The snoring stopped, Lu Shaoqing got up, sleepy-eyed, scratched his head, yawned and walked out.

In front of everyone, he stretched his waist, and then scolded Xiao Yi.

“What for? Didn’t I say that? Let me get a good night’s sleep and don’t bother me.

“Disturbing people’s dreams, the crime is extremely evil, didn’t Master teach you?” Or do you not have a master to teach?

“The most important thing to be a person is to know how to be polite and make a big noise when people are sleeping, what kind of system?”

“It’s okay if you lose people, don’t disgrace the master.”

Xiao Yi was scolded and smiled, and she didn’t care, because she knew that her second senior brother was referring to Sang Huai.

Yin Que’s body swayed directly opposite, and his face was extremely red.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t scold him for a word, but every word was scolding him.

“You, who are you talking about?” Yin Que couldn’t help it and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily.

“Hey, Brother Yin, why are you here?”

“And Sister Si Xian, you finally caught up? Catch up without saying a word.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to have just discovered Xiangsi Immortals, hurriedly sorted out his clothes, touched his head and smiled, looking very sincere, “It’s really embarrassing, disrespectful, rude.” ”

I reprimanded Junior Sister just now, I didn’t notice your arrival, and I hope for forgiveness.”

“Come, come, don’t blow the wind outside, get on the boat quickly, don’t freeze.”

Lu Shaoqing was very enthusiastic, but the three of Xiangsi Xian were silent again.

Even Yin Que was shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s shamelessness.

Lin Yu secretly said in his heart, it is really special enough.

The three of Xiangsi Xian got on Lu Shaoqing’s spaceship and stood on the deck, looking around.

This spaceship is a large spaceship, and the spaceship of Aoshisen is only one-tenth the size compared to it.

This was the best ship of the Fang family, and Fang Xiao gave it to Lu Shaoqing in gratitude.

Big Bai and Xiao Bai sat on the mast, the two whites were lazy during this time, after Lu Shaoqing got up, the two whites hid as far as they could, and did not want to be seen by Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Hei was lying on Xiao Yi’s head, not looking at Xiangsi Immortal.

After Xiang Sixian and Yin Que came up, after looking at it, their eyes unconsciously fell on Xiao Hei.

For Xiao Hei, they are jealous.

Xiang Sixian took a deep look at Xiao Hei, and his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not evade, and his gaze directly met him.

He won’t be weak-hearted.

The eyes of the two looked at each other, the two did not flinch, and whoever retreated, whose momentum was hit by one.

Such a look at each other made Yin Que furious.

Your sister, what does such affectionate look at each other mean?

After a few months, are you bastards going to seduce my goddess as soon as they meet?

What a slut.

Yin Que couldn’t help it, and stepped across Xiang Si Xian and put his smelly face in front of Lu Shaoqing.

Yin Que’s face was like a bitter melon, staring at Lu Shaoqing viciously, “What do you want to do?” Yin

Que interjected, which made Xiangsi Xian breathe a sigh of relief.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing made her feel great pressure in her heart, and she almost couldn’t hold back.

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She had met all kinds of people, but it was the first time she had met someone like Lu Shaoqing.

The face is always smiling, looks polite, and when calling people, it is also the elder sister and the sister short.

As a result, the seller is not ambiguous at all.

Say pit is pit, say dump and dump.

The face of her beautiful sister does not work at all.

It was her sister who dumped her.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing’s body was shrouded in a layer of fog, and she couldn’t see clearly what kind of person Lu Shaoqing was.

The city is extremely deep, younger than her, but the city house given to her is like a thousand-year-old fox.

When they looked at each other, Lu Shaoqing’s deep gaze made her feel as if she was standing on the edge of a cliff, and below was the abyss, which gave her great pressure.

If Yin Que hadn’t stood up in time to help her block the pressure, she would really not be able to support it, and then she would have lost her head start in front of Lu Shaoqing and would be constrained everywhere.

After Xiangsi Xian breathed a sigh of relief, he also secretly warned himself that he had to be careful and careful when dealing with this kind of person.

After taking a deep breath and concentrating his spirit, Xiang Sixian reappeared in front of Lu Shaoqing and said to Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “Mu Gongzi, you guys are walking really fast.” ”

Yes,” Yin Que was indignant, “flee like a mouse.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, “What are these words?” Didn’t you say to follow behind? I was walking in front of me, and I didn’t see you catch up, and I thought you were lost.

“I was thinking about going back to you, but it’s the same everywhere in the stone forest, and I’m afraid of getting lost, so I walked slowly.”

Lu Shaoqing’s stunned expression and innocent look made Xiang Sixian stunned for a while, and he actually subconsciously felt that it was his fault for a while.

Yin Que was angry, and he couldn’t help it, pointing at Lu Shaoqing and scolding angrily, “Despicable villain, dare not do it.”

“Don’t curse, scold and I’ll kick you off the boat later.” Lu Shaoqing said a little angrily, “Why do you scold people when you meet this joy?” ”

Don’t you have a liturgy class in your god-killing organization?” No manners at all.

The words made Yin Que grit his teeth in anger, “You…” ”

Brother Yin, you dissipate your anger.” Xiangsi Xian secretly shook his head in his heart, smiled and said to Yin Que, “It’s just a small misunderstanding before, it’s okay.” ”

Xiang Sixian knows that when it comes to mouth cannons, Yin Que is not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent at all.

For a cunning and thick-skinned guy like Lu Shaoqing, according to Yin Que’s personality, he will only be angry and vomit blood.

Minor misunderstanding?

Miss, do you have any misunderstanding of the little misunderstanding?

If it weren’t for this bastard, would you and I have to work so hard?

In the face of such a bastard, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in his heart if he is not beaten violently.

Yin Que felt a critical blow in his heart, and his already good body seemed to be injured again.

Lu Shaoqing’s smile remained unchanged, and he said sincerely, “Yes, everyone is friends, what is this misunderstanding?”

“To be a man, you have to be open-minded, what are you doing stingy all day?” It’s easy to short-live. ”

Bastard, are you cursing me?

Yin Que’s eyes breathed fire, and he couldn’t wait to burn Lu Shaoqing to death.

Xiao Yi looked at Yin Que with a smile next to him, hmph, you guy still don’t know why my second senior brother wants to target you, right?

Whoever let you pretend to be compared at the beginning, with a high toe, a cow than a coaxing, and chopping people with your nostrils, my second senior brother is not used to people like you.

My second senior brother is so low-key and humble, and the most annoying thing is people like you.

Xiang Sixian didn’t say anything, now her purpose is to think of taking Lu Shaoqing to see her grandfather, not to mention Yin Que, even if she is wronged, she doesn’t care.

She glanced at Lin Yu, and then asked Lu Shaoqing with a smile, “Young Master Mu, I heard Elder Lin Yu say that you are going to see my grandfather?” ”

Yes,” Lu Shaoqing said without waiting for Xiang Sixian to show his joy, “But I don’t want to now…”

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