Zhou Guangyuan was instantly dumbfounded, unbelievable.

“This, this…”

he also reacted at this moment.

There is such a powerful senior brother, but Lu Shaoqing is still injured.

Isn’t it clear who made a move in the God Killing Organization?

“How?” Lu Shaoqing smiled and asked, “Do you still plan to vent anger for me?”

Zhou Guangyuan was silent, not knowing what to say.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and looked disappointed, “It’s all said, you can’t.”

Xiao Yi despised, looking at Zhou Guangyuan’s gaze full of contempt, “Will talk big, and say that even the Immortal Emperor is not afraid?” ”

The bragging guy can’t even compare to my second senior brother.

Xiao Yi’s disdainful gaze made Zhou Guangyuan very hurt, his face was flushed, and he wanted to refute, but he was unable to refute.

The Immortal Emperor is a legendary figure handed down orally.

The so-called Immortal Emperor does not know whether it still exists or not, he has not seen it for tens of millions of years, and there are no definite deeds.

For the world, it is a fictional character.

The Great Elder is different, he is a real existence, a spiritual pillar in the God Killing Organization, and an idol for young people.

Let Zhou Guangyuan go to the Great Elder to ask for an explanation, and he will not dare to give him a hundred dares.

Therefore, he was dumbfounded, blushing, and regretting it in his heart.

I knew that I shouldn’t have talked so much at that time, and now I can’t step down if I want to step down.

Lu Shaoqing stopped Xiao Yi, “Hey, you can’t say this about Brother Zhou, Brother Zhou also wants to help, right, Brother Zhou.” When

Zhou Guangyuan heard this, he was grateful in his heart, and his good impression of Lu Shaoqing was doubled, and his personality was really good.

How can that guy say so badly?

But think about it, Yin Que that guy is arrogant, and those who offend him will definitely be badly said by him.

Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly nodded, indicating that the future uncle was right, “Yes, what Brother Mu said is extremely true.”

“If it’s someone else, I can definitely help Brother Mu vent your anger, but…” ”

What are you going to provoke the Great Elder for?”

The Great Elder is a god, can a little man like you provoke?

He hesitated for a while before asking, “Brother Mu, what did you offend the Great Elder for?” ”

Ask first, if it’s the kind that is completely offended, you have to slip away.

Although he was moved by Xiao Yi, Zhou Guangyuan’s sanity had returned to a normal level.

If Lu Shaoqing offended the Great Elder to death, he would definitely not dare to stay here longer, hiding as far as he could.

A woman, no matter what, is nothing more than a dress to him.

Xiao Yi was very unhappy, “What are you asking for?” You coward.

Lu Shaoqing stopped again, his face showing displeasure, and he taught, “Ahem, you can’t understand people, do you?”

“That’s the Great Elder of the God Killing Organization, the person that Brother Zhou respects the most, and Brother Zhou certainly doesn’t want us to have a conflict with the Great Elder.”

Zhou Guangyuan nodded again and again, like a good child.

The good impression of Lu Shaoqing is even stronger, empathetic, and he is simply an ideal uncle.

Zhou Guangyuan added, “That’s right, the Great Elder said that the Terrans in the world are one family, regardless of each other, and everyone should live in peace and friendship.

Now he prayed in his heart that Lu Shaoqing would not completely offend the Great Elder.

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Otherwise, he can only turn around and leave.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Zhou Guangyuan, “It’s not a thing, it’s the Great Elder who wanted to test my strength, but I didn’t expect my strength to be so weak that I couldn’t hold back for a while, and my hand was a little heavy.”

“You also know that the Great Elder of the Avatar Period is unfathomable, and I am not a Avatar God, how can I resist it?”

Zhou Guangyuan nodded secretly, which was also true.

A master of the Transformation God Period, he can kill a person with just a breath.

It is very normal to be unable to resist this reason, and it is impossible to suspect.

Zhou Guangyuan believed it, and his heart was relieved.

Fortunately, it is not the kind that offends the Great Elder ruthlessly, and he can continue to bring the relationship closer, get close to Xiao Yi, and pursue Xiao Yi.

Immediately, his gaze towards Xiao Yi became hot.

Xiao Yi was uncomfortable by Zhou Guangyuan’s gaze, felt a bug crawling, glared at him angrily, like an angry little female tiger, fiercely said, “What do you see?”

“Look again, gouge out your eyeballs.”

Zhou Guangyuan felt very cute, making his heart beat fiercely again a few times.

I sighed secretly in my heart.

This is what a goddess should look like.

Unlike the eldest miss, she usually maintains a calm appearance, without the slightest bit of lively aura that a girl should have.

Other women in the world are not as cute as Xiao girl.

Lu Shaoqing scolded Xiao Yi again, “Be polite, how many times have you said it?” Be polite.

“I hate being rude the most in my life.”

“Do this to Brother Zhou again, be careful that I clean you up.”

Seeing Xiao Yi being trained pitifully, Zhou Guangyuan’s protective desire in his heart was about to explode.

How could such a cute girl scold like this?

Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly said, and also changed his title to Xiao Yi, “It’s okay, Brother Mu, Sister Xiao has a frank personality, I won’t be angry.” ”

Such a cute personality, I like it too late, how can I be angry?

“Ahem, it’s still Brother Zhou who is generous,” Lu Shaoqing said with a smile, “Brother Zhou, did you come to the door this time to think that Senior Elder would come to discuss with us?”

Zhou Guangyuan hurriedly denied, “There is no such thing, as I said to Sister Xiao before, I came here to make friends.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and coughed a few times, “In fact, it doesn’t hurt to have a discussion, progress cannot be separated from the communication between everyone.”

“I also like to interact with people, but unfortunately, as you can see, I am like this now, it is difficult to even walk.”

After speaking, he shook his head regretfully, “Let Brother Zhou disappoint you.” ”

I’ll go, what are you going to believe?

Zhou Guangyuan was a little anxious, he continued to deny, “Brother Mu

, I…” Lu Shaoqing saw that it was almost the same, he waved his hand and said with a smile, “I have something I want to ask Brother Zhou to help, I wonder if Brother Zhou is willing to help?”

Zhou Guangyuan continued to be rational online, did not immediately agree, but cautiously asked, “I don’t know what Brother Mu needs me to do?”

Lu Shaoqing stated his ultimate goal, “The three of us are outsiders to your God Killing Organization, and we are valued by the Great Elder, and there will definitely be many people who are not convinced by us. ”

At that time, there will be an endless stream of people who come to challenge the troublemakers.”

“I want to ask Brother Zhou to help and tell the outside that I was injured at the hands of the Great Elder.”

Zhou Guangyuan’s heart relaxed, and he also guessed Lu Shaoqing’s purpose, “Brother Mu, do you want to avoid others challenging you like this?”

“That’s right, I also hope that Brother Zhou will help, I need time to heal.”

Zhou Guangyuan agreed, patted his chest and said, “A small matter, this matter is wrapped up in me, I will definitely not let others bother you to heal.” ”

And at the same time, a group of people came outside the door…

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