The gray light behind him emitted, making the light here in the room dim a little.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and watched vigilantly.

His eyes widened to see what was glowing inside.

It’s a rune.

A graphic stroke that has never been seen before, it looks like several words connected together.

It is also a bit like a rune of a drawing rune, several strokes outlined together.

It floated slowly, emitting a gray glow.

Feeling the breath above, Lu Shaoqing’s face became more solemn.

He couldn’t help but look back at the coffin, “Dead ghost, big guy, don’t you make trouble, okay?”

“Do you dare to bring this kind of thing inside?”

“You shouldn’t be that kind of casual person, what are you bringing it in for?”

This was Lu Shaoqing using the Yin and Yang Eye to see a gray light in the Dingyi tribe, and at that time, his divine sense rolled up and wrapped around that gray light.

But I didn’t expect it to appear here.

If you want to say that the dead ghost brother does not make trouble in it, I don’t believe it if I beat him to death.

“This thing is connected to those monsters, what are you going to do?”

“Give me a leisurely moment, don’t me off.”

The coffin was silent, but then another thought entered his mind.

“What?” Lu Shaoqing waited for the coffin, “You said let me understand it?”

“Is it useful?” Can it deal with the gods of transformation? ‘

No response.

Lu Shaoqing was a little helpless, a dead ghost is a dead ghost, and it was so laborious to say a few words.

However, he also knows that the dead ghost brother will not harm him, everyone is prosperous, and the loss is lost, he becomes strong, and the dead ghost’s pettiness is also stained.

Seeing this rune, he did not resist.

When he was in the Dingyi tribe before, he thought about trying to understand the black teleportation array.

It’s a pity that at that time it had to be destroyed.

Now with this gray rune, he could just make up for his regrets.

Lu Shaoqing was also not sure how long it would take, and after thinking about it, he turned around and said to the coffin, “This time I am a little more atmospheric, it will take twenty years.” ”

One and a half million spirit stones.

If it was usual, he would have to nag with the little brother of the dead ghost and let it give some more discounts.

But now that Lu Shaoqing was carrying a huge amount of money and full of arrogance, he was not so distressed by a million spirit stones.

However, the desktop flashed and some text appeared.

“What?” After reading the above content, Lu Shaoqing knocked on the table with his hand and said dissatisfiedly, “When I reach the late stage of the Yuan Baby, you will raise the price?”

“How can you be human?”

“No wonder you’re lying here, it’s all stingy.”

He had just broken through, and he would need 10,000 spirit stones for a month.

In other words, if he takes twenty years, he will have to burn 2.4 million spirit stones to the dead ghost junior.

“Profiteers, sit on the ground and start the price, I despise you.” Lu Shaoqing cursed, but because of the huge amount of money, he did not react as fiercely as before.

Alas, sure enough, with money, the state of mind has become different.

That’s it, that’s it, rich people like me don’t know poor ghosts.

Lu Shaoqing scolded a few words, and after sighing slightly, he didn’t bother to calculate with the dead ghost little brother.

Anyway, it’s useless to calculate, a price increase is a price increase, the initiative is on the dead ghost brother, no matter how fierce he is, it is useless.

Lu Shaoqing threw the spirit stone into the incense burner while counting the dead ghost little brother, “That is, I can tolerate your stinky temper.”

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“You try it as someone else?” If you do it like this, you will have already been reincarnated for the second time.

“Can you learn something good?” What’s the use of being petty all day?

“Remember to be kind to me in the future, and don’t think about taking advantage of me all day.”

“Be a little patterned, atmospheric, don’t be so stingy, make yourself die without peace of mind…” The

two million four million spirit stones quickly turned into ashes, and a huge and rich spiritual power was absorbed.

The light in the room flickered, above the sky, in the distant deep space, the stars shone, and the Dao starlight fell, which was very beautiful.

The rich spiritual power in the room began to pervade, and Lu Shaoqing sat down and stretched out his hand.

The gray runes suspended in the air fell, floating in front of him.

Lu Shaoqing closed his eyes, and his divine consciousness gushed out, wrapped in gray runes, and he realized it.

As soon as the divine consciousness came into contact, Lu Shaoqing’s body suddenly shook, and there was an illusion that made him feel that he had entered a world.

In front of this world, he is as small as an ant, and the huge and complex world makes him daunted, and a heavy sense of oppression rushes towards him.

It seems that the sense of oppression that the sky is about to fall gives birth to a sense of powerlessness.

Lu Shaoqing’s mind fell into confusion the moment of contact.

As if he was in a strange world, where everything was new, he stood helplessly in this world like an outsider who broke in.

Everything here, down to the ants, up to heaven and earth is a different existence, and everything that has been known before is of no use here.

This made Lu Shaoqing fall into confusion and self-doubt.

Although his talent is not as good as Ji Yan, in some places, he can also be called a genius.

His current strength is also outstanding among his peers, and the existence of dimensionality reduction strikes.

I feel a little proud in my heart.

But now, he has broken into a strange world, where he is like a newborn baby, unfamiliar with everything in this world,

too shocking.

After Lu Shaoqing fell into enlightenment, the woman’s figure appeared from the coffin again.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, there was frost on his face.

Really, when in her life has she been counted down like this?

Also say she’s stingy?

I really want to clean up this guy.

Her gaze crossed Lu Shaoqing and landed on the gray rune in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Staring at the gray rune, the woman slowly spoke, and the beautiful voice echoed in the room.

“Can you comprehend?”

One year, two years, three years, time passed day by day, Lu Shaoqing’s confusion was still the same, without the slightest change.

I didn’t know, I thought he was trapped.

The woman sighed and whispered again, “This is not something that ordinary people can understand, and you are no exception?” There

was a bit of disappointment in his tone.

With a bit of disappointment in her eyes, the woman slowly raised her jade hand, ready to help Lu Shaoqing.

But at this moment, Lu Shaoqing’s body suddenly moved, and the woman disappeared immediately.

He stood up, his gaze gradually returning from confusion to clarity.

He patted his head and looked at the gray rune in front of him, a little headache, “What the hell are you?” In

three years, he couldn’t understand it at all, but let himself almost get lost in it.

It’s too hard.

Lu Shaoqing held his chin and looked at the gray rune, thinking of a way in his mind.

This is not the way, no matter how much time it takes, it is difficult for him to understand.

The time wasted is all spirit stones.

“I can’t be a waster.” Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, his attitude was resolute, and then he slapped the gray rune away…

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