“This, this…”

Xiangjixian only hated that he was in the air and could not stomp on the ground.

Otherwise, she would have to stomp the ground out of a deep pit.

What did she travel so far to do here?

Isn’t it for the meaning of grandfather, come here to find the special person in grandpa’s mouth?

It is a matter of the future of the Terrans, and it is a matter of dealing with the gods.

She slept here for more than a year, and finally ran into Lu Shaoqing and them.

After observation, she had already affirmed that Lu Shaoqing and the three were the special people in her grandfather’s mouth.

Lu Shaoqing was very resistant to going to see her grandfather.

For this reason, she was open-minded, faceless, and planned to take Lu Shaoqing and them to see her grandfather.

As a result, Lu Shaoqing clicked twice, calculated her to death, and ran away without a trace.

She lost her courage because of this, and planned to let her grandfather go out himself.

And now, what did she hear?

Willing to follow Lin Yu to see her grandfather, and then, Lin Yu refused.

How does this not make Xiangsi Immortal angry in his heart.

The angry Xiangsi Immortal pouted, like a wronged little girl, with a bit of resentment, complaining about Lin Yu, “Elder Lin Yu, you, look what you did.”

“I almost knelt down and begged him to follow me to see my grandfather, but you were good, you rejected him.”

Lin Yu was shocked, I wipe, you won’t really kneel and beg him, right?

Didn’t that kid lie?

Damn, what the hell is that kid coming from?

He tentatively asked, “That kid, are the three of them really special?”

Xiangsi Xian asked rhetorically, “Elder Lin Yu, don’t you think they are special?” ”

Special, very special.

The talent is so high, it is rare in the world.

All of them are demons.

The strength is also rare in the world.

At such a young age, he already possessed such great strength, even stronger than him, an old fellow who had been cultivating for hundreds of years.

It’s not special, what’s special?

Lin Yu was silent for a moment, and finally said with a wry smile, “It is indeed very special.

“They are too strong, if it weren’t for their help, I would have become a revenant under the knife of the monster.”

Xiangsi Xian also sighed, “Yes, their strength is very strong, beyond imagination, stronger than those of us of the same generation. Yin

Que next to him turned red and looked very uncomfortable.

He was called a genius, and indeed a genius.

But his genius is like a mediocre genius compared to Lu Shaoqing and them.

He was upset in his heart, but he couldn’t refute it.

Xiang Sixian was worried about Lin Yu’s refusal and driving away Lu Shaoqing.

“Elder Lin Yu, not to mention whether they are the people that grandpa wants to see, even if they are not, they have such great strength, they should strive for it.”

“Didn’t Grandpa say that? The sacrifice is approaching, and we must unite all the forces that can be united, encircle all those who can be co-opted, and unite together against the sacrificial god and his minions.

“The three of them are really geniuses, all young talents, why did you drive them away?”

Hearing Xiangsi Immortal complaining about himself, Lin Yu felt a sulk in his heart.

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This sulk was not aimed at Xiang Sixian, but at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing said before that Xiangsi Xian would blame Lin Yu.

At that time, Lin Yu still treated Lu Shaoqing as a joke.

Now it seems that Lu Shaoqing is right, he Lin Yu was slapped in the face, which is the reason for sulking.

Guessed by that kid, his grandfather’s image of a superior man could not be supported.

Lin Yu sulked, but he also said why he did it.

He said, “That kid surnamed Mu wants to go to the Xuantu World. ”


Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que exclaimed, and Yin Que jumped up in the air, “What does he want to do?” Does he want to die?

Yin Que once again revealed Senran’s killing intent.

Before, he occasionally had the urge to stab Lu Shaoqing, but that was just because Lu Shaoqing was so angry that he gritted his teeth and was angry for a while.

But now it’s different, he is calm now, and the killing intent is very strong.

Xiangsixian looked solemn, and she asked, “Is this true?”

“That’s right, he showed me a map, it was a map of the Xuantu World, and I won’t forget what Xuantu City looked like.”

Lin Yu’s expression was serious, with the appearance of a grandfather who was a bit of a superior grandfather, and he said, “The Xuantu World is our last reliance, and there is no room for mistakes.

“If the monster knows the specific location of the Xuantu World, the sacrificial god and its minions will be the first to kill it.”

“So, I chased him away.”

“If it weren’t for his life-saving grace to me, I would have captured him and asked him well.”

For Lin Yu’s words, Yin Que said unceremoniously, “Elder Lin Yu, you are confused! ”


Lin Yu sharpened, you kid has itchy skin, right?

Your master and I are close friends, believe it or not, I will teach you a lesson for your master.

Although I look old, I am actually middle-aged, a few years younger than your master.

What is confusion?

Do I look confused?

Yin Que saw Lin Yu’s murderous gaze staring at him, and he hurriedly said, “Elder Lin Yu, think about it, wouldn’t it be good if you take them to the Great Elder and let the Great Elder ask them about their purpose?”

“Anyway, you don’t need to ask, it can be considered worthy of their life-saving grace, right?”

Yin Que’s words came out, and Lin Yu wanted to slap himself.

yes, why didn’t you think of it in the first place?

When he promised to come down and take them to see the Great Elder, even if they had different intentions, they would not be able to make any waves in front of the Great Elder.

Are you really confused?

No, it should be that he was injured at the beginning, and his brain did not wake up for a while.

Lin Yu resolutely refused to admit that he was confused, and he looked at Xiangsi Xian and said, “Miss, what do you think should be done now?” ”

Chase.” Xiangsi Xian had no other way but to use the death method, “chasing down the direction they left.”

Lin Yu nodded, “It can only be so, but Miss, you have the spaceship given to you by the Great Elder, it should be fast to catch up with them, I don’t think their speed is too fast.” When

Xiang Sixian heard this, his face suddenly crossed.

Her spaceship won’t start, which is a pain in her heart.

Being quietly calculated by Lu Shaoqing, it was really uncomfortable.

When he knew what Lu Shaoqing had done, Lin Yu was speechless for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but say, “What a bastard.”

Yin Que suddenly said happily as if he had met his soulmate, “yes, I also said that guy is a bastard.” ”

Outright vile bastards ..”

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