“Waste my time, see how I clean you up.”

Lu Shaoqing was very upset and cursed.

Three years of nothing, wasted.

It is equivalent to 720,000 spirit stones gone.

“I have a lot of money, and I don’t waste it like this.”

Lu Shaoqing slapped it down, like a fly.


The runes that emitted a gray glow were slapped on the ground, and the light flickered and became dim.

The rune above quickly rotated with this slap.

As if frightened, like a frightened rabbit running desperately.

The flickering light around was like a barrier, firmly imprisoning the runes inside, and the runes inside could only rotate within a small space and could not break through.

“Hey!” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly, “Small sample.”

“Just now it was lifeless and motionless, which made me almost melancholy.”

“I don’t believe you’re moving now, those things are still lifeless.”

Lu Shaoqing’s smile was a little cunning.

The runes were like a strange world in his perception, and the things inside were motionless, and there was no way to start if he wanted to learn and comprehend.

Since this is the case, then simply let it move.

Just like in battle, the enemy is motionless and cannot find flaws, only by moving, can you find flaws.

Lu Shaoqing sat down, and his divine sense wrapped the runes again.

This time, in Lu Shaoqing’s perception, it is still that world, but it has changed.

All around him are runes, runes like heavenly books, a rune is ever-changing, and here, there are countless runes, as if this is the origin of the world.

Although the runes here were still incomprehensible, for Lu Shaoqing, his pressure was much less.

He doesn’t have to relearn everything and start all over again, as he did just now.

Now, he just needs to find a random rune, as long as he understands a little meaning, he can gain something.

The difficulty just now was like at the beginning he was going to drink all the water of the sea, and now the difficulty is to drink a pool of water.

Compared with the difficulty before and after, it is like a cloud of mud.

Lu Shaoqing did not delay, directly grabbed a rune beside him, and seriously comprehended it.

Divine consciousness is surging, like a scalpel constantly cutting and dividing this rune, to dissect this rune and find its core meaning.

Although it was a small rune, it still put a lot of pressure on Lu Shaoqing.


Let him be sure that this is definitely not a rune of this world.

He is like a beginner, a newcomer to words.

There was no one to teach, he could only grope slowly, nibbling little by little.

As time passed, the aura on Lu Shaoqing’s body became more and more mysterious, and the whole person became unfathomable.

An indescribable feeling appeared in him.

Lu Shaoqing’s whole person seemed to have been sublimated and moved towards a higher existence.

The woman’s figure appeared again, and her gaze looking at Lu Shaoqing was full of gratification.

She didn’t look at the wrong person.

Faced with the incomprehensible runes, Lu Shaoqing quickly thought of a solution.

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However, the woman despised Lu Shaoqing’s method.

“This method is really rude.”

The woman said softly, “Now it depends on how much you can comprehend.”

After speaking, she waved her jade hand, and the faint white clouds around her seemed to have been summoned, and they all converged, shrouding Lu Shaoqing in it.

Lu Shaoqing’s mind had been fully invested in the comprehension rune.

At first, he frowned, for him, this was simply a primary school student doing a graduate exam, and he had no way to start, and it was difficult to understand anything useful.

However, as time passed, his brows began to stretch, and his face gradually showed joy.

But not long after time passed, the joy on Lu Shaoqing’s face turned into shock.

It means that he has discovered how powerful the things he has realized are.

This is about teleportation runes, or runes related to space.

The deeper he comprehended, the more his formation attainment improved.

Moreover, as he continued to comprehend, his breath gradually boiled.

Like a pot of water gradually boiling with the addition of firewood and the vigor of the fire.

Whenever Lu Shaoqing’s face showed joy, his aura would grow a lot.

One year, two years, three years, twenty years in a blink of an eye.

When the time came, the white clouds that shrouded Lu Shaoqing’s body dissipated, and the surroundings returned to their previous appearance like the waves receded.

And when the time was over here, Lu Shaoqing also woke up from the miserable fog.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and looked around, and after a long period of understanding, it was difficult for him to distinguish where he was for a while.

After a while, Lu Shaoqing came back to his senses and patted his head.

“Groove, twenty years!” Lu Shaoqing only felt endless exhaustion and fatigue, lying directly on the ground, wanting to sleep well like this.

This is not physical fatigue, but mental fatigue, the solitude of the soul.

Twenty years of comprehension of that obscure rune, you need to put all your body and mind into it, wholeheartedly, wholeheartedly, fully focused understanding, a slight carelessness may cause yin qi to recoil, and the body and soul will be destroyed.

In this state, the mind should be highly concentrated, and the whole person should be in that state for a long time, which will greatly deplete the person’s mental state.

If it were an average person, he would have been unable to hold on for a long time.

Non-determined people can’t do it.

After taking a few breaths, Lu Shaoqing got up, and he mobilized the spiritual power in his body, intending to eliminate the fatigue of his body.

However, when the spiritual power was mobilized and roared like a terrifying wave, Lu Shaoqing froze.

When did his spiritual power become so large and majestic?

Feeling his realm again, Lu Shaoqing froze.

Nine-layer realm?

What’s going on?

Lu Shaoqing was like a dream, a little unbelievable.

Shouldn’t you be in a fantasy realm?

The mysterious runes are unfathomable, and it is not impossible.

But when he carefully confirmed, he couldn’t believe that he really broke through from the seventh-layer realm of the Yuan Infant to the nine-layer realm, and the next step was to transform into a god.

“Oh, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful.” Lu Shaoqing looked at the rune in front of him with blazing eyes, and this gray rune was a peerless beauty in his eyes.

This rune allowed him to save a lot of time for penance, which saved him a lot of spirit stones.

“Wrong blame you.” Lu Shaoqing reached out to touch the rune.

However, the rune flashed and slowly dissipated in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing immediately howled, “Don’t go, you go, how can I live…”

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