The old man had white hair and a goatee, which looked a little like a wise man, like an old scribe.

However, his expression was not very good-looking, and he had a cold face.

Although he did not leak the slightest breath, with his appearance, the surrounding air seemed to become heavy all of a sudden.

Xiao Yi stopped for the first time, she felt as if a large stone was pressing on her chest, and she felt a heavy pressure.

Xiao Yi hurriedly looked down at his chest and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it is an illusion, otherwise it will be completely flattened, and this day will not be able to live.

Then her gaze roamed and fell on Xiang Kui behind Lu Shaoqing.

Startled, she jumped up, “Second, second senior brother, behind you…” This

old man knew at a glance that he was not a guy to mess with.

Maybe it’s the grandfather of Sister Si Xian.

Lu Shaoqing also sensed the heavy pressure coming from behind, and his heart was awe-inspiring, and he turned around and saw Xiangkui with a cold face.

This kind of expression Lu Shaoqing is familiar with, and the person who borrows money will have the expression that only those who owe money and do not pay it back.

Lu Shaoqing guessed the identity of the old man, he just didn’t know, smiled slightly, and showed a sincere smile.

Xiang Sixian saw Lu Shaoqing smile next to him, and he couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief in his heart.

She was afraid that Lu Shaoqing would not give her grandfather face, so that everyone would not be able to get off the stage.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, which in her opinion was a good start.

Xiangsixian hurriedly exclaimed, “Grandpa! ”

It is intended to remind his grandfather, but also to remind Lu Shaoqing and the three.

Lu Shaoqing laughed for a while, his eyes were not afraid to meet Xiang Kui, and after two or three breaths, Lu Shaoqing pinched the chicken butt in his hand and handed it to Xiang Kui, “Taste?” Xiang

Kui was stunned, looking at the chicken butt handed to him, his face couldn’t help but twitch.

Xiao Yi covered his face, second senior brother, this is the grandfather of sister Si Xian, a master of the gods.

Aren’t you most afraid of incarnating God?

It’s better if you treat him to anything than to ask him to eat chicken butt, right?

Xiangsi Immortal raised his forehead and moaned weakly in his heart.

This guy, on purpose.

My grandfather, the master of the gods, what are you doing?

Treat him to chicken butt?

Did you not wake up, or how?

Xiang Kui didn’t speak, staring straight at Lu Shaoqing.

His gaze was sharp, shooting straight at Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at him without fear and fearlessly.

He even smiled and handed the chicken butt a little closer, “Don’t try? ”

Xiangsi Xian is even more speechless, you let my grandfather eat chicken butt, pass it out, can you still ask for this face?

Xiangkui didn’t plan to eat it either.

He looked at the chicken butt in front of him, and he had the urge to stuff it into Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

Treat me to chicken butt as soon as we meet?

Xiangkui was forced to come down, and his heart was already unhappy, and now he is even more unhappy.

Xiangkui couldn’t help but snort coldly, “Hmph! ”

Don’t eat?” Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, “Alas, this is a delicacy that I have worked hard to bake.”

“None of you will give face, forget it, I’ll feed the dog.”

Threw it casually and threw it to Dabai.

Da Bai took a bite and whispered at the same time.

The beast is a tiger, not a dog.

Xiangkui’s face couldn’t help but darken a little more.

“Boy, you’re so daring.”

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Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands, summoned some water to wash off the oil stains on his hands, and hurriedly modestly denied it, “No, the senior said and smiled.”

“I’m the most timid man.”

“If it weren’t for Sister Si Xian saying that senior, you are kind, kind to people, and the best person in the world, I really wouldn’t dare to come here to see you.”

Anyway, send the horse fart first.

Xiangkui’s eyes narrowed, this kid, it’s not simple.

Lu Shaoqing now gave him the feeling of being a cunning fox.

At the beginning of the meeting, they said that they invited him to eat chicken butt, and then said to feed the dog, which was deliberately disgusting him.

Now that he is deliberately patting him, it will be even more difficult for him to beat Lu Shaoqing.

After all, as a senior, this face is still wanted.

Xiang Kui smiled, “When you say that, I’m a little flattered.” ”

Where, where,” Lu Shaoqing smiled, “I call Si Xian my sister, everyone is a family, and her grandfather is also my grandfather.”

“Senior, you don’t mind if I call you grandpa, do you?”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

Has the second senior brother opened the ropes? Have you finally decided to make Sister Si Xian your own?

She couldn’t help but hold the little black on her head in her hand and gently stroked it.

I secretly guessed in my heart that the second senior brother got Xiao Hei, a good daughter, and his father’s love was flooded, and he wanted to make a real master and nephew to play for me?

Xiangkui also smiled happily, “Yes, how can I refuse such a happy event as multiple grandchildren?” ”

The implication is clear.

If you want to be a grandson, then don’t blame me for taking advantage of you.

Lu Shaoqing heard this, and then took two steps closer and looked at Xiang Kui tightly.

Lu Shaoqing’s action made Xiang Kui puzzled, and he couldn’t guess what Lu Shaoqing was going to do, so he asked directly, “What for?” ”

Angry into angry, do you want to fight?

Just right, you dare to be a little disrespectful, I will beat you up the first time.

Xiao Yuanbao, dare to jump in front of me?

Seeing this, Xiangsi Xian couldn’t help but secretly rejoice in his heart, hum, thinking of taking advantage of my grandfather?

My grandfather was not me, and it was not so easy to take advantage of him.

Lu Shaoqing made Xiangsi Xian deflated, calculated her to death, and even had to wronged Yin Que and Lin Yu in order to invite Lu Shaoqing here.

Xiangkui can make Lu Shaoqing suffer some losses, and she is happy to see it.

Lu Shaoqing took a deep look at Xiang Kui again, and then let out a long sigh, with a sad expression on his face, “My grandfather died early, and I didn’t remember him when I was a child, so I can’t remember his appearance.”

“So, I have to quickly remember what you look like.”

I’ll go!

Is this cursing me to death?

Xiangkui’s state of mind couldn’t help but fluctuate a little.

I want to hit someone.

I am a god of incarnation, and I still have nearly a thousand years to live.

Such a long time is enough for me to break through again, and when the time comes, I can get even longer when I enter the refining period.

You curse me to death as soon as we meet?

Xiangkui can’t laugh anymore, rude little bastard.

Xiangkui’s eyes narrowed, exuding a dangerous aura, “Boy, are you cursing me to death?”

Lu Shaoqing became aggrieved and shouted, “Conscience of heaven and earth, which word of mine cursed you to death?”

“You’re a god, you can’t be wronged like this, right? Sister Ji Sixian said that you, a grandfather, have a broad mind and are the best person in the sky. ”

Huh, slap?” Xiang Kui sneered, and no longer gave Lu Shaoqing a good face, “I think you are cursing me to death.”

“You also know that I am a god, and you are offending me by doing this, say, how can I clean you up.”

Sangkui turned his back to his hands and became grim.

Today, I have to teach you a lesson.

Lu Shaoqing stood behind Xiang Si Xian, “Sister Si Xian, save me…”

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