Lin Yu hurriedly asked, “How do you plan to deal with him?”

“Don’t mess around, in case they are the people that the Great Elder is looking for, be careful to annoy the Great Elder when the time comes.”

“If the Great Elder is angry, even your master can’t keep you.”

Yin Que straightened his chest, raised his head, and said confidently, “Don’t worry, I am the same generation as him, and things between peers naturally have to be solved in the way between peers.”

“He can’t go to the court, can he? Do you want his face?

“Hmph, when I get to the headquarters, I don’t believe I can’t clean him up.”

Yin Que also only returned to his former flamboyant and confident appearance in front of people like Lin Yu, who were familiar with him.

Yin Que looked at Lu Shaoqing proudly, full of confidence, and he would definitely take revenge when the time came.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing and Xiang Sixian talking and laughing, like a couple, Yin Que wanted to kill Lu Shaoqing even more impulsively.

But now it is on the territory of the other party, and the other party is so strong.

He only dared to think about how to clean up Lu Shaoqing with Lin Yu next to him.

He looked at it for a while, feeling that he couldn’t read it anymore, so he turned to Lin Yu and said, “Elder Lin Yu, you have to help me then.”

Lin Yu sighed faintly, “I…”

Yin Que could hear the melancholy in Lin Yu’s tone, stunned for a moment, and then figured it out.

“Do you think they’re your lifesavers, so you’re sorry?”

“Well, it’s okay, elders like you shouldn’t interfere, okay, let Sister Fluttershy help you then.”

Lin Yu shook his head and disagreed, “Don’t spoil her.”

Yin Que laughed, “Don’t worry, the affairs of the younger generation are naturally solved by young people.”

“In short, don’t worry, I won’t let him have the opportunity to infiltrate the Xuantu World…” In

the next time, nothing else happened along the way, and with the spaceship, he soon came to the branch.

In such a division, there are no less than thirty god-killing organizations.

Not every branch has a master like Lin Yu.

The branch farther away from the center of the world is also the highest only in the Yuedan period, and the number of kittens is two or three, and it is more used as a contact point.

The closer to the branch in the center of the world, the more people and masters are needed.

Lin Yu’s branch is the branch closest to the center of the world, so it needs a master of the late Yuan Infant stage to sit down.

The branch is hidden in the middle of nowhere, with dry trees and gray dirt everywhere, and there is not the slightest bit of life around.

It is desolate and remote, hundreds of thousands of miles away from the nearest tribe.

There are no people here, no animals and plants, the tribesmen will not come here, and even those priestly monsters will not bother to set foot here.

After all, here the bird does not, there is no value.

When he came here, Xiao Yi once thought that this was just a passing point.

Only Lu Shaoqing’s gaze penetrated the ground and saw below.

Underground, as if hollowed out, there is a large space underneath.

This is a place protected by formations.

The priestly monster does not know the formation and hides here without worrying about being discovered.

Even if a human cultivator came here, if it weren’t for the formation, he wouldn’t have been able to find that there was a space underground.

Under the leadership of Lin Yu, everyone smoothly entered the underground and came to their branch.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense swept away, and the bottom was very large, although it was not as large as the huge cave dug by the armillary stone armored beast.

But for humans, it’s big enough, like a small town.

There are two or three thousand people living here, most of them ordinary people.

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There is plenty of spiritual power here, air as for sunlight or something, and the simulated light of the formation is enough.

Anyway, the sun only has once in a few months outside, and for the humans here, there is no difference.

According to Xiangsi Xian’s explanation, most of the people here are tribal people.

They woke up early, and they had talent, which could be of great use, so they were first brought in here and slowly got used to life here.

Then depending on the situation, if it is suitable, it will soon be sent to the headquarters for further study and become a real member of the God Killing Organization.

Lu Shaoqing nodded.

These people passed the initial interview, worked in the branch and were on probation.

Next, you only need to pass the assessment to become a regular worker, and you can even be assigned to the headquarters to work.

“The elder is back!”


“Congratulations to the elder for his victory!”

“Haha, that’s great…” The

people here in the branch were very happy to see Lin Yu, who had been out for several months, come back.

These people, as a group of awakened people, have already regarded themselves as members of the God-killing Organization.

Of course, I hope that the God Killer Organization is getting better and better.

“Hey, I brought back a few people this time.”

“No, will these people be able to be brought in here so soon?”

“Wouldn’t it be some supreme genius?”

Many people looked at Lu Shaoqing and his group curiously, full of envy.

Lin Yu did not stop, and took Lu Shaoqing and them directly to the teleportation array.

The teleportation array is guarded here, and they cannot break in without permission.

After Lu Shaoqing saw the teleportation array, he couldn’t help but be surprised.


Xiao Yi immediately turned his head, “Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, but his gaze at the teleportation array was a little more meaningful.

The teleportation array was a normal teleportation array, but Lu Shaoqing could feel that the place around the teleportation array had been weathered and exuded a simple aura.

At the same time, the teleportation array pattern is old and old, and you can see that it is repaired on the basis of the old.

Another year of tinkering.

Lu Shaoqing was sure that this teleportation array had been used for more than a year, or more than a hundred years.

At the same time, he was familiar with the pattern of the formation, and the location of the spirit stone placed on the side was also very familiar.

He had sat on such a teleportation array.

From the Southern Wilderness to Dongji, the teleportation array he passed along the way had the same pattern and familiarity as the teleportation array in front of him.

Combined with the surrounding environment, this teleportation array should be the teleportation array of a certain city in the former Northern Desert.

It is one of the means of transportation between castles.

As for why it appeared on the ground, the most correct answer should be that the battle was fierce and a city was sunk.

Lu Shaoqing muttered secretly in his heart, this high-end game does not know whether it is good or bad.

As Lin Yu laid down the spirit stone, the teleportation array slowly activated, and the white light rushed up into the sky, blocked by the formation.

Otherwise, the light will absolutely penetrate the ground and soar straight to the sky.

“Let’s go!”

Lu Shaoqing stepped into the teleportation array, white light flashed, and the group disappeared here…

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