Xiangjixian went down, and Xiangkui’s divine consciousness dispersed and looked below.

Xiang Sixian appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing and looked at Lu Shaoqing helplessly.

“Mu Gongzi…” A

roast chicken on Lu Shaoqing’s side had just been roasted, and the three spirit pets of Xiao Hei, Big Bai, and Xiao Bai were serving one person, and Lu Shaoqing was holding a chicken head and half of the chicken butt in his hand.

After seeing Xiangsi Xian appear, he smiled, “Oh, it’s better to come early than to come by chance, come to Sister Si Xian, give it to you.”

Looking at the chicken head handed to him, Xiangsi Xian was even more speechless.

Who wants to eat these?

Seeing that Xiao Yi was still humming and handling his prey, there were several spirit beasts lying next to him.

Xiangsi Xian suppressed the urge to vomit blood and said, “Mu Gongzi, it’s not okay for you to do this.” ”

These are the spirit beasts that her grandfather raised, although they are free-range, they are also raised.

Put it here to add a little vitality and vitality.

These spirit beasts lived here leisurely, and as a result, they suffered this catastrophe today.

“Don’t you eat chicken heads?” Lu Shaoqing hesitated, and finally handed her half of the chicken butt, “Then this is for you, I still want to leave it for my junior sister to eat.”

“It’s a good thing, she likes to eat it the most.”

Xiao Yi protested next to him, “Second Senior Brother, I don’t like to eat chicken butt.” ”

I’m a lady, why do I like to eat chicken butt?

What a hateful second senior brother.

Xiangsi Xian wants to vomit blood even more, who told you this.

She couldn’t help but stomp her foot, “Mu Gongzi, don’t you want to see my grandfather?”

“What are you doing here?”

Lu Shaoqing said truthfully, “The mountain is too high, climbing the mountain is tired, eat something first and fill your stomach.” ”

The people take food as heaven.”

“You don’t like to eat chicken heads and chicken butts, then you have to wait, it’s still roasting here, it’s fast.”

Can’t understand people?

Xiangsixian was so angry that her teeth itched, and she said, “My grandfather said to let you go up to meet him.” ”

Don’t go,” Lu Shaoqing refused without thinking, “Our strength is weak, and we can’t climb up.”

Xiangsi Xian glanced helplessly at the top of the mountain, as if to say, Grandpa, look.

Xiangkui is also depressed on the top of the mountain, and it is a normal operation to see the interview, in other words, everyone will do it.

But he didn’t expect that Lu Shaoqing directly didn’t play cards according to common sense, and turned back to the other spirit beast that ran to the scourge.

Now that Xiang Sixian was the middleman, she said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, don’t worry, now that the upper part is unimpeded, there will be no obstacles.” Lu

Shaoqing squatted in front of the fire, now roasting two spirit chickens, half of the spirit deer, there are more things to bake, and you have to pay more attention.

Otherwise, it will be burned if you are not careful.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to meet Xiangkui so soon now.

Just kidding, he just came thinking of giving him a dismount, when he was a bully?

Being targeted like this, and running up with a fart, isn’t this a slut?

“Oh oh…..,” Lu Shaoqing nodded repeatedly, but his eyes kept staring at the barbecued spirit beast, turning it from time to time.

Seeing that although Lu Shaoqing agreed, he was constantly busy with his own affairs, and did not have the slightest intention of leaving.

Xiang Sixian stomped his foot again, “Mu Gongzi

, you…” “No hurry,” Lu Shaoqing turned around and laughed, pointing to the barbecue in front of him, “Look, it’s almost cooked, I’ll give you a chicken leg later.”

“Go up when you’re full.”

Eat enough and go up?

How long are you going to eat?

There are still several spirit beasts on the ground that have not been dealt with, and at your rate, you will be here as your barbecue chef all day today.

Xiangsi Xian was speechless, and Xiangkui above was also angry.

Okay, smelly boy, don’t give a face.

The furious Xiangkui was angry, and a powerful coercive pressure fell from the top of the mountain.


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The roaring flame was instantly extinguished, and the big white little white immediately stood on end, his tail added up, and he whimpered lowly.

Xiao Hei flapped his wings and plunged into Lu Shaoqing’s arms, shouting, “Dad!

Xiao Yi’s side also threw the prey in her hand for the first time, her legs trembled, and the huge pressure made her want to cry.

Ji Yan snorted and helped Xiao Yi resist most of the pressure.

“Two, Second Senior Brother!”

Lu Shaoqing also felt the pressure, but he didn’t panic, pointing to the building at the foot of the mountain and asking, “What is that place?” ”

The building below is built on the hill, and the room in the middle is majestic and imposing, and the surrounding buildings are like guards.

Sangji said, “That’s our council hall.

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he copied his big hand, and the prey and fire on the ground rose up in the air, and said, “Go, let’s go down and bake below, it’s too dangerous on the mountain.” ”

Xiangsi Immortal froze, do you want to continue going down the mountain?

Watching Lu Shaoqing with his head and the group of people looking down the mountain.

Xiang Sixian hurriedly shouted, “Slow, slow…” But

Lu Shaoqing was already a thief running fast with a puff of smoke.

Xiangkui was also dumbfounded.

But his mind was spinning faster than Aoshi Immortal, and he reacted quickly.


Sangkui couldn’t sit still.

Below is the main hall of the council, which is the center of this place.

Even if there is no meeting or something, there will be no less eyes staying here.

And there are people passing by from the outside or something.

Therefore, if Lu Shaoqing dared to barbecue in front of the council hall, it would not take a quarter of an hour for his legend to circulate here.

At that time, even if Lu Shaoqing is beaten to death, there will be jokes circulating.

And as a great elder in the organization, he will also be laughed at at that time.

Xiangkui numbed, “Special? Is that so special? ”

No wonder my granddaughter will run up to him and tell him not to make trouble.”

He never expected that Lu Shaoqing would actually do this.

Not to confront him head-on, but to flank him.

Xiangkui was so angry that he drank lowly, “Boy! ”

The sound rolled, like low-pressure thunder, rolling down from the sky.

Invisible coercion comes with sound.


Like an invisible wave, the surrounding trees were pressed down and rattled.

Ji Yan’s figure froze, and he felt the huge pressure to erupt, and an earth-shattering sword intent rushed into the sky.

The sword intent rushed into the sky, and the clouds above the firmament were strangled and turned into nothingness.

This sword intent also alarmed the others here.

Everyone looked up in shock.

One after another figures appeared in the air, and the powerful aura erupted, triggering the spiritual energy here, turning into layers of qi waves, constantly spreading, like a hurricane.

Ordinary people and people with low strength were shocked, what happened?

Is there a strong enemy invasion?

Why did he suddenly have such a powerful sword intent?

“Who is making trouble here?”

“Who is it?”

“Be bold!”

“Find death!”

The shocked master discovered Ji Yan and the others, and immediately drank loudly, and one after another figures rushed straight in.

Lu Shaoqing ran to Xiang Si Xian without saying a word, “Sister Si Xian, protect me!” ”

Poof…” “Aishi Sennai was hurt….

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