After the white light shone, Lu Shaoqing and his group landed on the ground and opened their eyes.

The blue sky and white clouds are greeted, the clear blue sky is floating with white clouds, and above the sky, there are spirit birds soaring.

On the ground, the trees are lush and green, blue is the theme of the sky, then green is the theme of the ground.

The aura here is thicker than the outside, like a fairyland, and the white mist in the jungle in the distance is faint, which is also the white mist that the aura is rich and turned into.

A gentle breeze blows and the air is pleasant.

Xiao Yi took a few deep breaths and let out a long sigh, “Finally came to a normal place.” ”

The kind of place outside is simply not for people.”

Da Bai and Xiao Bai also nodded one after another, indicating that Xiao Yi was right.

The gray sky outside, the turbid air, the violent aura, everything is so bad.

They are monks and can withstand it.

If you let the surnames of the thirteen states or the ordinary people on the cold star, they will go crazy in less than a month.

The reason why the tribe’s humans can get used to it is because they are born in such an environment, and they have long been accustomed to it.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan came here, and their faces also showed a relaxed expression.

Xiangsi Xian and Yin Que also have similar expressions.

The outside puts a lot of pressure on them, and when they return home, their body and mind will always be relaxed.

Yin Que was very satisfied with Xiao Yi’s reaction, this is the reaction that a country bun should have.

However, seeing that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan did not change at all, he felt a little depressed in his heart.

If Lu Shaoqing’s reaction was the same as Xiao Yi’s, he had to laugh at Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi asked Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, is this another space world?”

Xiangsi Xian smiled slightly, “I don’t know, only grandpa knows about this problem.”

After Lu Shaoqing’s eyes roamed around, he had some guesses in his heart.

It’s a hole.

And it is not a hole heaven that can be opened up by refining the void realm, at least it is a hole sky opened up by a more powerful existence.

Just like the cave heaven opened up by the ancestor of the Lingxiao Sect of the Convergence Dao Realm.

Ma yes, this won’t be the high-end game of the Pinnacle Race, right?

In addition to the god of transformation, there are more powerful bigwigs on it?

I don’t know if the multicolored Xun Demon Stone in my hand is enough?

As for arranging the formation to attract monsters, this method is harmful to the sky and cannot be used as a last resort.

Lu Shaoqing looked down at the teleportation under his feet, and had the urge to transmit back and slipped away.

There should be not enough credibility points to be able to participate in the high-end game of the Summit Race.

Xiang Sixian said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, let’s go see grandpa.”

Lin Yu said, “I’ll go back and see first, and I don’t know if Fluttershy’s girl has broken into trouble.”

Yin Que said to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Mu, I will treat you well in two days.” ”

Hmph, I’ll go back and gather the horse boy now to clean you up.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t seem to hear Yin Que’s words, and said with a smile, “Okay, I’ll eat delicious food then.” ”

Eat, eat, know to eat, and I’ll let you have a good meal.”

Yin Que was fierce in his heart and left here directly.

Xiang Sixian took Lu Shaoqing and the three to look into the distance.

In the distance there is a tall mountain surrounded by white mist, and a building on the top of the mountain.

It was a chalet.

After Xiang Sixian took Lu Shaoqing and the three to the halfway up the mountain, he said to Lu Shaoqing and the three, “Three, let’s walk.” ”

Lu Shaoqing has no opinion, this time I saw the Great Elder of the late stage of the Transformation God.

As the first existence in the god-killing organization, and a master of the gods, there are some rules that should be followed.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to directly appear in front of the Great Elder from the sky with a big grin.

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Several people began to climb the mountain, and the higher they went, the stronger the invisible coercion became.

Xiao Yi, who had the weakest strength, felt the most obvious, and every time she took a step up, she felt as if there was an extra stone on her body, which pressed her breathlessly.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan’s faces also became solemn.

This is not specifically aimed at them, this is just the coercion that the other party invisibly emits.

Just like a normal person who does not say anything to a stranger who suddenly intrudes into his territory, he will eventually look at it more.

Now Lu Shaoqing, this is the case.

Moreover, as the Great Elder discovered them, he seemed to have the intention of investigating.

The pressure on the three began to gradually increase.

The three spirit pets were very uneasy, and their hair stood up.

They feel that there seems to be a peerless horror on it.

Xiao Hei was even standing on Xiao Yi’s head, spreading his wings, staring at it, his eyes were fierce, and he was about to fight at any time

, and Xiang Sixian did not notice anything wrong, she led the way in front and walked very briskly.

The whole person seemed very relaxed.

When I came here, I was not afraid that Lu Shaoqing would slip away.

The task given to her by her grandfather was completed, which made her happy.

She walked in front easily, and soon left Lu Shaoqing and them off for a distance.

Walking, walking, Xiang Sixian sensed that something was wrong, and when he looked back, Lu Shaoqing and the three walked very slowly, their faces solemn.

Xiao Yi, who had the weakest strength, turned pale, and his legs had already begun to tremble.

Xiangsi Xian immediately understood.

Grandpa put pressure on them.

Xiangsi Xian was a little angry and shouted at the top, “Grandpa, you don’t want this. ”

Lu Shaoqing plans that the two are very strong, but no matter how strong they are, they are only Yuan Infants, how can they compare with the Transformation God.

However, there was no movement above, and Lu Shaoqing’s pressure was still so great.

Xiang Sixian said to Lu Shaoqing, “You guys wait, I’ll go find grandpa.”

After saying that, she quickly headed towards the mountain.

Xiangsi Immortal left, Xiao Yi couldn’t bear it anymore, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do?”

“I’m feeling so tired.”

Invisible pressure is not only for the body, but also for the soul, and mental fatigue is tired.

Xiao Yi felt that if he continued like this, people would not collapse, but they would also have to go crazy.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, took a step back, and felt that the pressure was much relaxed.

Suddenly grinned, “Go, let’s go down.” Ji

Yan said, “I feel this pressure is good.” Ji

Yan looked up, his eyes full of fighting spirit.

“What do you want to do?” Lu Shaoqing said unceremoniously, “You floated, do you think you can beat the gods?”

“Thankless, you give stability, don’t hurt yourself.”

“Get down, go down!”

Lu Shaoqing took Ji Yan and Xiao Yi back and came to the halfway point here.

Here, the pressure of the three of them is greatly reduced, and it is much easier.

Xiao Yi sat on the ground with his butt and exclaimed, “It’s terrible.” ”

Before anyone could see it, he was almost crushed.

Is this the horror of the gods?

“What to do? Is it just like that?

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “What are you doing up there?”

“Burn the fire, silly cat, silly monkey, let me go to the jungle to catch some prey and come back, let’s have a barbecue…”

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