After Xiang Sixian knew Lu Shaoqing’s whereabouts, he didn’t want to stay here longer.

She said to Lin Yu, “Elder Lin Yu, we are leaving, and we say goodbye.” ”

Slowly,” Lin Yu shook his head, “I’ll go with you.” ”

Elder Lin Yu, are you going with you too?” However, here

…” “It’s okay, just have others watching…” Yin

Que also strongly agreed with Lin Yu to follow, and he said, “With Elder Lin Yu following, I’m not afraid of any tricks they will play.” ”

The most important thing is that with Lin Yu, a late-stage master, facing Lu Shaoqing and them, Yin Que has a lot of confidence.

“Well, let’s go together, and hopefully catch up with them as soon as possible.”

Yin Que smiled, “They look like dogs who have lost their families, fleeing in embarrassment…” Lin

Yu also nodded, “They have been away for a few months, and it may take a while to catch up with them.” However

, the so-called period of time actually caught up with Lu Shaoqing and them less than a month after they set off.

Looking at the spaceship slowly moving in front of them, the three of Xiangsi Immortals looked at each other and felt a little unreal.

Especially Aishi Xian, looking at the spaceship in front of him, felt as if he was dreaming.

She even quietly pinched herself to see if she was dreaming.

Lu Shaoqing let the armillary stone armored beast delay her time, and quietly manipulated her spaceship.

He seemed very resistant to seeing her grandfather.

She and Yin Que flew all the way to catch up as much as possible.

After chasing for months, I couldn’t see even a hair.

I thought it would take a long, long time to catch up, but I didn’t expect to catch up so easily now.

It’s so fast that it’s a little unreal.

However, looking at the spaceship in front, Xiang Sixian finally determined, and she caught up with Lu Shaoqing and his group.

“Finally caught up.”

Xiangsi Xian sighed, this way, but she was exhausted.

Yin Que, on the other hand, looked at the spacecraft in front of him in amazement, the speed of the spacecraft was exaggeratedly slow, no different from the speed of a snail.

He couldn’t help but mutter, “It seems that he deliberately slowed down and deliberately waited for us to catch up, so there should be some conspiracy?”

“That bastard is not a good person.”

He was calculated by Lu Shaoqing several times, and he did not have the slightest good impression of Lu Shaoqing.

Lin Yu made a bitter face, he seemed to have foreseen what was going to happen next.

Is it really going to be said by that kid?

Lin Yu couldn’t stand it a little.

Once lost, the image of the grandfather of the master will no longer have a chance to stand up.

He couldn’t help but say to Xiangsi Xian, “Miss, when you see the kid surnamed Mu, can you not say the three words ‘I beg you’?”

Xiangsi Xian was stunned, “Elder Lin Yu, why did you say this?”

Yin Que shouted even more, “How is it possible? How could the eldest lady say such a thing?

Xiangsi Xian also smiled slightly and said, “Elder Lin Yu, don’t worry, I won’t say it.”

She hoped that Lu Shaoqing and the three would follow her to see her grandfather, but she was not so good as to say such a thing.

Lin Yu was determined in his heart, and with the assurance of Xiangsi Xian’s words, he had won.

He touched his beard and said with a smile, “So, let’s go meet them for a while.”

“This time, as he wished, let him go to the Great Elder.”

The spacecraft in front of him also stopped.

Waiting for their arrival.

Xiao Yi stood on the spaceship, waved at Xiang Si Xian, and said happily, “Sister Si Xian, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Xiangsixian also responded with a smile, “Yes, long time no see.” ”

Falling generously, just like everyone is beautiful.

There may be complaints and unhappiness in the heart, but on the surface there is not the slightest unhappiness.

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It’s much better than Yin Que next to him who is full of resentment.

Yin Que now hates the house and Wu, and does not have the slightest good impression of Xiao Yi.

In his opinion, Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi are not good people.

Less than one-tenth of his goddess.

Yin Que glanced at the plan at the bow of the ship, his white clothes fluttering, like stone carvings, and he did not react to their arrival.

After seeing that Ji Yan didn’t react, Yin Que had the courage to shout to Xiao Yi, “What about that guy? Let him out.

Xiangjixian’s expression also changed.

Lu Shaoqing’s methods are impressive.

Those with a bad temper are easily angry and smoke and reduce their shouyuan.

Yin Que next to it is an example.

Yin Que mentioned that Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, full of resentment, and couldn’t wait to rush up to give Lu Shaoqing two blows.

Xiao Yi jumped up, sat on the side of the boat, dangled his little short legs, and said with a grin, “Second Senior Brother, he is sleeping, and he hasn’t woken up yet.” ”

Sleep, sleep?

Xiangsi Xian was dumb, Lin Yu was stunned, and Yin Que was angry.

Yin Que shouted angrily, “Damn it, bastard, did you deliberately come to humiliate me and wait? ”


Is there that monk who needs to sleep?

Is a monk who needs to sleep still called a monk?

Xiao Yi is strange, to be honest, you guy still jumps his feet, what are you doing?

Don’t you give sleep?

She snorted and said unpleasantly, “What did I lie to you for?”

After speaking, he pointed to the cabin behind him, “See for yourselves.” ”

The crowd did not even need to scan their senses, and with their sensitive hearing, they could hear the long, deep breathing in the cabin.

It is indeed the sound of sleeping breathing.

The three of Xiangsi Immortals were silent.

Big brother, play.

Are you a monk, or a cultivator in the infant stage, you don’t practice, run to sleep, is it really good?

Could it be that you are practicing the practice of sleeping?

Does sleeping increase your strength?

Seeing the silence of the three, Xiao Yi was even more straightforward, sat on the side of the ship, and straightened his chest, “Look, I said I didn’t lie to you.”

“My second senior brother has been sleeping for more than a month.”

The three of Xiangsi Immortals became more and more silent.


It took a while for Xiang Sixian to collect his mood and said to Xiao Yi, “Miss Xiao, can I call your second senior brother?”

Xiao Yi shook his head, “Second Senior Brother said, can’t disturb him.”

“Let him sleep until he wakes up naturally, there is no rush anyway.”

Yin Que’s anger gradually rose.

Thinking that he was desperately chasing Lu Shaoqing day and night, and Lu Shaoqing was sleeping comfortably here.

Yin Que couldn’t bear it.

He shouted angrily, “Damn fellow, give me up.” The

voice came into the cabin, and Lu Shaoqing in the cabin not only did not wake up, but also snored.

This can make Yin Que mad, definitely awake.

But just don’t get up, on purpose.

Bastard guy, you give it to me, don’t pretend…”

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