Outside the door, seven or eight young people, led by Yin Que, stood here.

Yin Que looked at the closed door and sneered proudly in his heart.

The people behind him are all the young generation here in the God Killing Organization, and their strength is in the Jiedan period and the Yuan Infancy period, and all of them are geniuses.

Bringing so many people here, naturally to find trouble with Lu Shaoqing.

There are already rumors here in the God Killing Organization, saying that Lu Shaoqing and his party and the three outsiders do not take their younger generation into account.

This rumor is better to help Yin Que persuade others to come to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble.

“Brother Yin, are you all right?”

Someone asked in a low voice, a little worried.

As soon as Ji Yan came in, he showed his own strength, which made the people here in the God Killing Organization jealous.

Now that I’m here, the fear is still there.

They are geniuses, but Ji Yan is a demon, and there is a gap between genius and demon.

Yin Que said confidently, “Don’t worry, we are here to challenge that guy Muyong, and Ji Gongzi will not make a move.” Hearing

that Ji Yan would not make a move, these people breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Yan is too strong, so strong that these people can’t resist in their hearts, and they are as proud as they all think that they are not opponents.

“Hey, this is just right, I want to see how strong Mu Yong is in your mouth, Brother Yin.”

“Outsiders also want to turn over here?”

“Not everyone is as powerful as Ji Gongzi.”

“Hmph, our God Killing Organization is the most powerful existence, and outsiders who don’t know where to appear also want to be Jianglong?”

“It’s really hateful to think about the eldest miss, so clean up.”

“I’m afraid that he will shrink his head and hide the turtle, haha…” The

people around Yin Que shouted one after another, their tone was arrogant and arrogant, and they looked like the first in the world.

The plan is very strong, and they dare not provoke.

So they thought about going to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble.

In their opinion, as long as they defeated Lu Shaoqing, they could actually humiliate Ji Yan.

Seeing this, Yin Que became more and more proud in his heart.

These people have an average relationship with him, not too good, not too bad, so to speak, competitors.

Fool them into coming here to trouble Lu Shaoqing.

If Lu Shaoqing suffers a loss, he will become the laughing stock here in the God Killing Organization, and he can’t raise his head here in the God Killing Organization, and let Xiang Sixian see clearly Lu Shaoqing’s external strength and middle work.

On the contrary, if these companions suffered losses, they would definitely not be able to swallow this breath, and they would continue to come to Lu Shaoqing’s trouble, making Lu Shaoqing uneasy.

And there are elders behind them, and when the time comes, the elders will only make Lu Shaoqing more uncomfortable.

No matter how you look at it, he wins steadily.

Yin Que was amazed in his heart and admired himself.

I’m really smart.

Yin Que waited until everyone said almost the same, before he slowly spoke, as if Zhizhu was holding it, acting lightly, “Everyone prepare.”

“But that guy’s mouth is a little annoying, everyone pay attention.”

“Haha, nasty mouth?” Someone laughed, “How nasty can it be? ”

Wouldn’t it be okay to beat him to the point where he couldn’t speak?”

“That is, in the face of absolute strength, what is the use of being quick to talk?”

“If you can speak well, if the strength is not good, it is always useless.”

The crowd was disdainful.

“Come on, I’ll knock on the door and get him out!”

Someone immediately went up and slammed the door, then shouted, “Muyong, get out of here for me!” As

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soon as Zhou Guangyuan’s side finished assuring, a voice sounded outside.

I’ll go!

Zhou Guangyuan was furious in his heart, learn from me?

The breath outside, Lu Shaoqing had already felt, and he said helplessly, “Look, outsiders are going to be bullied.”

Zhou Guangyuan assured Lu Shaoqing again, “Brother Mu, rest assured, I will definitely not let them disturb you.”

At the same time, he also showed a smile at Xiao Yi, signaling Xiao Yi to rest assured.

Xiao Yi frowned and watched Zhou Guangyuan go out, she immediately grabbed Lu Shaoqing’s sleeve and asked, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?” Lu

Shaoqing was obviously fine, but he deliberately pretended to be injured in Zhou Guangyuan, and he was so polite to Zhou Guangyuan.

Usually such guys are looking for trouble, and Lu Shaoqing melts him in minutes.

Xiao Yi thought about it, guessing Lu Shaoqing’s intentions, “Second Senior Brother, are you planning to sell him?”

“Sell what?” Lu Shaoqing leaned on the pillar casually, his body was relaxed, and he still looked a little injured.

“Let him come forward, help block it first, and make people believe that I am injured.”

Xiao Yi understood, but she didn’t understand one thing.

“Second Senior Brother, how did you know that he would be so obedient?”

Coming here to see Lu Shaoqing, Zhou Guangyuan was more respectful and polite than her, and even had a feeling of fear of Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi felt as if Zhou Guangyuan was Lu Shaoqing’s junior brother and respected Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not answer, but instead looked at Xiao Yi with a straight smile and asked rhetorically, “You don’t know?”

Xiao Yi shook her head in confusion, where did she know.


Lu Shaoqing stared at Xiao Yi and laughed twice, but said to Xiao Yi, “You go and follow him.”

“Why?” Xiao Yi didn’t want to, “That guy looked at it and hated to die.” Thinking

of Zhou Guangyuan’s gaze, Xiao Yi had the urge to beat Zhou Guangyuan.

“Stupid,” Lu Shaoqing said, “You followed him and preached it by the way, letting people know that it was the Great Elder who didn’t talk about martial virtue and injured me.”

“Let the news spread, disgusting and disgusting big old fellow.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes lit up and he became excited, “It turns out that Second Senior Brother, is this the real reason why you are polite to him?” ”

Let him help disgust the Great Elder with this?”

“Nonsense, got it?”

“Got it!”

Xiao Yi rushed out excitedly, this kind of thing she liked the most.

Outside, Yin Que looked at Zhou Guangyuan who came out of it a little confused, and the others were also confused.

It was Zhou Guangyuan who came out, not Mu Yong?

“Zhou Guangyuan, why are you inside?”


This is not normal.

This is not like going to the door to make trouble, if it is a trouble to find Lu Shaoqing, how can it be intact?

And when he came out, he gently closed the door.

It looks more like coming to visit relatives and preparing to go home.

Zhou Guangyuan glanced at everyone coldly, the highest status here was naturally Yin Que, he smiled coldly, “Yin Que, did you bring someone here to make trouble?”

“Want to disturb Brother Mu to rest? I had to ask if I said yes.

Yin Que’s mouth opened wide, even more confused, and he suspected that he had misheard.

“Zhou Guangyuan, what did you say?”

Didn’t come here to find trouble with that guy?

Brother Huanmu is so affectionately called, have you worshiped inside?

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