“This, this…”

Everyone looked at the white-clothed youth above the sky in disbelief.

The terrifying strength made their scalps tingle.

Where did such a terrifying guy come from?

Is it a new type of monster?

Was the sacrifice god coming?

Zhou Guangyuan raised his head, his face was sluggish, and the whole person looked like a fool.

What he just saw seemed to him like watching a science fiction movie, which was too outrageous.

A person, actually faced the six Yuan Infant masters of the God Killing Organization at the same time, and with one sword, he only needed one sword to defeat them.

What an outrageous thing this is.

Even if the aura displayed by Ji Yan let people know that he was in the late Yuan Infant period, it was still very outrageous.

Who among their peers can do it?

Yin Que was also stupid, but seeing Zhou Guangyuan’s appearance, he felt dark in his heart.

Immediately straightened his chest, as if he had defeated six masters, arrogantly and proudly said to Zhou Guangyuan, “How?”

“What else do you have to say now?”

Zhou Guangyuan came back to his senses, looked at Yin Que, and snorted coldly, “He made such a big move, do you think he will be better?”

“It’s not your turn to worry.”

Yin Que rolled his eyes, his heart moved, and he smiled, “He is the person brought back by the eldest miss, do you think something will happen?” ”

This is the person brought back by the eldest lady, the person designated by the Great Elder to see, how can something happen?

“Xiaoxian?” Zhou Guangyuan’s gaze suddenly became gloomy, looking at the heavenly plan.

White clothes fluttering, handsome and extraordinary, even Zhou Guangyuan, who is also a man, feels that Ji Yan is handsome.

Such a person is simply the killer of all girls, and when Zhou Guangyuan thought of Xiangsi Xian staying next to Ji Yan, he suddenly felt a sense of vinegar in his heart.

After the vinegar intent, he even had a killing intent in his heart.

Dare to rob a woman with him?

Find death!

Sensing Zhou Guangyuan’s mood change, Yin Que smiled even more happily.

“However, with his strength, have you ever been able to fight?”

Zhou Guangyuan was dumbfounded, and had to admit that he couldn’t beat it.

“Hmph, have you ever beaten?” Zhou Guangliang was unhappy and snorted coldly.

The faint gaze made him like a cunning fox in the ear of the wolf, and he said to Zhou Guangyuan, “He also has a junior brother and a junior sister, and besides, his junior brother seems to be interesting to the eldest miss.”

“What? Find death! When Zhou Guangyuan heard this, he became even more angry, and the whole person seemed to be set on fire, and his body exuded a murderous aura.

“If you have the opportunity, you can teach his junior brother a lesson, what is the saying? Punish someone as a warning to others!

After Zhou Guangyuan listened, he stopped talking and looked at the plan in the sky, but the killing intent on his body became more and more intense.

“Huh…” Yin Que saw this and smiled even more happily.

Pit, dug well.

Ji Yan looked at the two shaky Yuan babies, shook his head, and then swept his gaze down.

Feeling Ji Yan’s gaze, like a sharp sword, many people were awe-inspiring in their hearts and had a further understanding of Ji Yan’s strength.

Many people lowered their heads one after another, looked away, and did not dare to look at the heavenly plans again.

Ji Yan did not speak, this move was a wordless provocation, I wanted to see if anyone came out.

Lin Yu couldn’t help but laugh bitterly, “This guy! ”

I knew that Ji Yan was very strong, but I didn’t expect it to be so strong.

A sword slashed at his six companions, something even he couldn’t do.

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“Master, is he the one brought back by Sister Si Xian?”

“Is it the person the Great Elder wants to see?”

A young girl dressed in a long red dress like a flame stood next to Lin Yu, looking at the heavenly plan, her eyes showing amazement.

“It’s too powerful, several elders are not their opponents.”

Lin Yu nodded, his face was lonely, the back wave pushed the front wave, the front wave died on the mountain stall, the talent and strength shown by Ji Yan, not to mention the young man, even the old-timers like him were also hit.

He let out a long sigh, “Yes, you girl, your strength is much worse than him.” ”

You have to work hard…” Ji

Yan’s silent provocation angered many people.


An old voice sounded, like thunder on the ground, making the sky shake, but it seemed to ring in everyone’s ears.

Zhou Guangyuan couldn’t help but exclaim, “Master, is Master going to make a move?”

Then, he perked up and said excitedly, “Hmph, as long as Master makes a move, he will definitely die.”

However, Zhou Guangyuan waited for a long time and did not see his master make a move, it seemed that the cold snort just now was just his illusion.

After waiting for a while, Ji Yan above the sky saw that no one made a move, so he returned to the ground.

And here, Lu Shaoqing had already roasted a spirit chicken, he didn’t break his word, and immediately tore off a chicken leg and handed it to Xiangsi Immortal.

“Come, sister Si Xian, eat a chicken leg and suppress the shock.”

Xiangsi Immortal’s side was still immersed in the horror of Ji Yan.

One sword defeated the six elders of the God Killing Organization, no matter what, they were all Yuan Infants.

When did the meta-baby become so fragile?

Could it be that they were all low-level cultivators as Lu Shaoqing said?

Xiangsi Xian knew that Ji Yan was powerful, but Ji Yan’s performance this time was really beyond her imagination, making her unable to come back to her senses for a while.

This side of the eyes has been staring at Ji Yan, and subconsciously took the chicken leg handed over by Lu Shaoqing in his hand.

Under Lu Shaoqing’s urging, Xiang Sixian took another stupid bite.

When the chicken was in the mouth and the tender taste filled the mouth, Aoshi Xian came back to his senses.

It seems that this meat is grilled quite well.

Lu Shaoqing had another chicken butt left on his side, and said to Ji Yan, “If you don’t eat a phoenix tail to celebrate?” ”

Childish!” Ji Yan automatically ignored Lu Shaoqing holding the butt of the chicken and dangling there.

He glanced at the top of the mountain above and asked, “Above, what are you going to do?” ”

The battle just now was obviously tacitly agreed.

Now that the battle is over, it can be considered that the test is over, but Xiangkui still has no reaction.

“What’s the hurry, fill your stomach first.”

“If you don’t eat, give me a side.”

Lu Shaoqing was not anxious at all, anyway, he didn’t plan to go up.

If you want to meet, you have to get down with each other.

Lu Shaoqing urged Xiao Yi, “Hurry up, grind and rub, and starve my girl.”

After Xiao Hei swallowed the last bite of meat, he flew to Xiao Yi’s head and flapped his wings, “Uncle Master, come on!” Hurry up! ”

Okay, okay, don’t urge, don’t urge…”

Xiangsixian looked down at the chicken leg in his hand that had been bitten by himself, eating it was not, losing it was not.

She was distressed and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, can you go to see my grandfather?”

“Don’t be in a hurry, let’s eat enough first, didn’t you see that my girlfriend hasn’t eaten yet?”

“By the way, if your grandfather is hungry, tell him to come down and join him.”

As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words fell, an old man quietly appeared behind him, like a ghost…

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