good, for the sake of this nerve brick, I even wrote my last name backwards.”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, the coffin was silent, and the spirit card was also silent.

The table lit up with a slight white light, and Lu Shaoqing looked down and a picture appeared on the top of the table.

It’s a mountain, a bit of a big mountain.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it for a while, then immediately rubbed it down and looked at the coffin, “Mountains again?” Why do you like mountains so much? It won’t be your grave again, will it? ”

Is there any treasure in it?”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes sparkled, “You ate so many spirit stones from me, there should be spirit stones in it, right?”

“I don’t ask for much, just a billion yuan.”

“After all, if you don’t have a billion yuan, I’m sorry for your identity.”

Lu Shaoqing continued to look down at the mountain on the screen.

A river hangs from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain, and the white river water hangs like a pearl chain.

The top of the mountain is shrouded in a layer of white mist, looming.

The mountain is not high, it is thousands of meters high, the trees are dense, and there is nothing special to see.

After looking at it for a long time, Lu Shaoqing raised his head and asked, “Dead ghost, where is this mountain?”

“Show me the way then, or where will I look?”

This place is going to be visited, after all, the place that can make the dead ghost brother react like this, there will definitely be good things.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, what a busy life.

The white light on the desktop flashed, the picture went from near to far, and more scenes entered the picture.

The surrounding mountains are connected like 100,000 mountains, and the mountains here are all green and lush with trees.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, could this be another secret realm?

As the camera rises again, a city appears in the frame.

The ancient mottled city walls are cloudy inside, and I don’t know if there are people inside.

“What is this place again?” Lu Shaoqing knocked on the table and asked.

There was no response, and the picture on the desktop quietly disappeared after a while.


Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh, “I have to ask that old man.” In

fact, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

“Hopefully my hunch is wrong.” Lu Shaoqing muttered.

Not letting himself think too much, he tapped on the table again and asked, “Is there a way to deal with the Avatar?”

“It’s hard to get people to do things without any benefits.”

Silent, neither the coffin nor the spirit card reacted, and just when Lu Shaoqing was dissatisfied, a gray light lit up behind him…

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