The words made Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die’s faces flush.

Zuo Die was bold, raised his head, exposed his white neck, and asked, “I am willing, is Ji Gongzi willing?”

“Unwilling!” Lu Shaoqing’s decisive answer made Zuo Die stunned.

After seeing Lu Shaoqing looking her up and down, he was very disgusted, “You are too weak, my senior brother doesn’t like it.”

“My senior brother likes to be stronger than him, and it’s best to suppress him.”

“Besides, you’re not pretty.”

Zuo Die was angry and shy, and his speech was too angry.

In the organization, there are more people chasing me, and they can crush the sacrifice gods to death when they rush up.

Xiangsi Xian stomped his foot, equally angry and shy, “Mu Gongzi, don’t be kidding, I have something to talk to you about.”

“Business? What’s the business? Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “Are you disturbing my sleep?”

Xiangsi Xian gritted his teeth, “Mu Gongzi, my grandfather wants to see you.”

“Nope!” Lu Shaoqing didn’t even think about it, blurted out directly, and decisively refused, “He said to see you?” Am I his summoning beast?

“No, he wants to see me, let him come by himself.”

Xiang Sixian didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing’s tone to be so firm, she was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly.

Do you want to bar to the end?

“Mu Gongzi, can you give my grandfather a little face?”

Sangji Xian: This is a request.

Because of Lu Shaoqing’s special status, when the time comes, Xiangkui may have to carry him well.

And in the end, the face of Xiangkui is ugly.

“Hey, alas…” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped Xiang Si Xian’s words, “Sister Si Xian, what do you mean by this?” ”

I don’t seem to give face to the Great Elder when I say it? Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, and children can be soaked indiscriminately, but words cannot be spoken indiscriminately.

“As I said, I am the most polite, respecting the old and loving the young, and picking and beating in the middle, which is engraved in the bones.”

“I don’t give face to anyone, I don’t dare not give face to the Great Elder, I respect the Great Elder the most.”

Zuo Die can’t help it, you guy is talking nonsense at a glance.

She cried out, “Bragging, you’re talking nonsense. ”

Do you respect the old and love the young?

Are you polite?

How can I not tell?

Lu Shaoqing was condescending, squinting his eyes at Zuo Die, “Do you have an opinion?”

Zuo Die huffed, “I knocked on the door for a long time and didn’t see you say a word, you call this polite?”

Lu Shaoqing perked up, “For lackeys to rape, it is not worth my polite treatment.” ”



Zuo Die was almost angry, I became a traitorous lackey?

How did I not know?

Xiangsi Xian understood the meaning of Lu Shaoqing’s words, and she said to Lu Shaoqing, “Mu Gongzi, it was I who asked Sister Fluttershy to come forward to stop you from continuing the competition. ”

Big Brother Yin is looking for you, it has nothing to do with grandpa.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and said seriously, “I know, I understand, it’s okay, I understand, I understand.” Lu

Shaoqing’s look like everyone understood made Xiang Sixian depressed.

She also knew the loss, she hurriedly changed the topic, she said, “Mu Gongzi, in fact, you and grandpa don’t have to make trouble like this.” ”

Didn’t make a fuss?” Lu Shaoqing said suspiciously, “Who made trouble with him?” He is the person I respect the most, how can I mess with him?

Zuo Die was not convinced, “You don’t make trouble? So why are you closed? Why don’t you want to go to the Great Elder? ”

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You definitely have an opinion about the Great Elder.”

“Little chick, don’t talk nonsense,” Lu Shaoqing was indignant, “I can’t walk away.”

“First, you see, I was injured by the Great Elder, I couldn’t climb the mountain, cough…”

This cough made Xiang Sixian and Zuo Die almost roll their eyes.

It must have been pretended, I didn’t see a cough for half a day, and I coughed as soon as I said that I was injured.

And full of breath, without the slightest appearance of injury.

“Of course, if the Great Elder has to ask me to go up, even if I drag the remnants of my body, I will climb in front of the Great Elder and listen to the teachings of the Great Elder.”

“But I have more important things here that I can’t walk away from.”

“What’s important?” Zuo Die didn’t believe it, and the melon seed face was full of expressions that you must be teasing me.

Xiang Sixian’s expression was similar, and he didn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing had anything important.

Xiangsi Xian thought for a while and guessed, “Could it be that the important thing you said is that sleep?” Following

Lu Shaoqing all the way, Xiang Sixian found that Lu Shaoqing did not cultivate as diligently as Ji Yan.

Almost all of them lie down on the road, even when they are sitting, they have to find something to lean on, eat some spirit beans and have to peel them by their junior sisters, proper lazy people.

The word sleep is also the word sleep that hangs the most on the lips.

In Xiangsixian’s opinion, the important thing in Lu Shaoqing’s mouth may be sleeping.

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, “Sister Si Xian, am I such a person in your eyes?”

“Sleep? I’m the most diligent person, sleeping or something, it doesn’t exist. ”

Does not exist?

What were you doing on the roof when we came in just now?

Isn’t it sleeping in the sun?

When we are stupid?

Xiangsi Xian and Zuo Die complained in their hearts, this guy’s skin is really thick.

Zuo Die said unceremoniously, “You’re not sleeping? So what else is important for you?

“I haven’t seen you cultivate either.”

“You must have an opinion about the Great Elder and don’t want to go to the Great Elder.”

If you practice, we are really embarrassed to bother you.

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “The world misunderstands me too deeply, forget it, I don’t have the same understanding as you worldly eyes.”

“I don’t have any cultivation, but I have to protect my junior sister.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said, “She wants to cultivate, and as a senior brother, of course, I have to watch from the side.”

“As I said, I respect the old and love the young, and I love my junior sister the most.”

“Ahem…” Xiangsixian choked and couldn’t help but cough.

Do you hurt your junior sister the most?

Why didn’t I see it?

Along the way, you knocked on your junior sister’s head no less than ten times, and I suspect that your junior sister has already practiced the iron head skill.

“How? Unbelief? Lu Shaoqing asked.

“Don’t believe it!” Zuo Die glanced at Xiao Yi and didn’t give Lu Shaoqing any face, “I don’t think Sister Xiao is cultivating.

Xiangsi Xian also said helplessly, “Mu Gongzi, even if you don’t agree to see my grandfather, you don’t have to make such an excuse, right?” ”

Your junior sister is writing hard, maybe it is writing your crime, this is also called cultivation?

As soon as Xiang Sixian’s words fell, there was a sudden fluctuation.

Xiang Sixian turned his head and looked, Xiao Yi’s body sitting under the pavilion fluctuated, and the surrounding spiritual power began to converge, Zuo

Die exclaimed, “Suddenly, breakthrough?” ”

Aishi Immortal is sluggish….

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