Xiangsi Xian rushed up angrily, she knew what her grandfather was going to do.

Isn’t it to test Lu Shaoqing’s strength?

But it is not always polite to give Mawei when you just come.

And Lu Shaoqing is obviously not the kind of person who is easy to talk to.

If it provokes them, then the two sides will make a fuss, and everyone’s face will not be good.

The person who didn’t want to get back by himself ended up having a good time with his grandfather.

Aoshisen rushed to the top of the mountain, an ordinary log cabin, and she pushed the door in.

“Grandpa, what are you doing?”

In the room, an old man with a fluttering white beard sat cross-kneeled.

In front of him lay a Bagua Array pattern, on which were placed several copper coins and a turtle shell.

The old man was full of gorgeous hair, his face was not angry, and he sat cross-legged on the ground, exuding powerful coercion himself.

However, as Xiangsi Xian pushed the door in, the powerful coercion disappeared instantly, and the old man opened his eyes, his eyes were spoiled, and his expression softened, turning into a kind old grandfather.

“Hard work, silly girl.”

He was the grandfather of Xiangsi Immortal, the Great Elder of the God Killing Organization, the existence of the eight-layer realm in the late stage of the Transformation God, Xiang Kui.

Xiangsixian showed his little daughter posture in front of Xiangkui, rushed over, pulled Xiangkui’s beard and said, “Grandpa, what are you going to do?”

Xiangkui hurriedly said, “Don’t pull, don’t pull, pull my beard again and I’ll be bald.”

“How old are you, and you still have to pull your grandfather’s beard like before.”

“Hmph,” Xiangsi Senzo let go of his hand and huffed, “You also know that I worked hard, I worked hard outside for more than two years to find people who came back, and if you treat them like this, aren’t you afraid that they will turn around and leave?”

Xiang Kui smiled and touched his beard, as if everything was under his control, “They have all come here, and whether they can leave or not is not up to them.”

Xiangsi Xian stomped his foot, “But, grandpa, you can’t do this to them.”

“It’s good that the villain is also the guest I invited back, and when the time comes, there will be a disturbance, and everyone’s face will not be good-looking.”

Facing his granddaughter, Xiangkui could only patiently explain, “The people you brought back, I have to try them, right?”

“Aren’t they the people Grandpa you’re looking for?” Xiangjixian’s eyes showed a little disappointment.

Xiangkui shook his head, “They should be.”

“That’s why I’m going to try their abilities and make sure more.”

Xiang Kui looked outside, seemed to be able to penetrate the wooden house, penetrated the mountain, and saw the three Lu Shaoqing below.

He calculated through the divination that there was a special person who would have an impact on the situation.

But who it is, what impact it will have, what changes will happen, these things cannot be calculated.

He is good at divination, but that doesn’t mean he can predict the future.

Lu Shaoqing and their appearance, although they knew some things from the letters of Xiang Sixian and Yin Que.

It also made him feel that Lu Shaoqing and they were the people he was looking for.

However, hearing is nothing, seeing is believing, people are coming, without thinking about it personally, how can you know it in your heart?

Xiangsi Xian knew that the person he found was really the person his grandfather wanted to see, and he was relieved in his heart.

But she was worried, “If you provoke them in this way, I’m afraid it will make your grandfather look bad on your face.”

Xiang Kui smiled, still full of confidence, “What else can they do when they get here?” There

was a hint of disdain in Xiangkui’s eyes, but it was just two little infants.

This is his territory of each other, what kind of storm can he set off in front of this god of transformation?

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Xiang Sixian was still a little worried, “Grandpa, Ji Gongzi and Xiao girl are okay to talk to, but that Mu Gongzi is not such a good person to talk to.” ”

Even I was calculated by him.

Xiangkui touched his beard, confidently, and smiled confidently, “Haha, you are watching from the side, I will meet them.” ”

Just kidding, I’m also a master of the Transformation God, and I can’t hold the two little Yuan babies?

Can’t hold it, what else am I messing with?

Xiang Kui’s gaze froze, and when he just wanted to increase his strength, his divine sense swept away, and he was suddenly stunned.

Then he couldn’t help but scold, “This, bastard, the spirit beast I raised…”

Xiang Sixian noticed Xiang Kui’s expression, and hurriedly swept his senses, and suddenly wanted to vomit blood.

Lu Shaoqing and his party had already returned halfway up the mountain.

Halfway back up the mountain, they were not idle.

Xiao Yi was grabbing a spirit chicken to pluck its hair and open its stomach, and there were two unconscious spirit chickens next to him.

Xiao Yi also cast a spell from time to time, gathering a stream of water from the air to wash it, and after a while, he washed one.

He took a sharpened branch and inserted it and handed it to Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing put the spirit chicken on the flame and roasted it, sprinkling some cumin or something from time to time, spreading some sauce or something, just like a professional barbecue chef.

Under his grill, the surface of the spirit chicken is golden and exudes a rich fragrance.

Da Bai and Xiao Bai were chasing and hunting the spirit beasts in the forest in the woods, and when they smelled the aroma of barbecue, they roared in the jungle, frightening the surrounding spirit beasts into running away.

It didn’t take long to capture several spirit beasts.

Liang Bai and Xiao Hei were lying next to them drooling, staring at Lu Shaoqing with their eyes open, and they couldn’t wait to pounce on them and eat happily.

Especially Da Bai and Xiao Bai, if it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing, they would have already started to grab it.

The fragrance is rich, like a hammer beating their taste buds, arousing their gluttony.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, they seemed to be engaged in a picnic barbecue as if they were coming to a spring outing, and Xiangsi Xian was speechless.

Xiangkui was also speechless, and his heart was even depressed.

I thought that if I gave some pressure, Lu Shaoqing would not admit defeat and would go forward.

Aren’t all young people like this today?

Knowing that there is a Avatar senior above, he must want to behave well in front of the Avatar Senior and show himself hard.

Why can’t it get to Lu Shaoqing?

Or do you say that the current young people have no momentum and immediately retreat when they encounter difficulties.

Can such a young man still be called a young man?

How can a newborn calf not be afraid of tiger vigor?


Xiangsixian called out speechlessly, look, what are you going to do now?

Xiang Kui looked at Xiang Sixian with some helplessness, “Or, will you go and bring them up again?” ”

He is a Transformation God cultivator, Lu Shaoqing is a Yuan Infant cultivator, if he goes down, this face is somewhat ugly.

In a way, his momentum is weakened.

Xiangsixian also knew this, and could only say, “Okay.

But she still had to tell more, “But, Grandpa, don’t make any more trouble, don’t pressure them anymore.”

“Don’t worry, it won’t….”

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