Xiang Sixian looked at Lu Shaoqing standing beside him speechlessly.

Lu Shaoqing stood beside her without the slightest pressure.

I looked curiously at the person who pounced.

Several figures appeared, all exuding a powerful aura, like the sky.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but praise, “Wow, master.”

“They’re all Yuan Baby masters.”

If you guess correctly, these people are the high-end combat power in the God Killing Organization and the pillars of the God Killing Organization.

Unexpectedly, the pressure exerted from the top of the mountain disappeared.

It seems that Xiangkui is thinking of letting those people try the strength of Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing snorted coldly and said to Ji Yan, “Just clean them up, don’t beat them to death.” ”

Do you really think we’re bullies?

Lu Shaoqing stared at the few people who came, his eyes were faint, and he sneered in his heart.

Here, the only person who cannot be defeated may be the god of transformation.

Others, whatever you want.

Even Lin Yu’s late Yuan Infant is no exception.

Isolated for thousands of years, many exercises have been lost, and both the realm and the strength are much weaker than the people of the same realm in the outside world.

With the strength of Ji Yan, it is more than enough to deal with these people.

What’s more, none of the people at the moment are in the late Yuan Infant stage.

The strongest is only the middle stage of the Yuan baby, and more is the early stage of the Yuan baby.

Xiao Yi asked a little worriedly, “Second Senior Brother, can Senior Brother do it?”

“There are six people in total, menacing, and they don’t look easy to mess with.”

These are Yuan Infancy cultivators, and they are certainly not good stubble.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, very disdainful, “These are low-level cultivators, and they are not forced at all. ”

Is there a late Yuan Infant stage here?” People are bigwigs, there is a pressure, will not come out easily.

“You look at these low-level cultivators, as soon as there is a little movement, they rush out, shouting and killing, and they are the lives of small soldier cannon fodder at a glance.”

“Cannon fodder, where can the strength be?”

Then he said to Ji Yan again, “If you lose, you can cut yourself.” Seeing

Lu Shaoqing’s confident look, Xiang Sixian was not happy.

What is a low-level monk? These people are all elders of the God Killing Organization, Yuan Infant masters, and high-end combat power of the God Killing Organization.

With so many people going out together, it was enough to deal with a large clan.

Ji Yan is very strong, but it is impossible to deal with so many masters at the same time.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Young Master Mu, are you arrogant?

Lu Shaoqing smiled slightly, did not speak, but squatted down to continue the barbecue.

The oil dripping from the grilled spirit chicken fell into the fire and made a moisturizing sound, and the fragrance continued to emanate.

Ji Yan also took off into the air at this time, facing several masters who pounced, and Wuqiu swung his sword.

A hundred zhang sword light swung out, like the sun, bursting out with a strong light and appearing in the sky.

Then Baizhang turned into several small sword rays, and then the sword light turned into a roaring silver-white divine dragon in the impact.

The silver-white divine dragon soared through the clouds and rode towards the several people who rushed over.

Xiang Sixian looked stunned, and she couldn’t help but say, “Ji Gongzi, he, he has to deal with so many people?” The

others froze, unable to believe what they were seeing.

“No, who is that person? Dare to deal with six people at once at once?

“This is a master of our God Killing Organization, how dare he.”

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“Hmph, don’t measure yourself, arrogant!”

“Who does he think he is? Is he a Great Elder?

“Clean him up and let him take a good look at us!”

Many people were angry in their hearts after seeing it.

This is something that has never happened before, and a guy who appeared out of nowhere dared to provoke many masters of the God Killing Organization.

People who eat bear heart leopard bile are not so arrogant.

To make trouble here is to slap the God Organization in the face and to hit them in the face.

Yin Que had just returned to his residence, and before he entered the door, a powerful sword intent erupted in the sky.

Yin Que looked up, extremely surprised, and subconsciously shouted, “What does he want to do?” For

Yin Que, Ji Yan is different from Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan is the person who really makes him feel awe, even respect.

Because it’s too strong.

But, here, what are you doing all of a sudden?

Is it to challenge the God Killer Organization here?

Before Yin Que could figure it out, a voice suddenly sounded.

“Hey, Yin Que, this is the person the Great Elder wants to see?”

“The person you and Xiaoxian found outside?”

A young man who was a few years older than Yin Que, his hair tied up with a golden crown, stood up high, and his eyes proudly appeared in front of Yin Que.

Yin Que frowned, seeing the person coming, his mood suddenly became a hundred bad, he wanted to turn around and enter the house immediately, he didn’t want to see this person, “Zhou Guangyuan, your retreat is over?”

“Hey, it’s just over, the breakthrough was successful.”

When Yin Que heard this, his mood became even worse.

He and Zhou Guangyuan both like Xiangsi Immortal, and also secretly pursue Xiangsi Immortal, and the two are competitors.

The strength of the two was similar before, but now that Zhou Guang far surpassed him, how could he be happy?

At this time, Ji Yan rose from the sky and shot at several people in the distance.

Yin Que saw this scene and subconsciously shouted, “That guy, aren’t you really afraid of death?” Yin

Que knew that Ji Yan was powerful, but he also didn’t think that Ji Yan could deal with six Yuan Infant masters at once, including two mid-Yuan Infant masters.

Don’t take bean bags and don’t use dry food.

In the early stage of the yuan baby, the middle stage of the yuan baby, even if there is a gap in strength, it is all the yuan infant stage, and the gap is not too big to be overcome.

Zhou Guangyuan smiled even more, “Haha, this is the person you found back?”

“Arrogant, even more arrogant and ignorant than you, seeking his own death.”

Yin Que snorted, “Don’t underestimate him!

Although he didn’t think that Ji Yan could beat six Yuan Babies to join forces, he didn’t want to weaken his momentum in front of Zhou Guangyuan.

Yin Que hopes that Ji Yan will be stronger at this moment, not seeking to win, but not losing, as long as Ji Yan is tied, he Yin Que can earn a face in front of Zhou Guangyuan.

After Zhou Guangyuan heard Yin Que’s words, he couldn’t help but laugh, as if he saw an idiot, “Haha, you don’t think he can beat the six elders, right?” Naive! The

next moment, the sword light turned into shape, and the divine dragon roared.

Under everyone’s gaze, the six sword rays of sword intent in the form of sword intent collided with the six primordial babies of the God Killing Organization.


A loud bang echoed through the heavens and the earth.

In an instant, the light was radiant, and the sharp sword intent rained down on the entire sky.

Then, several screams, in the shocked eyes of everyone, four figures fell from the sky.

The remaining two figures slowly appeared, they were two mid-Yuan Infant masters, but their state was not good, their bodies were covered with small wounds, their faces were full of horror, and their bodies were shaky.

Everyone was shocked, and there was a dead silence here in the God Killing Organization…

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